version=pmwiki-0.6.1 newline=˛ text=Most of the files created and/or used by PmWiki can be deleted by the account holder outright. However, a certain system file, created when the @@wiki.d@@ directory is created, cannot be removed this way. To remove @@wiki.d@@, create a PHP file containing the following line:˛˛@@ [= =] @@˛˛Place the file in your PmWiki directory and call it up in your browser. No output will be produced, but the @@wiki.d@@ directory and all of the pages within it will be gone. '''*Forever*'''. So, make sure you want to do this before you try.˛˛Once this has been completed, the account holder should be able to delete the PmWiki directory with no further complaints from the server.˛˛%trail%<<|PmWiki.DocumentationIndex|>> time=1077506181 host= agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) rev=8 author=Pm name=PmWiki.UninstallingPmWiki