PmWiki.InterMap 6.9 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-1.0.5
  2. newline=²
  3. text=The InterMap is a system for defining links between WikiWikiWeb sites that was first developed by UseMod:UseModWiki and Meatball:MeatballWiki. InterMap links have the form [=HostPrefix:Page=], where the host prefix is converted to a partial URL based on entries in the site's @@intermap.txt@@ and @@localmap.txt@@ files.²²The default @@intermap.txt@@ distributed with PmWiki includes the following InterMap entries:² [=² PmWiki² Wiki² Meatball² UseMod² ISBN² Wikipedia² Cookbook$1=]²²Thus, PmWiki:Variables becomes a link to the PmWiki.{{Variables}} page on the official PmWiki web site, Wiki:FrontPage is a link to the front page of the first WikiWikiWeb, and Wikipedia:Stonehenge takes you to the Wikipedia article about the famous megaliths in England.²²InterMap links can be used to link to non-wiki pages: %newwin% ISBN:020171499X %% is a link to's entry for ''The Wiki Way'' by Bo Leuf and Ward Cunningham (an excellent book about {{WikiWikiWeb}}s in general).²²In addition, PmWiki provides four special InterMap links called @@[=ThisPage=]@@, @@[=ThisGroup=]@@, @@[=ThisWiki=]@@, and @@[=ThisSite=]@@. These provide URI-shortcuts to the current (wiki) page, WikiGroup, wiki site, or site root URI respectively. Some examples of each:²² ThisPage:?action=edit edits the current page² ThisGroup:GroupAttributes?action=attr link to set group passwords² ThisWiki:?action=crypt builds an encrypted password² ThisSite:/index.php link to /index.php on the current site²²The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²²%trail%<<|PmWiki.DocumentationIndex|>>²
  4. time=1112276748
  5. host=
  6. agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217
  7. rev=65
  8. post= Save
  9. name=PmWiki.InterMap
  10. PHPSESSID=1c9375cd96cc06b9926d1c852c8dddc9
  11. author=scott
  12. diff:1098243762:1087836414:=25,35d24²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²
  13. author:1098243762=
  14. host:1098243762=
  15. diff:1098284458:1098243762:=24a25,35²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²
  16. author:1098284458=scott
  17. host:1098284458=
  18. diff:1100612615:1098284458:=24c24²< The actual set of InterMap [[ links]] at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²---²> The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²
  19. author:1100612615=data
  20. host:1100612615=
  21. diff:1100628259:1100612615:=24c24²< The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²---²> The actual set of InterMap [[ links]] at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²
  22. author:1100628259=scott
  23. host:1100628259=
  24. diff:1101146605:1100628259:=24,27c24²< The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki[[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< .{{CustomInterMap}}s.²---²> The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²
  25. author:1101146605=data
  26. host:1101146605=
  27. diff:1101147259:1101146605:=24c24,27²< The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki.{{CustomInterMap}}s.²---²> The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator; for more details, see PmWiki[[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> .{{CustomInterMap}}s.²
  28. author:1101147259=scott
  29. host:1101147259=
  30. diff:1103972832:1101147259:=25c25²< [[ _]] [[ _]] [[ _]] [[ _]]²---²> ²
  31. author:1103972832=
  32. host:1103972832=
  33. diff:1104152993:1103972832:=25c25²< ²---²> [[ _]] [[ _]] [[ _]] [[ _]]²
  34. author:1104152993=scott
  35. host:1104152993=
  36. diff:1112245036:1104152993:=23,33d22²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²< [[ _]]²
  37. author:1112245036=
  38. host:1112245036=
  39. diff:1112276748:1112245036:=22a23,33²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²> [[ _]]²
  40. author:1112276748=scott
  41. host:1112276748=