array( 'label' => t('As FGCF Support Page Link'), 'field types' => array('content_taxonomy'), 'description' => t('Link to a FGCF Support page instead of a default taxonomy page.'), ), ); return $ret; } /** * Implementation of hook_init(). */ function fgcf_init() { if (arg(0) == 'fgcf') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'fgcf') .'/theme/css/fgcf.css'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function fgcf_menu() { $read_access = array('access course catalog'); $items = array(); // 'admin/settings/fg' est défini dans fgrhm, qui est une dépendance de ce module. $items['admin/settings/fg/fgcf'] = array( 'title' => 'Catalogue formations', 'description' => 'Réglages du catalogue de formations', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('fgcf_admin_settings'), 'file' => '', 'weight' => 0, ); $items['fgcf'] = array( 'title' => 'Catalogue formations', 'page callback' => 'fgcf_page_home', 'access arguments' => $read_access, 'menu_name' => 'primary-links', ); $items['fgcf/support'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Formations par support', 'page callback' => 'fgcf_page_support', 'access arguments' => $read_access, ); $items['fgcf/organisme'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Formations par organisme', 'page callback' => 'fgcf_page_organisme', 'access arguments' => $read_access, ); $items['fgcf/theme'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Formations par thème', 'page callback' => 'fgcf_page_thematique', 'access arguments' => $read_access, ); $items['fgcf/odt'] = array( 'title' => 'ODT Test', 'page callback' => 'fgcf_page_odt', 'access arguments' => array('create fgcf_fiche content'), ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). */ function fgcf_perm() { return array('access course catalog'); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function fgcf_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { $ret = array( 'fgcf_home' => array( 'arguments' => array('links' => array(), 'content' => NULL), 'template' => 'fgcf-home', 'path' => $path .'/theme', ), 'fgcf_thematiques' => array( 'arguments' => array('terms' => array()), ), 'fgcf_formatter_fgcf_support_page_link' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), ); return $ret; } /** * Implementation of hook_term_path(). */ function fgcf_term_path($term) { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid); switch ($vocabulary->vid) { case _fgcf_get_vocabulary_by_name('FGCF Thème'): return 'fgcf/theme/'. $term->tid; break; case _fgcf_get_vocabulary_by_name('FGCF Supports pédagogiques'): return 'fgcf/support/'. $term->tid; break; default: // Terms in other vocabs should be set to display 'as text' (no link) break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_views_api(). */ function fgcf_views_api() { $ret = array( 'api' => '2', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'fgcf') . '/views', ); return $ret; } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). */ function fgcf_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'view': // Only operate on 'page' view. if ($a3 /* !teaser */ || !$a4 /* page */) { break; } // Not redundant with hook_init: fgcf node pages are not on fgcf[/.*] URLs if (in_array($node->type, array_keys(fgcf_node_info()))) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'fgcf') .'/theme/css/fgcf.css'); } switch ($node->type) { case 'fgcf_prestataire': $bc = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); $bc[] = l(t('Catalogue formations'), 'fgcf'); $bc[] = l(t('Organismes'), 'fgcf/organisme'); drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); break; case 'fgcf_fiche': $nat_config = variable_get('nat_config', NULL); $vid = isset($nat_config['types']['fgcf_thematique']) ? reset($nat_config['types']['fgcf_thematique']) : 0; unset($nat_config); $taxo2 = array(); foreach ($node->taxonomy as $tid => $term) { if ($term->vid != $vid) { $taxo2[$tid] = $term; } else { $node->fgcf_scat = $term; // Single by configuration } } $node->taxonomy = $taxo2; unset($taxo2, $tid, $term); // Build cat/scat[/scat]* path $cats = array(); $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($node->fgcf_scat->tid); foreach ($parents as $tid => $term) { $cats[] = $term; } $cats[] = $node->fgcf_scat; $node->content['fgcf_catpath'] = array( '#value' => theme('fgcf_thematiques', $cats), ); // Add 'Subscribe' button. $node->content['fgcf_subscribe'] = array( '#value' => drupal_get_form('fgcf_subscribe_form', $node), '#weight' => -100, ); $bc = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); $bc[] = l(t('Catalogue formations'), 'fgcf'); $bc[] = l(t('Thèmes'), 'fgcf/theme'); $bc[] = l($cats[0]->description, 'fgcf/theme/'. $cats[0]->tid); $bc[] = l($cats[1]->description, 'fgcf/theme/'. $cats[1]->tid); drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); unset($cats, $parents, $tid, $term); break; } } } /** * Page callback : 'Catalogue Formations'. */ function fgcf_page_home() { drupal_set_title('Catalogue des formations France Galop'); $links = array( l(t('Formations par organisme'), 'fgcf/organisme'), // Désactivé pa #647 // l(t('Formations par support'), 'fgcf/support'), ); $links = theme('item_list', $links, NULL, 'ul', array('class' => 'fgcf-home-links')); $ret = theme('fgcf_home', $links, fgcf_page_thematique(0, $links)); return $ret; } /** * Page callback : 'Formations par support'. */ function fgcf_page_support($format = 0) { $bc = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); $bc[] = l(t('Catalogue formations'), 'fgcf'); $filter_form = drupal_get_form('fgcf_filter_form'); $ret = $filter_form; $vid = _fgcf_get_vocabulary_by_name('FGCF Supports pédagogiques'); if (empty($format)) { $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_supports_de_formations', 'default', $vid); } else { $term = taxonomy_get_term($format); if (!is_object($term) || !isset($term->vid) || $term->vid != $vid) { $format = 0; } else { $bc[] = l(t('Supports pédagogiques'), 'fgcf/support'); drupal_set_title(t('Support: @term', array('@term' => $term->name))); $values = _fgcf_filter_form_translate_values(); } $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_formations_par_support', 'default', $format, $values['dif'], $values['modalites']); } drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); return $ret; } /** * Page callback : 'Formations par organisme'. */ function fgcf_page_organisme() { $bc = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); $bc[] = l(t('Catalogue formations'), 'fgcf'); drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); $filter_form = drupal_get_form('fgcf_filter_form'); $ret = $filter_form; $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_organismes_de_formation'); return $ret; } /** * Page callback : 'Formations par thematique'. */ function fgcf_page_thematique($thematique = 0, $filter_post = NULL) { $bc = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); $bc[] = l(t('Catalogue formations'), 'fgcf'); $filter_form = drupal_get_form('fgcf_filter_form', $filter_post); $ret = $filter_form; // The views itself doesn't mention vocab ids, which might be different in dev // and in production. // We limit to terms in the 'Thème' vocab outside the view. $vid = _fgcf_get_vocabulary_by_name('FGCF Thème'); if (empty($thematique)) { // Afficher liste des thèmes de 1er niveau. $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_thematiques_premier_niveau', 'default', $vid); } else { $term = taxonomy_get_term($thematique); $parents = array(); if (!is_object($term) || !isset($term->vid) || $term->vid != $vid) { $thematique = 0; $description = ''; } else { $bc[] = l(t('Thèmes'), 'fgcf/theme'); $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($thematique); $description = $term->description; } if (empty($parents)) { // Top category: display list of sub-categories. drupal_set_title(t('Thème : @term', array('@term' => $description))); $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_thematique_deuxieme_niveau', 'default', $thematique); } else { // Sub-category: display list of nodes. $parent = current($parents); $bc[] = l($parent->description, 'fgcf/theme/'. $parent->tid); drupal_set_title(t('Thème : @term', array('@term' => $description))); $values = _fgcf_filter_form_translate_values(); $ret .= views_embed_view('fgcf_formations_par_thematique', 'default', $thematique, $values['dif'], $values['modalites']); } } drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); return $ret; } /** * Page callback : 'ODT test'. */ function fgcf_page_odt() { module_load_include('inc', 'fgcf', 'fgcf.odt'); $template = dirname(__FILE__) ."/catalogue_template.odt"; $template = "catalogue_template.odt"; $odf = fgcf_odt_export_formations($template); $odf->exportAsAttachedFile('catalogue.odt'); } /** * Theme function for course themes. */ function theme_fgcf_thematiques($terms) { $items = array(); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $items[] = l($term->description, taxonomy_term_path($term)); } // Build cat logo $cat_term = reset($terms); $nodes = nat_get_nids(array($cat_term->tid), TRUE); $cat_node = reset($nodes); $node_view = node_build_content($cat_node, FALSE, FALSE); $logo = drupal_render($node_view->content['field_fgcf_thematique_logo']); array_unshift($items, $logo); $color = ''; if (isset($cat_node->field_fgcf_thematique_color[0]['value'])) { $color = $cat_node->field_fgcf_thematique_color[0]['value']; // Add '#' prefix if not already present in the value. $color = (strpos($color, '#') !== 0 ? '#' . $color : $color); } $ret = '