PHP-GTK 1 Manual Notes Administration\n\n"; echo "
If you just want to browse the manual notes, you're better off " . "here.
\n"; if ($action != '') { list ($action, $id) = explode(' ', $action); if ($action!='edit'&& !isset($MAGIC_COOKIE)) { echo "Authorization failed.
"; commonFooter(); exit; } switch($action) { case 'delete': $query = 'SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts) AS xwhen FROM note WHERE id='.$id; if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); mail($mailto, "note ".$row['id']." deleted from ".$row['sect']." by $user", stripslashes($row['note']), "From: ".$user.""); $query = 'DELETE FROM note WHERE id=' . $id; if (mysql_query($query)) { echo 'Note deleted.
'; if ($popup) { echo ''; } } } break; case 'reject': $reject_text = "If you are receiving this email is because your note posted\n"; $reject_text .= "to the on-line PHP-GTK 1 manual has been removed by one of the editors.\n\n"; $reject_text .= "Read the following paragraphs carefully, because they contain\n"; $reject_text .= "pointers to resources better suited for requesting support or\n"; $reject_text .= "reporting bugs, none of which are to be included in manual notes\n"; $reject_text .= "because there are mechanisms and groups in place to deal with\n"; $reject_text .= "those issues.\n\n"; $reject_text .= "The user contributed notes are not an appropriate place to\n"; $reject_text .= "ask questions, report bugs or suggest new features; please\n"; $reject_text .= "use the resources listed inNote ".$row['id']." by: ".$row['user']." ($submitter) "; if (is_emailable_address($submitter)) { mail($submitter,"note ".$row['id']." rejected and deleted from ".$row['sect']." by notes editor $user",$reject_text."----- Copy of your note below -----\n\n".stripslashes($row['note']),"From: ".$user.""); } // email to the list mail($mailto, "note ".$row['id']." rejected and deleted from ".$row['sect']." by $user", stripslashes($row['note']), "From: ".$user.""); $query = 'DELETE FROM note WHERE id=' . $id; if (mysql_query($query)) { echo 'rejected and deleted.
'; } if ($popup) { echo ''; } } break; case 'edit': echo "Only people with " . make_link('', 'CVS accounts') . " are able to edit the manual notes, so please don't email us asking why this doesn't work for you.
"; $query = 'SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts) AS xwhen FROM note WHERE id='.$id; if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo '\n"; commonFooter(); exit; } else { echo "Unable to find note for editing.
\n"; } break; case 'modify': $query = 'SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts) AS xwhen FROM note WHERE id='.$id; if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); } $add_url = "\n\n".$row['sect']."\n"; $query = "UPDATE note SET user='$nuser', note='$note'"; $rating = (int)$rating; if ($rating==-1) { $query .= ", votes=0, rating=0"; } else if ($rating > 0) { $query .= ",votes=10, rating=(10*".$rating.")"; } $query .= " WHERE id=$id"; if (mysql_query($query)) { echo "Record modified.
"; mail($mailto, "note ".$row['id']." modified in ".$row['sect']." by $user",stripslashes($note).$add_url,"From: ".$user.""); } else { echo "Record not modified (query failed).
"; } break; default: if (!empty($action)) { echo "Didn't understand action '$action'.
"; } } // end of switch } // end of if($action != "") $MAGIC_COOKIE = 'temp'; include 'browse.php'; commonFooter(); ?>