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- text=The pages below describe various aspects of using and administering a PmWiki installation. As you can see, the documentation is still incomplete. If you have suggestions, additions, or improvements for the documentation, please contribute them to pmichaud.com's PmWiki:DocumentationIndex page so they can be incorporated into future distributions of PmWiki!²²See also the PmWiki.{{FAQ}} for answers to frequently asked questions.²²²* Beginner topics for creating and editing pages in PmWiki²** {{WikiWord}}s²** BasicEditing²** CreatingNewPages²** LinksToExternalPages²** ImagesInWikiPages²** FreeLinks²** DeletePages²** TipsForEditing²²* Intermediate editing topics²** TextFormattingRules - convenient one-page-stop for many common markups²** WikiStyles - colored text, links in new windows²** {{Uploads}} - upload and attach files to pages²** SimpleTables ²** SimpleTables2²** AdvancedTables²** InterMap links - URI[=/=]URL shortcuts²** SpecialMarkups - specialized markups (double-brackets)²²* {{WikiStructure}}s - organizing and protecting pages in PmWiki²** {{WikiGroup}}s - organize pages into groups²** {{Passwords}} - password protect pages and groups²** WikiTrails - create paths (trails) through PmWiki pages²** GroupHeaders - add content to the beginning of all pages in a WikiGroup (Refers to [=GroupFooters=] too!)²** PageHistory - view/recover previous versions of a page²** AuthorTracking - track authorship of page changes²²* [=PmWiki=] site administration ²** SystemRequirements²** {{Installation}} - downloading and installing PmWiki²** InitialSetupTasks - initial customizations, the @@config.php@@ file²** LocalCustomizations - details about customizing PmWiki²*** LayoutBasics - change the display of PmWiki pages²*** LayoutAdvanced - more on changing PmWiki page displays²*** PerGroupCustomizations - per-group or per-page customizations²*** PasswordsAdmin - set site-wide and admin passwords²*** UploadsAdmin - configure the upload.php module²*** {{Internationalizations}} - PmWiki in other languages²*** MailPosts - send mail whenever pages are updated²*** ChangePmWikiURL - change the URI[=/=]URL used to access PmWiki²*** {{CustomInterMap}}s - add custom InterMap links²*** WikiStylesAdmin - customize available WikiStyles²*** CustomFreeLinks - customizing free link display²*** CustomMarkup²** AvailableActions ²** ErrorMessages²** EditQuickReference - text that appears beneath the Edit Page form²** FilesAndDirectories²** PageLayout²** QAMarkup²** {{Robots}}²** TroubleShooting²** UninstallingPmWiki ²** {{Upgrades}} - upgrade to new PmWiki releases²** UploadQuickReference - text that appears on the {{Uploads}} form²** {{Variables}}²²* About PmWiki²** PmWikiPhilosophy - design principles behind PmWiki²** PmWiki.{{Audiences}} - who PmWiki is designed for²** PmWiki.{{Contributors}} - people who have helped make PmWiki great²** PmWiki.{{Size}}
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