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- version=pmwiki-0.6.21
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- text=<<|{{Variables}}|>>²²The variables listed on this page are miscellaneous variables that haven't yet been classified into other more appropriate pages.²²:$GroupNamePattern:The regular expression pattern used for valid {{WikiGroup|s}} name specifications. Defaults to allowing any group name beginning with an uppercase letter, but can be set to limit the valid group names (see Cookbook:LimitWikiGroups).²²:$SearchExcludePatterns:An array of page name patterns to be excluded from search results. See Cookbook:SearchExcludePages.² # exclude PmWiki.* pages from search results² $SearchExcludePatterns[] = [='/^PmWiki\\./';=]² # exclude RecentChanges pages from search results² $SearchExcludePatterns[] = [='/\\.(All)?RecentChanges$/';=]²²:$IncludeBadAnchorFmt:Format string to be used when an [=[[include:SomePage#start#end]]=] directive refers to an anchor that doesn't exist in [=SomePage=].²²:$GroupHeaderFmt:²:$GroupFooterFmt:²: :Variables that define the names of the pages to be added as a header or footer to the current page.² # defaults² $GroupHeaderFmt = [='$Group.GroupHeader';=]² $GroupFooterFmt = [='$Group.GroupFooter';=]² # cause all pages to share a common footer² $GroupFooterFmt = [='Main.CommonFooter';=]²²:$GroupPrintHeaderFmt:²:$GroupPrintFooterFmt:²: :Variables that define the names of the pages to be added as a header or footer to the current page when @@?action=print@@ is selected.² # defaults² $GroupPrintHeaderFmt = [='$Group.GroupPrintHeader';=]² $GroupPrintFooterFmt = [='$Group.GroupPrintFooter';=]² # set print headers and footers same as browse² $GroupPrintHeaderFmt = $GroupHeaderFmt;² $GroupPrintFooterFmt = $GroupFooterFmt;²²:$TableAttr:²: :Attributes added to the <table> HTML tags generated by ||-table markup (see SimpleTables). An author normally sets this value by using ||-markup with no closing || (SimpleTables2), but a WikiAdministrator can use this variable to set the default for tables.² # make ||-tables 100% width by default² $TableAttr = "width='100%'";²²:$TableCellAttr:²: :Attributes added to the <td> HTML tags generated by ||-table markup. Defaults to "valign='top'";² $TableCellAttr = "valign='center'";²²²:$FarmD:²: :In a {{WikiFarm|s}}, the directory that contains the main installation of ''pmwiki.php''.²²:$FarmPubDirUrl:²: :The URL to be used for accessing the ''pub/'' directory in a {{WikiFarm|s}}. Normally this has to be set by the farm's administrator in a ''local/farmconfig.php'' file, as there's not an easy way for PmWiki to automatically determine this location.²²
- time=1085704003
- author=Pm
- name=PmWiki.OtherVariables
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- rev=12