Your submission was successful -- thanks for contributing!

"; $new_id = sqlite_last_insert_rowid($db); $msg = stripslashes($note); $msg .= "\n\n $redirect \n"; # make sure we have a return address. if (!$user_email) { $user_email = ""; } mail($mailto, "note $new_id added to $sect", $msg, "From: $user_email"); } else { # mail it. mail($mailto, "failed manual v1 note query", $query); echo "

There was an error processing your submission. " . "It has been automatically e-mailed to the developers.

"; } echo '

You can go back from whence you came,' . 'or you can go to the manual home page.

'; } else { if (isset($note) && strtolower($action) == "preview") { echo '

This is what your entry will look like, roughly:

'; echo ''; $temp = array( 'user' => stripslashes($user_email), 'note' => stripslashes($note), 'xwhen' => time() ); makeEntry($temp, false, false); echo "
"; } else { ?>

You can contribute to the PHP-GTK 1 manual from the comfort of your browser! Just add your comment in the big field below, and, optionally, your email address in the little one (usual anti-spam practices are OK, e.g.

Note that most HTML tags are not allowed in the posts. We tried allowing them in the past, but people invariably made a mess of things making the manual hard to read for everybody. You can include <p>, </p>, and <br> tags.

Carefully read the following note. If your post falls into one of the categories mentioned there, it will be rejected by one of the editors.

Note: If you are trying to report a bug, or request a new feature or language change, you're in the wrong place. If you are just commenting on the fact that something is not documented, save your breath. This is where you add to the documentation, not where you ask us to add the documentation. This is also not the correct place to ask questions (even if you see others have done that before, we are editing the notes slowly but surely). If you post a note in any of the categories above, it will edited and/or removed.

Just to make the point once more. The notes are being edited and support questions/bug reports/feature request/comments on lack of documentation, are being deleted from them (and you may get a rejection email), so if you post a question/bug/feature/complaint, it will be removed (but once you get an answer/bug solution/function documentation, feel free to come back and add it here!).

That said, you can change your mind and click here to go to the support pages or click here to submit a bug report or request a feature.

To add a note, you must click on the 'Add Note' button " . "on the bottom of a manual page so we know where to add the note!

"; } else { ?>
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