People.MartinFasani 1.0 KB

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  3. text=Bio: Martin is a developer focused on web usability. ²name: Martin Fasani²country: Spain²nick: cat²website: http://movil.be²blog:²role: I'm employed as a web developer. Reading and getting in tune to get a php certification with Zend.²e-mail: martinfasani at gmail dot com
  4. time=1147966572
  5. diff:1147966572:1147966572:=1,8c1²< Bio: Martin is a developer focused on web usability. ²< name: Martin Fasani²< country: Spain²< nick: cat²< website: http://movil.be²< blog:²< role: I'm employed as a web developer. Reading and getting in tune to get a php certification with Zend.²< e-mail: martinfasani at gmail dot com²\ No newline at end of file²---²> Describe MartinFasani here.²\ No newline at end of file²
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