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- version=pmwiki-2.1.beta38 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
- agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051128 SUSE/1.5-0.1 Firefox/1.5
- author=Pm
- csum=Made "access keys" a link
- host=
- name=PmWiki.SitePreferences
- rev=7
- targets=Site.Preferences,PmWiki.AccessKeys,Site.EditForm
- text=The page [[{$SiteGroup}.Preferences]] contains customisable browser preference settings.%0aThese include [[access keys]] (keyboard shortcuts to certain actions like edit, history, browse) and settings of the [[{$SiteGroup}.EditForm]] (width and height of the edit textarea) as well as the name of the edit form in use.%0a%0aA different page than [[{$SiteGroup}.Preferences]] can be choosen by making a copy of that page under a new name, customising it, and setting a cookie which will point to this page for the browser being used, through %0a%0a ?setprefs=`SomeGroup.`CustomPreferences %0a%0a`SomeGroup.`CustomPreferences being the name of the new customised preference page.%0a%0a!!!About Access Keys%0a%0a----%0a!!Notes and Comments%0a%0aNote that in order to enable parsing of [[{$SiteGroup}.Preferences]], a line like the following needs to be added to local/config.php:%0a%0a XLPage('prefs', "Site.Preferences");%0a
- time=1142183681