PhpGtk2.Compiling 5.9 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-1.0.5
  2. newline=²
  3. text=!!!How to compile php-gtk2 on Windows²²!!General Considerations²I have test this on win2k and winxp.²My IDE was Visual Studio .NET 2002 and ²php-gtk.cvs-2006-02-03 10-37.²I dont't know how i can write an "percent character" on this wiki ;) plz replace $ to an "percent character"²²!!Requirements² - The development packages for GTK+ 2.6.9, from² - Copies of grep.exe and sed.exe. If you have cygwin installed, they will probably be in there. If² you don't have cygwin installed, you can download them easily from² - The latest version of PHP-GTK from the CVS server²²I have generate a zip with all requirements.²²²!!Preparation² - Create a folder c:\php-dev.² - Extract and php-gtk sources to this folder.² - Copy the php5 sources to c:\php-dev\php5.1² - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in $path_to_php$\dev)²²!!Compiling² - Open the "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" ($comspec$ /k "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat")² - Changing the working dir (cd C:\php-dev\php-gtk2)² - Setting up enviroment:²set INCLUDE=C:\php-dev\php_build\include;C:\php-dev\php5.1;C:\php-dev\php5.1\main;C:\php-dev\php5.1\Zend;C:\php-dev\php5.1\TSRM;\$Include$ \\²set LIB=C:\php-dev\php_build\lib;$LIB$ \\²set PATH=C:\php-dev\php_build\bin;$PATH$ \\²² - Creating your configure script:²cscript /nologo win32/buildconf.js² - Calling the configure script:²cscript /nologo configure.js --all --with-libglade² - Now you can compile php-gtk2:²nmake²²²!!Finish²Now you can use the C:\php-dev\php-gtk2\Release\php-gtk2.dll²²!!Questions²irc: #php-gtk
  4. time=1139221910
  5. diff:1139220953:1139220953:=1,35c1²< !!!How to compile php-gtk2 on Windows²< ²< !!General Considerations²< I have test this on win2k and winxp.²< My IDE was Visual Studio .NET 2002 and ²< php-gtk.cvs-2006-02-03 10-37.²< ²< !!Requirements²< - The development packages for GTK+ 2.6.9, from²< - Copies of grep.exe and sed.exe. If you have cygwin installed, they will probably be in there. If²< you don't have cygwin installed, you can download them easily from²< - The latest version of PHP-GTK from the CVS server²< ²< I have generate a zip with all requirements.²<²< ²< !!preparation²< - Create a folder c:\php-dev.²< - Extract and php-gtk sources to this folder.²< - Copy the php5 sources to c:\php-dev\php5.1²< - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in %path_to_php%)²< ²< !!Compiling²< - Open the "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" (%comspec% /k "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat")²< - Changing the working dir (cd C:\php-dev\php-gtk2)²< - Setting up enviroment:²< set INCLUDE=C:\php-dev\php_build\include;C:\php-dev\php5.1;C:\php-dev\php5.1\main;C:\php-dev\php5.1\Zend;C:\php-dev\php5.1\TSRM;%Include%²< set LIB=C:\php-dev\php_build\lib;%LIB%²< set PATH=C:\php-dev\php_build\bin;%PATH%²< - Creating your configure script:²< cscript /nologo win32/buildconf.js²< - calling the configure script:²< cscript /nologo configure.js --all --with-libglade²< - Now you can compile php-gtk2:²< nmake²---²> Describe {{Compiling}} here.²\ No newline at end of file²
  6. author=Christian Lange
  7. author:1139220953=Christian Lange
  8. host:1139220953=
  9. name=PhpGtk2.Compiling
  10. host=
  11. agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
  12. rev=5
  13. diff:1139221521:1139220953:minor=7d6²< I dont't know how i can write an "percent character" on this wiki ;) plz replace $ to an "percent character"²18c17²< !!Preparation²---²> !!preparation²22c21²< - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in $path_to_php$)²---²> - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in %path_to_php%)²25c24²< - Open the "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" ($comspec$ /k "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat")²---²> - Open the "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" (%comspec% /k "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat")²28,31c27,29²< set INCLUDE=C:\php-dev\php_build\include;C:\php-dev\php5.1;C:\php-dev\php5.1\main;C:\php-dev\php5.1\Zend;C:\php-dev\php5.1\TSRM;\$Include$ \\²< set LIB=C:\php-dev\php_build\lib;$LIB$ \\²< set PATH=C:\php-dev\php_build\bin;$PATH$ \\²< ²---²> set INCLUDE=C:\php-dev\php_build\include;C:\php-dev\php5.1;C:\php-dev\php5.1\main;C:\php-dev\php5.1\Zend;C:\php-dev\php5.1\TSRM;%Include%²> set LIB=C:\php-dev\php_build\lib;%LIB%²> set PATH=C:\php-dev\php_build\bin;%PATH%²34c32²< - Calling the configure script:²---²> - calling the configure script:²
  14. author:1139221521=Christian Lange
  15. host:1139221521=
  16. diff:1139221657:1139221521:=38,44d37²< ²< ²< !!Finish²< Now you can use the C:\php-dev\php-gtk2\Release\php-gtk2.dll²< ²< !!Questions²< irc: #gtk-php²\ No newline at end of file²
  17. author:1139221657=Christian Lange
  18. host:1139221657=
  19. diff:1139221884:1139221657:=44c44²< irc: #php-gtk²\ No newline at end of file²---²> irc: #gtk-php²\ No newline at end of file²
  20. author:1139221884=Christian Lange
  21. host:1139221884=
  22. diff:1139221910:1139221884:minor=22c22²< - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in $path_to_php$\dev)²---²> - Use my php5ts.lib, or copy your own php5ts.lib to c:\php-dev\php_build\lib (you can find this file in $path_to_php$)²
  23. author:1139221910=Christian Lange
  24. host:1139221910=