Présentation "Pourquoi Drupal ?" pour le DGTD du 15/11/2013

Hakim El Hattab 7af90a2d8a attempt to fix grunt in travis ci build 11 jaren geleden
css 3f740c8553 merge grunt update to 0.4 (#350) 11 jaren geleden
js c2ab30b87e replace classList.toggle( ..., force ) as it's broken in ff 11 jaren geleden
lib e693717f2a update syntax highlight after editing (#210), move markdown and highlight scripts from lib to plugin 12 jaren geleden
plugin d7b92c9c65 update main window when current slide changes in notes (closes #343) 11 jaren geleden
.gitignore ecb4347ec1 modularize themes and convert them to sass (closes #191) 12 jaren geleden
.travis.yml 7af90a2d8a attempt to fix grunt in travis ci build 11 jaren geleden
Gruntfile.js 7af90a2d8a attempt to fix grunt in travis ci build 11 jaren geleden
LICENSE cf8708f932 adjust copyright years 11 jaren geleden c438ba6516 example external markdown in readme (#329) 11 jaren geleden
index.html 5978b7fb64 remove share buttons 11 jaren geleden
package.json 14105feb10 upgrading to grunt 0.4. resolves #349. 11 jaren geleden

reveal.js Build Status

A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. Check out the live demo.

reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, markdown contents, PDF export, speaker notes and a JavaScript API. It's best viewed in a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms but fallbacks are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere.

More reading in the Wiki:

  • Changelog: Up-to-date version history.
  • Examples: Presentations created with reveal.js, add your own!
  • Browser Support: Explanation of browser support and fallbacks.

Slides are written using HTML or markdown but there's also an online editor for those of you who prefer a more traditional user interface. Give it a try at



Markup heirarchy needs to be <div class="reveal"> <div class="slides"> <section> where the <section> represents one slide and can be repeated indefinitely. If you place multiple <section>'s inside of another <section> they will be shown as vertical slides. The first of the vertical slides is the "root" of the others (at the top), and it will be included in the horizontal sequence. For example:

<div class="reveal">
	<div class="slides">
		<section>Single Horizontal Slide</section>
			<section>Vertical Slide 1</section>
			<section>Vertical Slide 2</section>


It's possible to write your slides using Markdown. To enable Markdown, add the data-markdown attribute to your <section> elements and wrap the contents in a <script type="text/template"> like the example below.

This is based on data-markdown from Paul Irish which in turn uses showdown. Sensitive to indentation (avoid mixing tabs and spaces) and line breaks (avoid consecutive breaks).

<section data-markdown>
	<script type="text/template">
		## Page title

		A paragraph with some text and a [link](

External Markdown

You can write your content as a separate file and have reveal.js load it at runtime. Note the separator arguments which determine how slides are delimited in the external file.

<section data-markdown="" data-separator="^\n\n\n" data-vertical="^\n\n"></section>


At the end of your page you need to initialize reveal by running the following code. Note that all config values are optional and will default as specified below.


	// Display controls in the bottom right corner
	controls: true,

	// Display a presentation progress bar
	progress: true,

	// Push each slide change to the browser history
	history: false,

	// Enable keyboard shortcuts for navigation
	keyboard: true,

	// Enable the slide overview mode
	overview: true,

	// Vertical centering of slides
	center: true,

	// Loop the presentation
	loop: false,

	// Change the presentation direction to be RTL
	rtl: false,

	// Number of milliseconds between automatically proceeding to the 
	// next slide, disabled when set to 0, this value can be overwritten
	// by using a data-autoslide attribute on your slides
	autoSlide: 0,

	// Enable slide navigation via mouse wheel
	mouseWheel: false,

	// Apply a 3D roll to links on hover
	rollingLinks: true,

	// Transition style
	transition: 'default' // default/cube/page/concave/zoom/linear/fade/none


Note that the new default vertical centering option will break compatibility with slides that were using transitions with backgrounds (cube and page). To restore the previous behavior, set center to false.

Presentation Size

All presentations have a normal size, that is the resolution at which they are authored. The framework will automatically scale presentations uniformly based on this size to ensure that everything fits on any given display or viewport.

See below for a list of configuration options related to sizing, including default values:

	// The "normal" size of the presentation, aspect ratio will be preserved
	// when the presentation is scaled to fit different resolutions. Can be
	// specified using percentage units.
	width: 960,
	height: 700,
	// Factor of the display size that should remain empty around the content
	margin: 0.1,
	// Bounds for smallest/largest possible scale to apply to content
	minScale: 0.2,
	maxScale: 1.0


Reveal.js doesn't rely on any third party scripts to work but a few optional libraries are included by default. These libraries are loaded as dependencies in the order they appear, for example:

	dependencies: [
		// Cross-browser shim that fully implements classList -
		{ src: 'lib/js/classList.js', condition: function() { return !document.body.classList; } },

		// Interpret Markdown in <section> elements
		{ src: 'plugin/markdown/showdown.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },
		{ src: 'plugin/markdown/markdown.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },

		// Syntax highlight for <code> elements
		{ src: 'plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true, callback: function() { hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); } },

		// Zoom in and out with Alt+click
		{ src: 'plugin/zoom-js/zoom.js', async: true, condition: function() { return !!document.body.classList; } },

		// Speaker notes
		{ src: 'plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true, condition: function() { return !!document.body.classList; } },

		// Remote control your reveal.js presentation using a touch device
		{ src: 'plugin/remotes/remotes.js', async: true, condition: function() { return !!document.body.classList; } }

You can add your own extensions using the same syntax. The following properties are available for each dependency object:

  • src: Path to the script to load
  • async: [optional] Flags if the script should load after reveal.js has started, defaults to false
  • callback: [optional] Function to execute when the script has loaded
  • condition: [optional] Function which must return true for the script to be loaded


The Reveal class provides a minimal JavaScript API for controlling navigation and reading state:

// Navigation
Reveal.slide( indexh, indexv, indexf );

// Retrieves the previous and current slide elements

Reveal.getIndices(); // { h: 0, v: 0 } }


If you set data-state="somestate" on a slide <section>, "somestate" will be applied as a class on the document element when that slide is opened. This allows you to apply broad style changes to the page based on the active slide.

Furthermore you can also listen to these changes in state via JavaScript:

Reveal.addEventListener( 'somestate', function() {
	// TODO: Sprinkle magic
}, false );

Ready event

The 'ready' event is fired when reveal.js has loaded all (synchronous) dependencies and is ready to start navigating.

Reveal.addEventListener( 'ready', function( event ) {
	// event.currentSlide, event.indexh, event.indexv
} );

Slide change event

An 'slidechanged' event is fired each time the slide is changed (regardless of state). The event object holds the index values of the current slide as well as a reference to the previous and current slide HTML nodes.

Some libraries, like MathJax (see #226), get confused by the transforms and display states of slides. Often times, this can be fixed by calling their update or render function from this callback.

Reveal.addEventListener( 'slidechanged', function( event ) {
	// event.previousSlide, event.currentSlide, event.indexh, event.indexv
} );

Internal links

It's easy to link between slides. The first example below targets the index of another slide whereas the second targets a slide with an ID attribute (<section id="some-slide">):

<a href="#/2/2">Link</a>
<a href="#/some-slide">Link</a>

You can also add relative navigation links, similar to the built in reveal.js controls, by appending one of the following classes on any element. Note that each element is automatically given an enabled class when it's a valid navigation route based on the current slide.

<a href="#" class="navigate-left">
<a href="#" class="navigate-right">
<a href="#" class="navigate-up">
<a href="#" class="navigate-down">
<a href="#" class="navigate-prev"> <!-- Previous vertical or horizontal slide -->
<a href="#" class="navigate-next"> <!-- Next vertical or horizontal slide -->


Fragments are used to highlight individual elements on a slide. Every elmement with the class fragment will be stepped through before moving on to the next slide. Here's an example:

The default fragment style is to start out invisible and fade in. This style can be changed by appending a different class to the fragment:

	<p class="fragment grow">grow</p>
	<p class="fragment shrink">shrink</p>
	<p class="fragment roll-in">roll-in</p>
	<p class="fragment fade-out">fade-out</p>
	<p class="fragment highlight-red">highlight-red</p>
	<p class="fragment highlight-green">highlight-green</p>
	<p class="fragment highlight-blue">highlight-blue</p>

Multiple fragments can be applied to the same element sequentially by wrapping it, this will fade in the text on the first step and fade it back out on the second.

	<span class="fragment fade-in">
		<span class="fragment fade-out">I'll fade in, then out</span>

The display order of fragments can be controlled using the data-fragment-index attribute.

	<p class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3">Appears last</p>
	<p class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">Appears first</p>
	<p class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">Appears second</p>

Fragment events

When a slide fragment is either shown or hidden reveal.js will dispatch an event.

Reveal.addEventListener( 'fragmentshown', function( event ) {
	// event.fragment = the fragment DOM element
} );
Reveal.addEventListener( 'fragmenthidden', function( event ) {
	// event.fragment = the fragment DOM element
} );

Code syntax higlighting

By default, Reveal is configured with highlight.js for code syntax highlighting. Below is an example with clojure code that will be syntax highlighted:

(def lazy-fib
   [0 1]
   ((fn rfib [a b]
        (lazy-cons (+ a b) (rfib b (+ a b)))) 0 1)))

Overview mode

Press "Esc" key to toggle the overview mode on and off. While you're in this mode, you can still navigate between slides, as if you were at 1,000 feet above your presentation. The overview mode comes with a few API hooks:

Reveal.addEventListener( 'overviewshown', function( event ) { /* ... */ } );
Reveal.addEventListener( 'overviewhidden', function( event ) { /* ... */ } );

// Toggle the overview mode programmatically

Fullscreen mode

Just press »F« on your keyboard to show your presentation in fullscreen mode. Press the »ESC« key to exit fullscreen mode.

PDF Export

Presentations can be exported to PDF via a special print stylesheet. This feature requires that you use Google Chrome. Here's an example of an exported presentation that's been uploaded to SlideShare:

  1. Open your presentation with css/print/pdf.css included on the page. The default index HTML lets you add print-pdf anywhere in the query to include the stylesheet, for example:
  2. Open the in-browser print dialog (CMD+P).
  3. Change the Destination setting to Save as PDF.
  4. Change the Layout to Landscape.
  5. Change the Margins to None.
  6. Click Save.

Chrome Print Settings

Speaker Notes

reveal.js comes with a speaker notes plugin which can be used to present per-slide notes in a separate browser window. The notes window also gives you a preview of the next upcoming slide so it may be helpful even if you haven't written any notes. Append ?notes to presentation URL or press the 's' key on your keyboard to open the notes window.

By default notes are written using standard HTML, see below, but you can add a data-markdown attribute to the <aside> to write them using Markdown.

	<h2>Some Slide</h2>

	<aside class="notes">
		Oh hey, these are some notes. They'll be hidden in your presentation, but you can see them if you open the speaker notes window (hit 's' on your keyboard).

Server Side Speaker Nodes

In some cases it can be desirable to run notes on a separate device from the one you're presenting on. The Node.js-based notes plugin lets you do this using the same note definitions as its client side counterpart. Include the requried scripts by adding the following dependencies:

{ src: '/', async: true },
{ src: 'plugin/notes-server/client.js', async: true }


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run node plugin/notes-server


The framework comes with a few different themes included:

  • default: Gray background, white text, blue links
  • beige: Beige background, dark text, brown links
  • sky: Blue background, thin white text, blue links
  • night: Black background, thick white text, orange links
  • serif: Cappuccino background, gray text, brown links
  • simple: White background, black text, blue links

Each theme is available as a separate stylesheet. To change theme you will need to replace default below with your desired theme name in index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/default.css" id="theme">

If you want to add a theme of your own see the instructions here: /css/theme/

Development Environment

reveal.js is built using the task-based command line build tool grunt.js (installation instructions). With Node.js and grunt.js installed, you need to start by running npm install in the reveal.js root. When the dependencies have been installed you should run grunt watch to start monitoring files for changes.

If you want to customise reveal.js without running grunt.js you can alter the HTML to point to the uncompressed source files (css/reveal.css & js/reveal.js).

Folder Structure

  • css/ Core styles without which the project does not function
  • js/ Like above but for JavaScript
  • plugin/ Components that have been developed as extensions to reveal.js
  • lib/ All other third party assets (JavaScript, CSS, fonts)


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2013 Hakim El Hattab,