PmWiki.PredefinedWikiStyles 6.1 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-1.0.5
  2. newline=²
  3. text=!!Predefined WikiStyles²²This page will evenutally document the predefined WikiStyles that are²available in a standard installation of PmWiki.²²* @@[=%comment%=]''comment...''[=%%=]@@²* list of styles available: 'color', 'bgcolor', 'font-size', 'font-family', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'text-decoration', 'class', 'target', 'rel', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'width', 'height'²* list of colors available: 'black', 'white', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'gray', 'silver', 'maroon', 'green', 'navy', 'purple', 'darkgreen'²²!!! The {{WikiStyle|s}} @@comment@@²²The style @@[=%comment%=]''comment...''[=%%=]@@ can be used to embed comments that are not shown. For a multiline comment, write something like this: ²² [%comment%=] [=[=² This is a longer block² of text that has been commented out² by the %comment% markup. =]=]²²-->''List the standard predefined WikiStyles here''²²²!!!Predefining additional WikiStyles²²The administrator can permanently define additional styles by adding entries to the array called $WikiStyle. For example, in order to permanently add a @@[=%U%=]@@ as new {{WikiStyle|s}} that underlines, add this code to @@local/config.php@@:²² $WikiStyle['U']['text-decoration'] = 'underline';²²See WikiStylesAdmin for more information.²----²%comment%BE CAREFULL: EDITING THIS SECTION WILL IMPACT ALL PAGES WHICH USE THIS PREDEFINED STYLES²[[#PredefStyles]]²%define=u text-decoration=underline%²%define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#e0e0e0%²[[#PredefStylesEnd]]²!! Users predefined styles.²²This page contain some PredefinedWikiStyles in it. You can use them by doing an include of this part of the page by adding²'''[=[[include:PmWiki/PredefinedWikiStyles#PredefStyles#PredefStylesEnd]]=]'''²²%red%[- (By respecting the PmWiki/EditingRules you probably won't have to include this as the PmWiki/SectionInc page will certainly include thoose predefined styles for you)-]²!!!What are thoose PredefinedWikiStyles²* [@%u%@] will %u%underline%% your text²* [@%code%@] is intended to display %code%inline%% code (see PmWiki/EditingRules for preformatted code)²more to come...
  4. time=1090977631
  5. author=nathan
  6. name=PmWiki.PredefinedWikiStyles
  7. host=
  8. agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040615 Firefox/0.8 StumbleUpon/1.908
  9. rev=20
  10. diff:1090799951:1088644234:=29,34d28²< ----²< %comment%BE CAREFULL: EDITING THIS SECTION WILL IMPACT ALL PAGES WHICH USE THIS PREDEFINED STYLES²< [[#PredefStyles]]²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#ffffd0 color=navy font-size=12px%²< [[#PredefStylesEnd]]²< ! Users predefined styles.²36,42d29²< This page contain some PredefinedWikiStyles in it. You can use them by doing an include of this part of the page by adding²< '''[=[[include:PmWiki/PredefinedWikiStyles#PredefStyles#PredefStylesEnd]]=]'''²< ²< !!!What are thoose PredefinedWikiStyles²< * [=%codelines%[= ... your code here =]=] is used before for code inserting²< --> %codelines%[= ... your code here =]²< *²\ No newline at end of file²
  11. author:1090799951=nathan
  12. host:1090799951=
  13. diff:1090863054:1090799951:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#ffffd0 color=navy font-size=12px%²
  14. author:1090863054=ramsey
  15. host:1090863054=
  16. diff:1090863133:1090863054:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier width=100% font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier font-size=12px%²
  17. author:1090863133=ramsey
  18. host:1090863133=
  19. diff:1090863159:1090863133:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier width=auto font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier width=100% font-size=12px%²
  20. author:1090863159=ramsey
  21. host:1090863159=
  22. diff:1090863301:1090863159:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier width=auto font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-face=Courier width=auto font-size=12px%²
  23. author:1090863301=ramsey
  24. host:1090863301=
  25. diff:1090864815:1090863301:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier width=300px font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier width=auto font-size=12px%²
  26. author:1090864815=ramsey
  27. host:1090864815=
  28. diff:1090864956:1090864815:=32c32²< %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier font-size=12px%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier width=300px font-size=12px%²
  29. author:1090864956=ramsey
  30. host:1090864956=
  31. diff:1090870348:1090864956:minor=14c14²< [%comment%=] [=[=²---²> [=%comment%=] [=[=²32c32²< %define=u text-decoration=underline%²---²> %define=codelines bgcolor=#CCCCCC color=black font-family=Courier font-size=12px%²34c34²< !! Users predefined styles.²---²> ! Users predefined styles.²40,41c40,42²< * [@%u%@] will %u%underline%% your text²< more to come...²\ No newline at end of file²---²> * [=%codelines%[= ... your code here =]=] is used before for code inserting²> --> %codelines%[= ... your code here =]²> *²\ No newline at end of file²
  32. author:1090870348=nathan
  33. host:1090870348=
  34. diff:1090873981:1090870348:minor=39d38²< %red%[- (By respecting the PmWiki/EditingRules you probably won't have to include this as the PmWiki/SectionInc page will certainly include thoose predefined styles for you)-]²
  35. author:1090873981=nathan
  36. host:1090873981=
  37. diff:1090875559:1090873981:minor=33d32²< %define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#f6f2f6 color=navy %²43d41²< * [@%code%@] is intended to display %code%inline%% code (see PmWiki/EditingRules for preformatted code)²
  38. author:1090875559=nathan
  39. host:1090875559=
  40. diff:1090953971:1090875559:minor=33c33²< %define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#dddddd%²---²> %define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#f6f2f6 color=navy %²
  41. author:1090953971=nathan
  42. host:1090953971=
  43. diff:1090977631:1090953971:minor=33c33²< %define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#e0e0e0%²---²> %define=code font-family=monospace bgcolor=#dddddd%²
  44. author:1090977631=nathan
  45. host:1090977631=