version=pmwiki-2.1.6 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060425 SUSE/ Firefox/ author=Pm csum=adjust audience note host= name=PmWiki.Functions rev=47 targets=PmWiki.Variables,PmWiki.Internationalizations,PmWiki.FmtPageName,PmWiki.CustomMarkup,PmWiki.DocumentationIndex text=%25audience%25 admins (advanced)%0a%3c%3c|[[PmWiki.Variables]]|>>%0a%0aThis page describes some of the internal workings of PmWiki by explaining how some of the functions in pmwiki.php work. For a more brief list/overview on functions useful to for instance cookbook writers, see Cookbook:Functions. %0a%0a!![[#FmtPageName]] [@FmtPageName@]($fmt, $pagename)%0a%0a[[#FmtPageName-desc]]Returns [@$fmt@], with $variable and [=$[internationalisation]=] substitutions performed, under the assumption that the current page is [@pagename@]. See [[PmWiki.Variables]] for an (incomplete) list of available variables, [[PmWiki.Internationalizations]] for internationalisation.%0a%0aThis is one of the major functions in PmWiki, see [[PmWiki.FmtPageName]] for%0alots of details.%0a%0a%0a!![[#Markup]] [@Markup@]($name, $when, $pattern, $replace)%0a%0a[[#Markup-desc]]Adds a new markup to the conversion table. Described in greater detail at PmWiki.CustomMarkup.%0a%0aThis function is used to insert translation rules into the PmWiki's%0atranslation engine. The arguments to [@Markup()@] are all strings, where:%0a%0a:[@$name@]: The string names the rule that is inserted. If a rule of the same name already exists, then this rule is ignored.%0a:[@$when@]: This string is used to control ''when'' a rule is to be applied relative to other rules. A specification of "[@%3cxyz@]" says to apply this rule prior to the rule named "xyz", while "[@>xyz@]" says to apply this rule after the rule "xyz". See [[(PmWiki:)CustomMarkup]] for more details on the order of rules.%0a:[@$pattern@]: This string is a [[regular expression ->]] that is used by the translation engine to look for occurences of this rule in the markup source.%0a:[@$replace@]: This string will replace the matched text when a match occurs.%0a%0aAlso see: [[PmWiki.CustomMarkup]] and [[Cookbook:Functions#Markup]]%0a%0a!![[#MarkupToHTML]] [@MarkupToHTML@]($pagename, $str)%0a%0a[[#MarkupToHTML-desc]] Converts the string [@$str@] containing PmWiki markup into the corresponding HTML code, assuming the current page is [@$pagename@].%0a%0aAlso see: [[Cookbook:Functions#MarkupToHTML]]%0a%0a!![[#mkdirp]] [@mkdirp@]($dir)%0a%0aThe function [@mkdirp@]($dir) creates a directory, [@$dir@], if it doesn't%0aalready exist, including any parent directories that might be needed. For%0aeach directory created, it checks that the permissions on the directory are%0asufficient to allow PmWiki scripts to read and write files in that%0adirectory. This includes checking for restrictions imposed by PHP's%0asafe_mode setting. If [@mkdirp@]() is unable to successfully create a%0aread/write directory, [@mkdirp@]() aborts with an error message telling the%0aadministrator the steps to take to either create $dir manually or give%0aPmWiki sufficient permissions to be able to do it.%0a%0a!![[#MakeLink]] [@MakeLink@]($pagename, $target, $txt, $suffix, $fmt)%0a%0aThe function [@MakeLink@]($pagename, $target, $txt, $suffix, $fmt) returns a ???. It's arguments are as follows:%0a $pagename is the source page%0a $target is where the link should go%0a $txt is the value to use for '$LinkText' in the output %0a $suffix is any suffix string to be added to $txt%0a $fmt is a format string to use%0a%0aIf $txt is NULL or not specified, then it is automatically computed from $target.%0a%0aIf $fmt is NULL or not specified, then MakeLink uses the default%0aformat as specified by the type of link. For page links this%0ameans the $LinkPageExistsFmt and $LinkPageCreateFmt variables,%0afor intermap-style links it comes from either the $IMapLinkFmt%0aarray or from $UrlLinkFmt. Inside of the formatting strings,%0a$LinkUrl is replaced by the resolved url for the link, $LinkText%0ais replaced with the appropriate text, and $LinkAlt is replaced%0aby any "title" (alternate text) information associated with the%0alink.%0a%0aAlso see: [[PmWiki:MakeLink]] and [[Cookbook:Functions#MakeLink]]%0a%0a!![[#MakeUploadName]] [@MakeUploadName@]($pagename, $x)%0a%0a@@MakeUploadName()@@ simply takes a string @@$x@@ (representing an attachment's%0aname) and converts it to a valid name by removing any unwanted characters.%0aIt also requires the name to begin and end with an alphanumeric character,%0aand as of 2.0.beta28 it forces any file extensions to lowercase.%0aThis function is defined in @@scripts/upload.php@@ and only used when uploads%0aare enabled.%0a%0a%0a%25trail%25%3c%3c|[[Documentation Index]]|>> time=1149125379