version=pmwiki-2.1.beta34 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051128 SUSE/1.5-0.1 Firefox/1.5 author=Pm csum= host= name=Site.AuthUser passwdattr=@lock passwdedit=@lock rev=11 targets=PmWiki.AuthUser,PmWiki.LocalCustomizations,PmWiki.Passwords text=(:nolinkwikiwords:)%0aThis is the default configuration page for PmWiki's identity-based authorizations (aka "authuser.php"). See [[PmWiki.AuthUser]] for instructions.%0a%0a(:if enabled EnableAuthUser:)%0aThis site appears to have the authuser extensions enabled.%0a(:if !enabled EnableAuthUser:)%0aAt present this site doesn't appear to have the authuser extensions enabled. To enable them, add the line [@include_once("$FarmD/scripts/authuser.php");@] to your ''local/config.php'' file. (See [[PmWiki.LocalCustomizations]].)%0a(:if:)%0a%0a!! Login accounts%0a%0aSpecify login accounts in the form "@@[=username: (:=]encrypt ''password'':)@@":%0a%0a # Examples:%0a # alice: [=(:=]encrypt wonderland:)%0a # bob: [=(:=]encrypt builder:)%0a%0aNote that the passwords will be encrypted when the page is saved, so that the result will look something like:%0a%0a # alice: $1$0gcdAN1a$HTdEAXyYYo8Hc9/Xv30Yz1%0a # bob: $1$wSP2R80i$sJ593ERCmTtjm3Fk26HCV1%0a%0aTo authorize specific login accounts for pages and groups, use "[@id:username@]" as a password in [@?action=attr@] or $DefaultPasswords (see [[PmWiki.Passwords]]). Use "[@id:*@]" to mean "any logged-in user".%0a%0a!! Authorization groups%0a%0aAuthorization groups are specified with a leading "@" sign. Define either the login accounts belonging to a group or the groups for a login account:%0a%0a # @writers: alice, bob %0a # carol: @editors, @writers%0a # @admins: alice, dave%0a%0aThen use "[@@group@]" as a password in [@?action=attr@] or $DefaultPasswords.%0a%0a!! Login accounts from external sources%0a%0aObtaining login accounts from external sources (uncomment out appropriate line(s)):%0a%0a # htpasswd: /filesystem/path/to/.htpasswd%0a # ldap: ldap://,o=example?uid?sub%0a # mysql: mysql://[username:password]@localhost/db/table?user,passwd%0a%0a time=1141602010