Creation of entries
To begin the editing of an entry, you have to go to the
Entries section then click on new entry.
An entry must contain at least a title, and its content. You can
can also choose a category.
- Category
- The category of your entry. To create a new category,
go to the Categories section.
- Format
- You can edit your entries in two formats; Wiki or HTML.
Wiki format is a simplified syntax which allows you to quickly type
an entry, with minimal training. On another hand HTML format gives you
a complete scope for the format of your writings.
- Status
- Status allows you to choose if the entry will be online or offline
after recording.
- This field allows to define if you authorize or not comments
for this entry.
- Trackbacks
- Trackbacks are comments sent by an other weblog
refering to your entry, or its subject. This field allows to define
if you authorize or not trackbacks.
- Language
- The language code for your entry. By default, it's your own language code.
You can change it for another language code, for
example "en", "en-us". This code is free, it will be included in the display
of entries.
- Selection
- To mark an entry as selected can allow you to create a list of
important entries upon which you want to draw attention for any given reason.
- Title
- The title of the entry. This field is required.
- URLed title
- The URLed title is the "URLish" form of the title. Accents and
disturbing characters for URL are deleted. The DC Engine can build it
except if you determine a specific one. You can click the "Use" link
to fill the field according to your category's title.
Contrary to the categories, the title of an entry in URLed form is not
mandatory, simply advised.
- Abstract
- The abstract allows you to write a short introduction for a longer
entry. In this case the continuation (content) will be readable after
clicking on a link.
- Entry
- The body of your entry. This field is required.
- Image insertion
- When you click on the Internal image icon, a popup window appears
so you can choose an image to insert in the body of your entry.
- Notepad
- The notepad is a small text zone which allows you to keep notes,
links or whatever you are thinking about while writing your entry.
The content of this field will not be displayed on your weblog, it's only there
in case of need.
- Date and Hour
- You can change the date and the hour of the entry as displayed
on your weblog.
- preview
- To visualize summarily your entry before saving.
Note that if you use the smileys, they won't be visible while using
this feature.
Shortcut : alt+v.
- save
- To save or update your entry.
Shortcut : alt+s.
- delete
- To suppress definitely your entry.
add comments
You can attach a comment to the entry directly from the
administration interface but you can do so only if the entry is already saved.