name; $this_cat = $_GET['the_cat']; if( !empty($_GET['the_subcat']) ) { $title .= " : " . $appCats[$_GET['the_cat']]->sub[$_GET['the_subcat']]->name; $this_cat = $_GET['the_subcat']; } } if( !empty($this_cat) ) { if( is_array($appCats[$this_cat]->sub) ) { $these_cats = $this_cat . "," . join(",", array_keys($appCats[$this_cat]->sub)); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE status = 'A' AND cat_id IN ($these_cats) ORDER BY name LIMIT $offset,$limit"); }else { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE status = 'A' AND cat_id = $this_cat ORDER BY name LIMIT $offset,$limit"); } print("

Applications $title

"); }else if( $_GET['key'] == "new" ) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE status = 'A' ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT $offset,$limit"); print("

Applications : New

"); }else if( $_GET['key'] == "rating" ) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE status = 'A' ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT $offset,$limit"); print("

Applications : Highest Rating

"); }else { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE status = 'A' ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT 4"); print("


Here you will find PHP-GTK applications. If you know of an application that isn't in this database you can add it via the link on the left. If there is a category that you think should be added to this database please email the webmaster

Rating applications

If you like - or dislike - an application that you find on this site, please rate it to give others an idea of its usefulness. Ratings run from 1 (not good) through to 5 (brilliant).

Newest Applications

"); } $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res); if( $res && $num_rows > 0 ) { print(""); while( $row = mysql_fetch_object($res) ) { displayApp($row, $_GET['the_cat'], $_GET['the_subcat'], $_GET['offset']); } print("
"); if( $num_rows >= $limit ) { print("
"); print("

"); print(""); if( !empty($this_cat) ) { print("see more applications...  "); }else if( !empty($_GET['key']) ) { print("see more applications...  "); }else { print("see more new applications...  "); } print(""); print("

"); print("
"); print("
"); } }else { if( $offset > 0 ) { print("There are no more applications in this category."); }else { print("There are not any applications in this category."); print("
"); print("
"); print("Maybe you'd like to add one?"); } } ?>