These notes are only visible at because that's where the database that stores them is located. If (when) the PHP-GTK website is mirrored in several locations, we'll work out a way of having the notes available across all the mirror sites.

Manual Notes Queue Administration\n\n"; $notesfile = $queuefile; $queue = '&q'; } else { echo "

Manual Notes Administration

\n\n"; } $admin = true; $id = null; if (isset($_GET['delete']) && is_numeric($_GET['delete'])) { $id = $_GET['delete']; } if (isset($_GET['reject']) && is_numeric($_GET['reject'])) { $id = $_GET['reject']; $reject_text = "If you are receiving this email, it is because a note you posted for the\n"; $reject_text .= "on-line PHP-GTK manual has been rejected by one of the editors.\n\n"; $reject_text .= "The user contributed notes are not an appropriate place to ask questions,\n"; $reject_text .= "ask questions, report bugs or suggest new features.\n\n"; $reject_text .= "Bug reports and feature requests should be entered as 'PHP-GTK related'\n"; $reject_text .= "at\n"; $reject_text .= "Support and ways to find answers to your questions can be found at\n"; $reject_text .= "\n\n"; $reject_text .= "Your note has been removed from the on-line manual.\n\n"; } if ($id) { $db = sqlite_open($notesfile); $query = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE id = '$id'"); $row = sqlite_fetch_array($query, SQLITE_ASSOC); if (sqlite_exec($db, "DELETE FROM notes WHERE id = '$id'")) { if (isset($_GET['reject'])) { if (!substr($row['email'], 0, 3) == 'GTK_') { /* email user */ if (!isset($_COOKIE[$user])) { /* but only if we're not in test mode */ $mailto = $row['email']; } if ($mail) mail($mailto, "note {$row['id']} rejected: {$row['page']}", $reject_text."----- Copy of your note below -----\n\n".stripslashes($row['comment']), "From: $"); } $actioned = 'rejected'; } else { $actioned = 'deleted'; } if ($mail) mail($mailto, "note $id $actioned: {$row['page']}", "Content of note:\n\n".stripslashes($row['comment']), "From: $"); print "

Note $id deleted successfully

"; } else { print "

Unable to delete note $id

"; } sqlite_close($db); } if (isset($_GET['edit']) && is_numeric($_GET['edit'])) { $db = sqlite_open($notesfile); $query = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE id = ".$_GET['edit']); $row = sqlite_fetch_array($query, SQLITE_ASSOC); $email = stripslashes($row['email']); $comment = stripslashes($row['comment']); if (substr($email, 0, 3) == 'GTK_') { $email = null; } $get = isset($_GET['let']) ? "?let={$_GET['let']}" : null; if (!$get) { $get = isset($_GET['y']) ? "?y={$_GET['y']}" : null; } if ($get) $get .= $queue ? '&q': null; else $get .= $queue ? '?q': null; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '' . ''; echo ''; echo '' . ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo "
  ID: '.$_GET['edit'].'

'; echo '  
\n"; sqlite_close($db); commonFooter(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['modify'])) { $db = sqlite_open($notesfile); $query = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE id = ".$_POST['id']); $row = sqlite_fetch_array($query, SQLITE_ASSOC); $add_url = "\n\n{$row['lang']}/{$row['page']}\n"; $note = htmlentities($_POST['note'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $note = sqlite_escape_string($note); $note = stripslashes($note); // get rid of double slashes $query = "UPDATE notes SET"; if (!empty($_POST['email'])) $query .= " email='{$_POST['email']}',"; $query .= " comment='$note' WHERE id='{$row['id']}'"; if (sqlite_exec($db, $query)) { echo "

Record {$row['id']} modified successfully

"; if ($mail) mail($mailto, "note {$row['id']} modified: {$row['page']}", $note.$add_url, "From: $"); } else { echo "

Record {$row['id']} not modified (query failed)

"; } sqlite_close($db); } } else { commonHeader("Browse Manual Notes"); $order = isset($_POST['order']) ? $_POST['order'] : null; if (isset($order)) { if (!isset($_COOKIE['order']) || (isset($_COOKIE['order']) && $order != $_COOKIE['order'])) { setcookie('order', $order, time()+(3600*24), '/'); } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['order'])) { $order = $_COOKIE['order']; } else { $order = 'page'; } } echo '

Browse Manual Notes

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