config.php 3.5 KB

  1. <?php
  2. ## This is a sample config.php file. To use this file, copy it to
  3. ## local/config.php, then edit it for whatever customizations you want.
  4. ## Also, be sure to take a look at
  5. ## for more details on the types of customizations that can be added
  6. ## to PmWiki.
  7. $PageTemplateFmt = "pub/skins/php-gtk/php-gtk.tmpl";
  8. ## $WikiTitle is the name that appears in the browser's title bar
  9. $WikiTitle = 'PHP-GTK:Wiki';
  10. ## $ScriptUrl is your preferred URL for accessing wiki pages
  11. ## $PubDirUrl is the URL for the pub directory.
  12. ##$ScriptUrl = '';
  13. $ScriptUrl = '';
  14. ##$PubDirUrl = '';
  15. $PubDirUrl = '';
  16. ##$PageUrlFmt = '$Group/$Title_';
  17. $PageUrlFmt = '$Group/$Title_';
  18. ##$UploadUrlFmt = '';
  19. $UploadUrlFmt = '';
  20. ## If your system is able to display the home page but gives
  21. ## "404 Not Found" errors for all others, try setting the following:
  22. $EnablePathInfo = 1;
  23. ## $PageLogoUrlFmt is the URL for a logo image--you can change this to
  24. ## your own logo if you wish.
  25. # $PageLogoUrl = '$PubDirUrl/pmwiki-32.gif';
  26. ## Set $SpaceWikiWords if you want WikiWords to automatically have
  27. ## spaces before each sequence of capital letters
  28. # $SpaceWikiWords = 1; # turns on WikiWord spacing
  29. ## If you want uploads enabled on your system, set $EnableUpload=1.
  30. ## You'll also need to set a default upload password, or else set
  31. ## passwords on individual groups and pages. For more information see
  32. ## PmWiki.UploadsAdmin and PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin.
  33. # $EnableUpload = 1;
  34. # $DefaultPasswords['upload'] = crypt('secret');
  35. ## By default PmWiki is configured such that only the first occurrence
  36. ## of 'PmWiki' in a page is treated as a WikiWord. If you want to
  37. ## restore 'PmWiki' to be treated like other WikiWords, uncomment the
  38. ## line below.
  39. # unset($WikiWordCount['PmWiki']);
  40. ## If you want to disable all WikiWords (leaving only {{free links}} and
  41. ## [[WikiWord text]] markup), set $WikiWordCountMax=0. If you want
  42. ## only the first occurrence of each WikiWord to be treated as a link,
  43. ## set $WikiWordCountMax=1.
  44. # $WikiWordCountMax=0; # disables all WikiWords
  45. # $WikiWordCountMax=1; # converts only first WikiWord
  46. ## Many other features of PmWiki can be enabled (1) or disabled (0)
  47. ## by setting variables below. These are defined in and controlled by
  48. ## the scripts/stdconfig.php script.
  49. # $EnableQATags=1; # Q: and A: Markup (default on)
  50. # $EnableWikiTrails=1; # WikiTrails (default on)
  51. # $EnableStdWikiStyles=1; # standard WikiStyles (default on)
  52. ## or, to turn off all of the optional features, use
  53. # $EnableStdConfig=0; # 0 disables all optional features
  54. ## $DiffKeepDays specifies the minimum number of days to keep a page's
  55. ## revision history. The default is 3650 (approx 10 years).
  56. # $DiffKeepDays=30; # keep page history at least 30 days
  57. ## Adding this config option to slow down spammers just a little.
  58. ## I realize it won't prevent all spam but it may make maintaining the
  59. ## Wiki a little easier.
  60. $EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1;
  61. /* Custom Functions */
  62. function showDate()
  63. {
  64. echo date('l, F j, Y');
  65. }
  66. function showYear()
  67. {
  68. echo date('Y');
  69. }
  70. ?>