123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245 |
- <?php
- //
- // This is the main administration page where approvals, rejections, deletions, etc. take place
- //
- //require_once("cvs-auth.inc");
- require_once("email-validation.inc");
- require_once("apps.inc");
- if( !isset($MAGIC_COOKIE) ) {
- Header("Location: http://master.php.net/manage/users.php");
- exit;
- }
- list($user, $pass) = explode(":", base64_decode($MAGIC_COOKIE));
- $MAGIC_COOKIE = 'temp';
- commonHeader("Applications Administration");
- appHeader($the_cat, $the_subcat);
- print("
- <h1>Applications Administration</h1>
- If you just want to browse the applications, you're better off <A href='/apps/'>here</A>.
- <hr noshade size=1>
- ");
- //
- // this block contains all the actions the script can take. if we can't authenticate
- // or find the app in question we bail out.
- //
- if( !empty($action) && !empty($app_id) ) {
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE id = $app_id");
- if( $res ) {
- $app = mysql_fetch_object($res);
- }else {
- print("<p><b>Unable to find app #$app_id.</b></p>");
- appFooter();
- commonFooter();
- exit;
- }
- switch($action) {
- case 'approve':
- if( !empty($app->modify_id) ) {
- $res = mysql_query("UPDATE app SET status = 'A' WHERE id = $app_id");
- $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM app WHERE id = $app->modify_id");
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app->modify_id-thumb.jpg");
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app->modify_id.jpg");
- }else {
- $res = mysql_query("UPDATE app SET status = 'A' WHERE id = $app_id");
- }
- if( $res ) {
- $msg = "Application #$app_id approved.";
- }else {
- $msg = "Unable to approve application #$app_id.";
- }
- print("<script language='JavaScript'> alert('$msg'); document.location.href = 'admin-apps.php';</script>");
- break;
- case 'delete':
- $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM app WHERE id = $app_id");
- if( $res ) {
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id-thumb.jpg");
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id.jpg");
- mail($mailto, "app #$app->id deleted by $user",
- "The following application was deleted from the system:\n\n" .
- "Name : $app->name\n" .
- "Category : " . $appCats[$app->cat_id]->name . "\n" .
- "Submitter : $app->submitter\n" .
- "Description: $app->blurb\n",
- "From: $user@php.net");
- $msg = "Application #$app_id deleted.";
- }else {
- $msg = "Unable to delete application #$app_id.";
- }
- print("<script language='JavaScript'> alert('$msg'); document.location.href = 'admin-apps.php';</script>");
- break;
- case 'reject':
- $reject_text = "If you are receiving this email it is because your application\n";
- $reject_text .= "posted to the on-line PHP-GTK application database has been\n";
- $reject_text .= "rejected by one of the editors.\n\n";
- $reject_text .= "This is most likely due to the fact that your submission does\n";
- $reject_text .= "not appear to be a geniune PHP-GTK application.\n\n";
- $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM app WHERE id = $app_id");
- if( $res ) {
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id-thumb.jpg");
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id.jpg");
- // email the submitter if the address looks reasonable
- // uses functions in include/email-validation.inc
- $submitter = clean_AntiSPAM($app->submitter);
- if (is_emailable_address($submitter)) {
- mail($submitter,"app '$app->name' rejected by app editor $user",
- $reject_text .
- "----- Copy of your submission below -----\n\n" .
- "Name : $app->name\n" .
- "Category : " . $appCats[$app->cat_id]->name . "\n" .
- "Description: $app->blurb\n",
- "From: $user@php.net");
- }
- // email to the list
- mail($mailto,"app '$app->name' rejected by app editor $user",
- "The following application was rejected from the system:\n\n" .
- "Name : $app->name\n" .
- "Category : " . $appCats[$app->cat_id]->name . "\n" .
- "Description: $app->blurb\n",
- "From: $user@php.net");
- $msg = "Application #$app_id rejected.";
- }else {
- $msg = "Unable to reject application #$app_id.";
- }
- print("<script language='JavaScript'> alert('$msg'); document.location.href = 'admin-apps.php';</script>");
- break;
- case 'edit':
- $form_app = $app;
- $form_url = "admin-apps.php";
- $form_action = "modify";
- $form_submit = "Edit";
- include_once("form.php");
- appFooter();
- commonFooter();
- exit;
- break;
- case 'modify':
- $app_old = $app;
- if( !empty($_FILES[screenshot][name])
- && ereg("^image/", $_FILES[screenshot][type])
- && !ereg("gif", $_FILES[screenshot][type])
- ) {
- $has_new_screenshot = 'Y';
- }else {
- $has_screenshot = 'N';
- }
- if( $has_new_screenshot == "Y" || ($had_screenshot == 1 && $delete_screenshot != 1) ) {
- $has_screenshot = 'Y';
- }
- $res = mysql_query("
- UPDATE app
- status = '$status',
- cat_id = $cat_id,
- name = '$name',
- has_screenshot = '$has_screenshot',
- homepage_url = '$homepage_url',
- submitter = '$submitter',
- blurb = '$blurb'
- WHERE id = $app_id
- ");
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM app WHERE id = $app_id");
- $app = mysql_fetch_object($res);
- if( $res == true ) {
- if( $delete_screenshot == 1 ) {
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id.jpg");
- @unlink(APP_SCREENSHOT_DIR . "/$app_id-thumb.jpg");
- }
- if( $has_new_screenshot == 'Y' ) {
- handleAppImage($_FILES[screenshot][tmp_name], $app_id);
- }
- print("<p><b>Application was edited successfully.</b></p>");
- // email to the list
- mail($mailto,"app '$app->name' modified by app editor $user",
- "The following application was modified from this:\n\n" .
- "-------------------------------------------------\n" .
- "Name : $app_old->name\n" .
- "Status : $app_old->status\n" .
- "Category : " . $appCats[$app_old->cat_id]->name . "\n" .
- "Description: $app_old->blurb\n".
- "\n".
- "to this:\n\n".
- "-------------------------------------------------\n" .
- "Name : $app->name\n" .
- "Status : $app->status\n" .
- "Category : " . $appCats[$app->cat_id]->name . "\n" .
- "Description: $app->blurb\n",
- "From: $user@php.net");
- }else {
- print("<p><b><font color='#ff0000'>");
- print("There was a problem editing the application.");
- print("<br>");
- print("Error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error() );
- print("</font></b></p>");
- }
- print("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=100%>");
- displayApp($app, $the_cat, $the_subcat, $offset);
- print("</table>");
- appFooter();
- commonFooter();
- exit;
- break;
- default:
- if( !empty($action) ) {
- print("<p><b><font color='#ff0000'>Error: Didn't understand action '$action'.</font></b></p>");
- }
- }
- }
- if( empty($the_cat) && empty($the_subcat) && empty($key) ) {
- include("pending.php");
- }else if( $key == "modified" ) {
- include("modified.php");
- }else {
- include("apps.php");
- }
- appFooter();
- commonFooter();
- ?>