Frederic G. MARAND fgm

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Working code for the "Blasting off with Boostrap" course.

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Code for course 2 in the Responsive Website Development and Design Specialization.

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Working code for the XORM reference documentation.

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A custom clone of the React Router tutorial.

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The code from Tyler McGinnis' ReactJS Fundamentals course.

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Demo and documentation of Meteor 1.2 accounts system.

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Experiments with the JavaScript Geolocation API

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Demos of the Bootstrap 3 JavaScript components.

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A Drupal 4.7 theme without columns.

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A fork of the AD LemonTwist theme for Drupal 6

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A DotClear-inspired theme for Drupal 5 (or 4.x ?)

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Provide XHTML fragment validation for node content.

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Add help/permissions/configure icons (as in D7/D8) to the D6 modules page.

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