PmWiki.EditingRules 7.1 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-1.0.5
  2. newline=²
  3. text=[[#top]]PmWiki/EditingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²Each 'section' will normally have a [=SectionNameRules=] page defining the way you're intended to edit page thru this wiki.²²Please thoose EditingRules are here to help users to find their way thru the wiki and also will assists you in editing your page by additional styles and navigation facility.²²!! General PmWiki/EditingRules²*Include PHP code in your page like this:²-->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)²[[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²
  4. time=1112276731
  5. diff:1090871175:1090871175:=1,9c1²< EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²< Each 'section' will normally have a [=SectionNameRules=] page defining the way you're intended to edit page thru this wiki.²< ²< Please thoose EditingRules are here to help users to find their way thru the wiki and also will assists you in editing your page by additional styles and navigation facility.²< ²< !! Here are the EditingRules by section²< ²< [[include:Code/codeHintsRules]]²< [[include:Code/codeSnippetsRules]]²---²> Describe EditingRules here.²\ No newline at end of file²
  6. author=scott
  7. author:1090871175=nathan
  8. host:1090871175=
  9. name=PmWiki.EditingRules
  10. host=
  11. agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217
  12. rev=13
  13. diff:1090871218:1090871175:minor=8,9c8,9²< [[include:Code/CodeHintsRules]]²< [[include:Code/CodeSnippetsRules]]²---²> [[include:Code/codeHintsRules]]²> [[include:Code/codeSnippetsRules]]²
  14. author:1090871218=nathan
  15. host:1090871218=
  16. diff:1090872803:1090871218:=1c1²< [[#top]]EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²---²> EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²6,9c6²< !! General PmWiki/EditingRules²< *Include PHP code in your page like this:²< -->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)²< [[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]²---²> !! Here are the EditingRules by section²11d7²< !! EditingRules by section²13d8²< [[#top top]]²15d9²< [[#top top]]²\ No newline at end of file²
  17. author:1090872803=nathan
  18. host:1090872803=
  19. diff:1090872917:1090872803:minor=9c9²< [[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²---²> [[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]²
  20. author:1090872917=nathan
  21. host:1090872917=
  22. diff:1090873037:1090872917:minor=1c1²< [[#top]]PmWiki/EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²---²> [[#top]]EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²
  23. author:1090873037=nathan
  24. host:1090873037=
  25. diff:1090873206:1090873037:minor=1,2c1²< !PmWiki/EditingRules²< [[#top]]PmWiki/EditingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²---²> [[#top]]PmWiki/EdintingRules are the standardize way to edit page in this wiki.²
  26. author:1090873206=nathan
  27. host:1090873206=
  28. diff:1098245179:1090873206:=16,28c16²< [[#top top]]²< ----²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²\ No newline at end of file²---²> [[#top top]]²\ No newline at end of file²
  29. author:1098245179=
  30. host:1098245179=
  31. diff:1098284500:1098245179:=16c16,28²< [[#top top]]²\ No newline at end of file²---²> [[#top top]]²> ----²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²\ No newline at end of file²
  32. author:1098284500=scott
  33. host:1098284500=
  34. diff:1098406624:1098284500:minor=10,12c10²< [[include:Main/CodeTable]]<?php²< // preformatted php code²< ?>[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²---²> [[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²
  35. author:1098406624=eloi
  36. host:1098406624=
  37. diff:1098463544:1098406624:=10c10,12²< [[include:Main/CodeTable]] preformatted php code [[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²---²> [[include:Main/CodeTable]]<?php²> // preformatted php code²> ?>[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]\\²
  38. author:1098463544=scott
  39. host:1098463544=
  40. diff:1098463705:1098463544:=0a1²> !PmWiki/EditingRules²9a11,16²> ²> !! EditingRules by section²> [[include:Code/CodeHintsRules]]²> [[#top top]]²> [[include:Code/CodeSnippetsRules]]²> [[#top top]]²\ No newline at end of file²
  41. author:1098463705=scott
  42. host:1098463705=
  43. diff:1112244989:1098463705:=8,17c8²< -->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)[[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²---²> -->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)²
  44. author:1112244989=
  45. host:1112244989=
  46. diff:1112276731:1112244989:=8c8,17²< -->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)²---²> -->[@[[include:Main/CodeTable]]@] preformatted php code [@[[include:Main/CodeTableEnd]]@] . (it's recommended to start at the begining of a new line)[[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²
  47. author:1112276731=scott
  48. host:1112276731=