*/ class PhpGtkDoc_Search2_Index { protected static $arReserved = array( 'atk', 'gtk', 'gdk', 'scn', 'pango', 'method', 'property', 'prop', 'field', 'enum', 'signal', 'constructor' ); protected static $arReservedMethods = array( 'get', 'set' ); /** * Creates the search index. * Required parameters are the documentation directory * and the index file, as which the index shall be stored. */ public static function createIndex($strDocumentationDirectory, $strIndexFile) { if (!file_exists($strDocumentationDirectory) || !is_dir($strDocumentationDirectory)) { throw new Exception('Documentation directory does not exist: ' . $strDocumentationDirectory); } if ((file_exists($strIndexFile) && !is_writable($strIndexFile)) || (!file_exists($strIndexFile) && !is_writable(dirname($strIndexFile)))) { throw new Exception('Index file is not writable: ' . $strIndexFile); } file_put_contents($strIndexFile, serialize( self::buildIndexFromFiles( self::getFiles($strDocumentationDirectory), $strDocumentationDirectory ) ) ); }//public static function createIndex($strDocumentationDirectory, $strIndexFile) /** * Creates an index array from the given files. * The filenames are meant to be relative to the doc directory, * so that e.g. "gdk/gdk.functions.html" or * "gdk/gdk.gdkcolormap.method.get_screen.html" are in it. * * The index array has the following structure: * [keyword] * - [1] priority level * - [doc file 1] * - [doc file 2] * - [2] priority level * - [doc file 1] * - [doc file 2] * - [3] priority level * - [doc file 1] * - [doc file 2] * * Priorities: * 1 class names, tutorial names, ... * 2 methods, signals, enums * 3 methods which have the keyword in the class name * * @param array $arFiles Array with all the files * @param string $strDocumentationDirectory The directory which the file names are relative to * * @return array The index array, can be used with PhpGtkDoc_Search2 */ protected static function buildIndexFromFiles($arFiles, $strDocumentationDirectory) { $arIndex = array(); $arCamelCaseWords = self::getCamelCaseWords( self::getTitles( self::getTitleFiles( $arFiles ), $strDocumentationDirectory ) ); foreach ($arFiles as $strFile) { $strBaseFile = basename($strFile); $strBaseFile = substr($strBaseFile, 0, strrpos($strBaseFile, '.')); $arPieces = explode('.', $strBaseFile); //remove reserved words so that they are not indexed //$arPieces = array_diff($arPieces, self::$arReserved); //when uncommenting the last line, change all "$nCountWords > 2" to "$nCountWords > 1" $arNewPieces = array(); $nCountWords = count($arPieces); $nWordPos = -1; foreach ($arPieces as $strWord) { $nWordPos++;//the indices do not have constant values (array_diff) if ($nWordPos == $nCountWords - 1 && $nCountWords > 2) { //last word in the filename $nPriority = 2; } else { //not the last word in the filename $nPriority = 1; } $arNewPieces[$nPriority][] = $strWord;//the word itself if (isset($arCamelCaseWords[$strWord])) { $arNewPieces[$nPriority] = array_merge($arNewPieces[$nPriority], $arCamelCaseWords[$strWord]); } /* $strPrefix = substr($strWord, 0, 3); if ($strPrefix == 'gtk' || $strPrefix == 'gdk' || $strPrefix == 'atk' || $strPrefix == 'pan') { //pango is 5 chars, all others are 3 $nCutPos = $strPrefix == 'pan' ? 5 : 3; //classes have gtk or gdk at the beginning, e.g. gtkfixed or gtkoptionmenu $arNewPieces[$nPriority][] = substr($strWord, $nCutPos); if (isset($arCamelCaseWords[$strWord])) { $arNewPieces[$nPriority] = array_merge($arNewPieces[$nPriority], $arCamelCaseWords[$strWord]); } } */ $arMethodPieces = explode( '_', $strWord); if (count($arMethodPieces) > 1) { //if you want to remove "get" and "set" from the index, uncomment the following line //$arMethodPieces = array_diff( $arMethodPieces, self::$arReservedMethods); $arNewPieces[2] = array_merge($arNewPieces[2], $arMethodPieces); if (count( $arMethodPieces) > 2) { //that we have some partly connections like do_this from do_this_thing foreach ($arMethodPieces as $nId => $strPiece) { if ($nId < count($arMethodPieces) - 1) { $arNewPieces[2][] = $strPiece . '_' . $arMethodPieces[$nId + 1]; } } } } }//foreach piece //append the search words to the index array foreach ($arNewPieces as $nPriority => $arPriorityPieces) { foreach ($arPriorityPieces as $strPiece) { $arIndex[$strPiece][$nPriority][] = $strFile; } } } //sort the index | should speed up searching and is nice for debugging ksort($arIndex); return $arIndex; }//protected static function buildIndexFromFiles($arFiles) /** * Returns an array of file names from the documentation directory. * The file names are relative to the doc directory * * @param string $strDocumentationDirectory The directory of the compiled manual * @return array All the files in there */ protected static function getFiles($strDocumentationDirectory) { $strDir = getcwd(); chdir($strDocumentationDirectory); //php-gtk-web specific #$arFiles = glob('*/*.{html,php}', GLOB_BRACE); $arFiles = glob('*.php'); chdir($strDir); if (count($arFiles) == 0) { throw new Exception('No files found in ' . $strDocumentationDirectory); } return $arFiles; }//protected static function getFiles($strDocumentationDirectory) /** * Returns an array of filenames that should contain title tags * needed for the camelCase title splitter * * @param array $arFiles Array with files that (@see getFiles()) * @return array Array with files that should have needed titles */ protected static function getTitleFiles($arFiles) { $nFiles = count($arFiles); for ($nA = 0; $nA < $nFiles; $nA++) { //class files (gtk.gtktreeview.html) or enums (gtk.enum.selectionmode.html) if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+\\.(enum\\.)?[a-z0-9]+\\.[a-z]+$/', basename($arFiles[$nA]))) { unset($arFiles[$nA]); } } return $arFiles; }//protected static function getTitleFiles($arFiles) /** * Returns an array with the contents of the html title tags * in the given files * * @param array $arFiles The files to check * @param string $strDocumentationDirectory The directory the file names are relative to * * @return array Array of titles. */ protected static function getTitles($arFiles, $strDocumentationDirectory) { $arTitles = array(); foreach ($arFiles as $strFile) { if (substr($strFile, -4) === '.php') { //.php files (make phpweb) don't have a title header if (preg_match('/manualHeader\\(\"(.+)\"\\,/', file_get_contents($strDocumentationDirectory . '/' . $strFile), $arMatches)) { $arTitles[] = $arMatches[1]; } } else { if (preg_match('/