123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223 |
- <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
- /* Copyright 2003-2004 Patrick R. Michaud (pmichaud@pobox.com)
- This file is part of PmWiki; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version. See pmwiki.php for full details.
- This file adds upload capabilities to PmWiki. Uploads can be
- enabled by setting
- $EnableUpload = 1
- in config.php. In addition, an upload password must be set, and
- some installations may require configuration of the $UploadDir
- and $UploadUrlFmt variables. See the PmWiki.UploadsAdmin wiki
- page for full details, as it's complicated to explain here.
- */
- SDV($EnableUploadOverwrite,1);
- SDV($UploadExts,array(
- 'gif','jpg','jpeg','png','bmp','ico','wbmp', # images
- 'mp3','au','wav', # audio
- 'mpg','mpeg','wmf','mov','qt','avi', # video
- 'zip','gz','tgz','tar','rpm','hqx','sit', # archives
- 'doc','ppt','xls','exe','mdb', # MSOffice
- 'pdf','psd','ps','ai','eps', # Adobe
- 'htm','html','css','fla','swf', # web stuff
- 'txt','rtf','exe','tex','dvi','')); # misc
- $upname=@$_POST['upname'];
- if (@$_GET['upname']) $upname=$_GET['upname'];
- $upresult=@$_GET['upresult'];
- $upext=@$_GET['upext'];
- SDV($UploadMaxSize,50000);
- SDV($UploadPrefixQuota,0);
- SDV($UploadDirQuota,0);
- SDV($UploadPerms,0666 & ~umask());
- foreach($UploadExts as $ext)
- if (!isset($UploadExtSize[$ext]))
- $UploadExtSize[$ext]=$UploadMaxSize;
- $upextmax = @$UploadExtSize[$upext];
- SDV($UploadDir,'uploads');
- SDV($UploadUrlFmt,preg_replace("#/[^/]*\$#","/$UploadDir",$ScriptUrl,1));
- SDV($UploadPrefixFmt,'/$Group/');
- SDV($UploadNamePattern,'[A-Za-z0-9][-\w.]*[A-Za-z0-9]');
- SDV($UploadVerifyFunction,"UploadVerifyBasic");
- SDV($PageUploadFmt,array("<h1 class='wikiaction'>$[Attachments for] \$PageName</h1>
- <h3>\$UploadResult</h3>
- <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='\$ScriptUrl' method='post'>
- <input type='hidden' name='pagename' value='\$PageName' />
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='postupload' />
- <input type='hidden' name='upname' value='\$UploadName' />
- <table border='0'>
- <tr><td align='right'>$[File to upload:]</td><td><input
- name='uploadfile' type='file' /></td></tr>
- <tr><td align='right'>$[Name attachment as:]</td>
- <td><input type='text' name='upname'
- value='\$UploadName' />
- <input type='submit' value=' $[Upload] ' /><br />
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- </form>",'wiki:$[PmWiki.UploadQuickReference]'));
- SDV($HandleUploadFmt,array(&$PageStartFmt, &$PageUploadFmt, &$PageEndFmt));
- SDV($UploadFileFmt,"$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt");
- SDV($RecentUploads, array(
- 'Main.AllRecentUploads' =>
- "[[$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt\$UploadName \$UploadName]]",
- '$Group.RecentUploads' => '[[Attach:$UploadName $UploadName]]'));
- XLSDV('en',array(
- 'ULsuccess' => 'successfully uploaded',
- 'ULbadname' => 'invalid attachment name',
- 'ULbadtype' => '\'$upext\' is not an allowed file extension',
- 'ULtoobig' => 'file is larger than maximum allowed by webserver',
- 'ULtoobigext' => 'file is larger than allowed maximum of $upextmax
- bytes for \'$upext\' files',
- 'ULpartial' => 'incomplete file received',
- 'ULnofile' => 'no file uploaded',
- 'ULexists' => 'file with that name already exists',
- 'ULpquota' => 'group quota exceeded',
- 'ULtquota' => 'upload quota exceeded'));
- SDV($PageAttributes['passwdupload'],'$[Set new upload password]: ');
- SDV($DefaultPasswords['upload'],'*');
- SDV($LinkPatterns[120]["\\bAttach:($UploadNamePattern)"],'FmtAttachLink');
- SDV($InterMapUrls['Attach'],
- FmtPageName("$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt$1",$pagename));
- SDV($InlineReplacements['/\\[\\[\\$Attachlist\\s*(.*)\\]\\]/e'],
- "'<ul>'.FmtUploadList('$pagename','$1').'</ul>'");
- $UploadName = $upname; $UploadResult='';
- if ($upresult)
- $UploadResult = "<i>$upname</i>: ".FmtPageName("$[UL$upresult]",$pagename);
- if ($upresult=='success') $UploadName = "";
- mkgiddir($UploadDir);
- SDV($WikiLibDirs,array($WikiDir,"wikilib.d"));
- SDV($HandleActions['upload'],'HandleUpload');
- SDV($HandleActions['postupload'],'HandlePostUpload');
- function FmtAttachLink($pat,$ref,$txt) {
- global $UploadName,$UploadFileFmt,$pagename,$UploadFormTarget,$FmtUrlLink;
- preg_match("/^([^:]*):(.*)$/",$ref,$match);
- $rtxt=$ref; if (!is_null($txt)) $rtxt=$txt;
- $UploadName = $match[2];
- $filepath = FmtPageName($UploadFileFmt,$pagename).$UploadName;
- if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
- $target = ($UploadFormTarget) ? "target='$UploadFormTarget'" : '';
- return "$rtxt<a href='".FmtPageName('$PageUrl?action=upload',$pagename).
- "&upname=".urlencode($UploadName)."' $target>?</a>";
- }
- return $FmtUrlLink($pat,$ref,$txt);
- }
- function HandleUpload($pagename) {
- global $UploadList,$HandleUploadFmt;
- $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,'upload');
- if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot upload to $pagename"); }
- SetPageVars($pagename,$page,"$pagename Attachments");
- $UploadList = FmtUploadList($pagename);
- PrintFmt($pagename,$HandleUploadFmt);
- }
- function HandlePostUpload($pagename) {
- global $HTTP_POST_FILES,$UploadName,$UploadNamePattern,$UploadFileFmt,
- $UploadVerifyFunction,$UploadPerms,$RecentUploads,$TimeFmt,$Now;
- $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,'upload');
- if (!$page) Abort("?cannot upload to $pagename");
- $uploadfile = $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadfile'];
- if ($UploadName=='') { $UploadName=$uploadfile['name']; }
- if (!function_exists($UploadVerifyFunction))
- Abort("?no UploadVerifyFunction available");
- $filepath = FmtPageName($UploadFileFmt,$pagename).$UploadName;
- $result = $UploadVerifyFunction($pagename,$uploadfile,$filepath);
- if ($result=='') {
- $filedir = preg_replace('/[^\\/]*$/','',$filepath);
- mkgiddir($filedir);
- if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'],$filepath))
- { Abort("?cannot move uploaded file to $filepath"); return; }
- chmod($filepath,$UploadPerms);
- foreach($RecentUploads as $rcfmt => $pgfmt) {
- $rcname=FmtPageName($rcfmt,$pagename); if (!$rcname) continue;
- $pgname=FmtPageName($pgfmt,$pagename); if (!$pgname) continue;
- if (@$seen[$rcname]++) continue;
- $rcpage = ReadPage($rcname,"");
- $rcpage['text'] = "* $pgname . . . . . . ".strftime($TimeFmt,$Now)."\n".
- preg_replace("%\\* ".preg_quote($pgname)." .*?\n%","",
- $rcpage['text']);
- WritePage($rcname,$rcpage);
- }
- $result = "upresult=success";
- }
- Redirect($pagename,
- '$PageUrl?action=upload&upname='.urlencode($UploadName)."&$result");
- }
- function dirsize($dir) {
- $size=0;
- $dirp = @opendir($dir);
- if (!$dirp) return 0;
- while (($file=readdir($dirp)) !== false) {
- if ($file[0]=='.') continue;
- if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) $size+=dirsize("$dir/$file");
- else $size+=filesize("$dir/$file");
- }
- closedir($dirp);
- return $size;
- }
- function UploadVerifyBasic($pagename,$uploadfile,$filepath) {
- global $UploadName,$UploadNamePattern,$UploadExtSize,$EnableUploadOverwrite,
- $UploadPrefixQuota,$UploadDirQuota,$UploadDir;
- if (!$EnableUploadOverwrite && file_exists($filepath))
- return 'upresult=exists';
- preg_match('/\\.([^.]+)$/',$filepath,$match); $ext=@$match[1];
- $maxsize = $UploadExtSize[$ext];
- if ($maxsize<=0) return "upresult=badtype&upext=$ext";
- if ($uploadfile['size']>$maxsize) return "upresult=toobigext&upext=$ext";
- if (!is_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'])) return 'upresult=nofile';
- switch ($uploadfile['error']) {
- case 1: return 'upresult=toobig';
- case 2: return 'upresult=toobig';
- case 3: return 'upresult=partial';
- case 4: return 'upresult=nofile';
- }
- $filedir = preg_replace('/\\/[^\\/]*$/','',$filepath);
- if ($UploadPrefixQuota &&
- (@(dirsize($filedir)-filesize($filepath)+$uploadfile['size'])
- > $UploadPrefixQuota)) return 'upresult=pquota';
- if ($UploadDirQuota &&
- @(dirsize($UploadDir)-filesize($filepath)+$uploadfile['size'])
- > $UploadDirQuota) return 'upresult=tquota';
- return '';
- }
- function FmtUploadList($pagename,$order='N=A') {
- global $UploadDir,$UploadPrefixFmt,$UploadUrlFmt,$TimeFmt;
- $uploaddir = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt",$pagename);
- $uploadurl = FmtPageName("$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt",$pagename);
- if ($order=='') $order='N=A';
- $dirp = @opendir($uploaddir);
- $out = '';
- if (!$dirp) return $out;
- $filelist = array();
- while (($file=readdir($dirp)) !== false) {
- if ($file[0]=='.') continue;
- switch (strtolower($order[0])) {
- case 'm': $filelist[$file]=filemtime("$uploaddir$file"); break;
- case 's': $filelist[$file]=filesize("$uploaddir$file"); break;
- default: $filelist[$file]=$file; break;
- }
- }
- closedir($dirp);
- if (strtolower($order[2])=='d') arsort($filelist); else asort($filelist);
- foreach($filelist as $file=>$x) {
- $stat = stat("$uploaddir/$file");
- $out .= "<li> <a href='$uploadurl$file'>$file</a> ... "
- .$stat['size']." bytes ... ".strftime($TimeFmt,$stat['mtime'])."\n</li>";
- }
- return $out;
- }
- ?>