PhpGtk2.XCode 3.0 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-1.0.5
  2. newline=²
  3. text=XCode is the Mac c++ compiler. alert! on mac OSX 10.3.9 (name Panther) take XCode version 1.2 xcode_1.2_7k246_cd.dmg, on the new Tiger Version OSX 10.4 take the new XCode version 2.2 xcode_2.2_8m654_018213974.dmg moore as 800MB and dev tool.²²After you install the compiler check on terminal:²gcc -v -Enter-²result is...²Reading specs from /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/3.3/specs²Thread model: posix²gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1640)²²otherwise ist not possibel to compile php5.²²To enamble mac to work on X11-based desktop install Fink from source..²(all automatic) see...²after fink running open your terminal and write:²fink install scribus - enter- (or other X11 apps), and the X11-based desktop install automatic.²²²Dont use compiler from fink... from fink install only mysql, xml-parser perl and required libs from php5.²²After X11 work fine is possibel to compile clean php5 and php-gtk2.²²²www-resource:²-->XCode free download: insert Your mac id and pass and search the XCode from your mac version. - Fink if you install the binary version you find only trouble by compile php5.²² \\²²²²²²²
  4. time=1140290836
  5. diff:1140290365:1140290365:=1,27c1²< XCode is the Mac c++ compiler. alert! on mac OSX 10.3.9 (name Panther) take XCode version 1.2 xcode_1.2_7k246_cd.dmg, on the new Tiger Version OSX 10.4 take the new XCode version 2.2 xcode_2.2_8m654_018213974.dmg moore as 800MB and dev tool.²< ²< After you install the compiler check on terminal:²< gcc -v -Enter-²< result is...²< Reading specs from /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/3.3/specs²< Thread model: posix²< gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1640)²< ²< otherwise ist not possibel to compile php5.²< ²< To enamble mac to work on X11-based desktop install Fink from source..²< (all automatic) see...²< after fink running open your terminal and write:²< fink install scribus - enter- (or other X11 apps), and the X11-based desktop install automatic.²< ²< ²< Dont use compiler from fink... from fink install only mysql, xml-parser perl and required libs from php5.²< ²< After X11 work fine is possibel to compile clean php5 and php-gtk2.²< ²< ²< ²< ²< ²< ²< ²---²> Describe XCode here.²\ No newline at end of file²
  6. author=Peter ciz_dot_ch
  7. author:1140290365=Peter ciz_dot_ch
  8. host:1140290365=
  9. name=PhpGtk2.XCode
  10. host=
  11. agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it-IT; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050919 Firefox/1.0.7
  12. rev=2
  13. diff:1140290836:1140290365:=23,27d22²< www-resource:²< -->XCode free download: insert Your mac id and pass and search the XCode from your mac version. - Fink if you install the binary version you find only trouble by compile php5.²< ²< \\²< ²
  14. author:1140290836=Peter ciz_dot_ch
  15. host:1140290836=