version=pmwiki-1.0.4 newline=˛ text=<<|{{Documentation Index}}|>> ˛[[nogroupfooter]]˛[[nogroupheader]]˛˛Every WikiGroup can have GroupHeader and [=GroupFooter=] pages that contain markup that should be included at the beginning or end of each page within the group. This feature is primarily used for:˛˛* adding a disclaimer or heading to all of the pages of a group˛* defining custom WikiStyles that may be used for all pages in a group˛* replacing the default headers and/or footers for pages in a group (using @@[=[[=]noheader]]@@ and @@[=[[=]nofooter]]@@ -- see SpecialMarkups)˛˛GroupHeaders allow WikiUsers to create groups with custom headers and footers without having to coordinate with a WikiAdministrator. For even more control, {{WikiAdministrator}}s can do PerGroupCustomizations as a {{LocalCustomization|s}}.˛˛A wiki page within a group can suppress the default GroupHeader or [=GroupFooter=] by using the @@[=[[nogroupheader]]=]@@ and @@[=[[nogroupfooter]]=]@@ markups.˛˛%trail%<<|PmWiki.DocumentationIndex|>>˛ time=1089143073 host= agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040207 Firefox/0.8 rev=17 author=bartolin name=PmWiki.GroupHeaders