GTK+ version:
PHP-GTK 2 currently supports GTK+ 2.6.9 or greater. You can obtain the latest
stable release of GTK+ 2.x from .
PHP version:
PHP-GTK 2 requires PHP 5.1.x or greater. The latest version of
the PHP_5_2 branch in CVS will work, too.
GTK+ version:
PHP-GTK currently supports GTK+ 1.2.6 or greater. You can obtain the
latest stable release of GTK+ 1.2.x from
PHP version:
PHP-GTK 1 requires PHP 4.0.5 or greater, with versions from
1.0.1 up requiring PHP 4.3.x to build.
Alternatively, you can get the latest and greatest version of PHP-GTK directly from the PHP CVS server.
cvs -d login
cvs -d co php-gtkFor PHP-GTK 1:
cvs -d co -r PHP_GTK_1 php-gtk
cd php-gtk
./buildconf ./configure make make install