version=pmwiki-0.4.26 text=Be aware of these conventions, even if you choose to ignore them.²²When you write here, it is a common practice to use the second or third person. Remember '''Dragnet''' and write "Just the facts, ma'am." Give concrete advice.²²When you ''do'' write in the first person, it is conventional to sign your work. To sign a section of a page, follow it with your name made into a WikiWord.²²Some wikis prefer all signatures to go in a separate WikiGroup. If you are unsure, see what others have done.²²People often use the first person to describe their own experiences.²²It is conventional not to change a paragraph that someone else has signed, except to correct obvious mistakes. So if you'd prefer that something you write not be changed, sign it.²²Unsigned work is considered open for change. So if you want to, go ahead and change it.²²Practice understatement. Use plain language. Be bold and be nice.² time=1053547210 host= agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) rev=4