INSTALL.txt 1.6 KB

  1. This is the INSTALL.txt file for PmWiki. This document provides
  2. convenient steps so an administrator can have a PmWiki site up and
  3. running quickly. More extensive information about installing PmWiki
  4. is available at .
  5. Once your site is up and running you will be able to read the bundled
  6. documentation pages.
  7. Here are some quick steps to start you on your path toward a complete,
  8. customized installation:
  9. 1a) Put the software in a location accessible by your webserver.
  10. 1b) PmWiki can also be run if no webserver is installed. See
  12. 2) Point your browser to pmwiki.php.
  13. 3) You may see an error message saying that PmWiki needs to have
  14. a writable wiki.d/ directory. If so, follow the directions to
  15. establish one. This directory will hold your wiki page files.
  16. 4) If you want a directory index file, create a file called index.php
  17. in the main directory that contains the following single line of
  18. text, purposefully without a closing "?>":
  19. <?php include('pmwiki.php');
  20. 5) Sitewide configuration settings will go in a "local configuration
  21. file" named local/config.php. Copy the well-commented sample
  22. configuration file from docs/sample-config.php to the local/
  23. subdirectory, then rename the copy to config.php. Edit your
  24. new local/config.php file to suit your preferences.
  25. That's it. Next you'll probably want to browse your new site and
  26. read the bundled documentation. A good place to start is the
  27. PmWiki.InitialSetupTasks page.
  28. Enjoy!