t('Blog items.'); $data['blog_field_data']['table']['base']['access query tag'] = 'blog_access'; $data['blog_field_data']['uid']['argument']['id'] = 'user_uid'; $data['blog_field_data']['uid']['argument'] += [ 'name table' => 'blog_field_data', 'name field' => 'name', 'empty field name' => \Drupal::config('user.settings')->get('anonymous'), ]; $data['blog_field_data']['uid']['filter']['id'] = 'user_name'; $data['blog_field_data']['uid']['filter']['title'] = $this->t('Author name (autocomplete)'); $data['blog_field_data']['uid']['filter']['help'] = $this->t('The name of the blog author name. Uses an autocomplete widget to find a user name, the actual filter uses the resulting user ID.'); $data['blog_field_data']['blog_id_raw'] = array( 'help' => $this->t('The raw numeric blog ID.'), 'real field' => 'blog_id', 'filter' => array( 'title' => $this->t('The blog ID'), 'id' => 'numeric', ), ); $data['users']['uid_current'] = array( 'real field' => 'uid', 'title' => $this->t('Current'), 'help' => $this->t('Filter the view to the currently logged in user.'), 'filter' => array( 'id' => 'user_current', 'type' => 'yes-no', ), ); $data['blog_field_data']['langcode']['help'] = $this->t('Original language of the blog entity'); $data['blog_field_data']['langcode']['help'] = $this->t('Language of the translation of the blog entity'); return $data; } }