PmWiki.LinkVariables 2.2 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-0.6.9
  2. newline=²
  3. text=<<|{{Variables}}|>>²²The variables on this page control the formatting of links within wiki pages, such as {{WikiWord}}s and URL-links. The settings of these variables should be performed in LocalCustomizations.²²:$WikiWordCountMax:The maximum number of times to convert each WikiWord encountered on a page. Defaults to 1,000,000. Common settings for this variable are zero (disable WikiWord links) and one (convert only the first occurrence of each WikiWord).² $WikiWordCountMax = 0; # disable WikiWord links² $WikiWordCountMax = 1; # convert only first WikiWord²²:$WikiWordCount:An array that allows the number of WikiWord conversions to be set on a per-WikiWord basis. The default is to use $WikiWordCountMax unless a value is set in this array. By default PmWiki sets @@$WikiWordCount['PmWiki']=1@@ to limit the number of conversions of "PmWiki".² $WikiWordCount[=['PhD']=0; # Don't convert "PhD"=]² $WikiWordCount['WikiWord']=5; # Convert WikiWord 5 times² # the following lines keep a page from linking to itself² $title = [=FmtPageName=]('$Title_',$pagename);² $WikiWordCount[$title]=0; ²²:$WikiPageExistsFmt:The (HTML) string to output for links to already existing wiki pages. Defaults to ² <a class='wikilink' href='$PageUrl$Fragment'>$LinkText</a>²²:$WikiPageCreateFmt:The (HTML) string to output for links to non-existent wiki pages. The default is to add a '?' after the link text with a link to the page edit/create form. Defaults to² <span class='createlink'>$LinkText</span><a ² class='createlink' href='$PageUrl?action=edit'>?</a>²²:$WikiPageCreateSpaceFmt:Same as $WikiPageCreateFmt, but used when the link text has a space in it.²²:$UrlLinkFmt:The (HTML) string to output for URL-links that begin with 'http:', 'ftp:', etc. Defaults to² <a class='urllink' href='$Url'>$LinkText</a>²²:$UrlLinkTextFmt:The (HTML) string to output for URL-links that have alternate text specified. Defaults to the same value as $UrlLinkFmt.²
  4. time=1079054215
  5. author=Antony Templier
  6. name=PmWiki.LinkVariables
  7. host=
  8. agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr-FR; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130
  9. rev=5