check(1); include dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/connexion.php'; # Tableau des mois de l'année for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) { $m = sprintf('%02d',$i); $arry_dt_m[dt::str('%B',strtotime('2000-'.$m.'-01'))] = $m; } # Les catégories du blog $cat_id = (!empty($_GET['cat_id'])) ? $_GET['cat_id'] : ''; $rsCat = $blog->getCat(); while (!$rsCat->EOF()) { $arry_cat[$rsCat->f('cat_libelle')] = $rsCat->f('cat_id'); $rsCat->moveNext(); } # Valeurs par défaut $err = ''; $titre = ''; $titre_url = ''; $cat_id = $_SESSION['sess_user_pref_cat']; $dt_m = $dt_d = $dt_y = ''; $chapo = $preview_chapo = ''; $content = $preview_content = ''; $notes = ''; $is_editable = true; $format = $_SESSION['sess_user_format']; $etat = $_SESSION['sess_user_post_pub']; $open_comment = 1; $open_tb = 1; $lang = DC_LANG; $selected = 0; $return_link = 'index.php'; $do_trackbacks = false; $objWiki = new wiki2xhtml(); if (dc_encoding != 'UTF-8') { $objWiki->setOpt('active_fix_word_entities',1); } # Billet existant if (!empty($_REQUEST['post_id'])) { $post = $blog->getPostById($_REQUEST['post_id']); if (!$post->isEmpty()) { $post_id = $post->f('post_id'); $titre = $post->f('post_titre'); $titre_url = $post->f('post_titre_url'); $cat_id = $post->f('cat_id'); $format = $post->getFormat(); $etat = (integer) $post->f('post_pub'); $open_comment = (integer) $post->f('post_open_comment'); $open_tb = (integer) $post->f('post_open_tb'); $lang = $post->f('post_lang'); $selected = $post->f('post_selected'); $chapo = ($post->f('post_chapo_wiki') != '') ? $post->f('post_chapo_wiki') : $post->f('post_chapo'); $preview_chapo = $post->f('post_chapo'); $content = ($post->f('post_content_wiki') != '') ? $post->f('post_content_wiki') : $post->f('post_content'); $notes = $post->f('post_notes'); $preview_content = $post->f('post_content'); $return_link = 'index.php?m='.$post->f('postyear').$post->f('postmonth').'#p'.$post_id; $post_ts = $post->getTS(); $post_perm_url = $post->getPermURL(); $dt_y = date('Y',$post_ts); $dt_m = date('m',$post_ts); $dt_d = date('d',$post_ts); $dt_h = (string) date('H',$post_ts); $dt_i = (string) date('i',$post_ts); $dt_s = (string) date('s',$post_ts); $objWiki->setOpt('note_prefix','pnote-'.$post_id); $comments = $blog->getComments($post_id); # Le post n'est éditable que par un admin ou son rédacteur, # qu'on se le dise ! if ($post->f('user_id') != $_SESSION['sess_user_id'] && $_SESSION['sess_user_level'] < 9) { $is_editable = false; } # Changement du status ou suppression d'un commentaire if (!empty($_GET['comment_id'])) { if ($is_editable) { if (!empty($_GET['comment_del'])) { if ($blog->delComment($_GET['comment_id']) !== false) { header('Location: poster.php?post_id='.$post_id.'#comments'); exit; } else { $err = $blog->error(1); } } else { if ($blog->statusComment($_GET['comment_id']) !== false) { header('Location: poster.php?post_id='.$post_id.'#c'.$_GET['comment_id']); exit; } else { $err = $blog->error(1); } } } else { $err = ''; } } # Ajout d'un commentaire if (!empty($_POST['add_comment'])) { if ($blog->addComment($post_id,$_POST['com_nom'], $_POST['com_email'],$_POST['com_web'],$_POST['com_content']) !== false) { header('Location: poster.php?post_id='.$post_id.'#comments'); exit; } else { $err = $blog->error(1); } } # Changement du status d'un billet if (!empty($_GET['cancel']) && $is_editable) { if ($blog->statusPost($post_id) !== false) { header('Location: '.$return_link); exit; } else { $err = $blog->error(1); } } # Suppression d'un billet if (!empty($_POST['delete']) && $is_editable) { if ($blog->delPost($post_id) !== false) { $msg = __('Entry successfully removed'); header('Location: index.php?msg='.urlencode($msg)); exit; } else { $err = $blog->error(1); } } } } # Valeurs pour la prévisualisation, la création ou la modification d'un billet if (!empty($_POST['preview']) || !empty($_POST['publish']) || !empty($_POST['transform'])) { $titre = $_POST['p_titre']; $titre_url = $_POST['p_titre_url']; $cat_id = $_POST['p_cat']; $format = $_POST['p_format']; $etat = $_POST['p_etat']; $open_comment = $_POST['p_open_comment']; $open_tb = $_POST['p_open_tb']; $lang = $_POST['p_lang']; $selected = $_POST['p_selected']; $content = $_POST['p_content']; $notes = $_POST['p_notes']; $chapo = $_POST['p_chapo']; $do_trackbacks = !empty($_POST['p_do_trackbacks']) ? true : false; if (!empty($post_id)) { $dt_y = (string) sprintf('%04d',$_POST['p_dt_y']); $dt_m = (string) sprintf('%02d',$_POST['p_dt_m']); $dt_d = (string) sprintf('%02d',$_POST['p_dt_d']); $dt_h = (string) sprintf('%02d',$_POST['p_dt_h']); $dt_i = (string) sprintf('%02d',$_POST['p_dt_i']); $dt_s = (string) sprintf('%02d',$_POST['p_dt_s']); # Corrections jour & heure if ($dt_d > 31 || $dt_d < 1) { $dt_d = '01'; } if ($dt_h > 23 || $dt_h < 0) { $dt_h = '00'; } if ($dt_i > 59 || $dt_i < 0) { $dt_i = '00'; } if ($dt_s > 59 || $dt_s < 0) { $dt_s = '00'; } $new_date = strtotime($dt_y.'-'.$dt_m.'-'.$dt_d.' 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'\n" ); if ($err != '') { echo '

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'. $err.'
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'. ''. ''. ' '. __('More options').'

'; echo '
'. '

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'; echo '

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'.__('Comments list').'

'; if (!$comments->isEmpty()) { showComments($comments); } else { echo __('No comment'); } } echo '

'.__('Post a comment').'

'. '
'. '

'. form::field('com_nom',30,255,htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['sess_user_cn'])). '

'; echo '

'. form::field('com_email',30,255,htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['sess_user_email'])). '

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' : ''). __('From').' : '.$rs->f('comment_auteur').'
'. dt::str(__('On %A %e %B %Y, %I:%M %p'),$rs->getTS()).'
'. __('Email').' : '.$rs->f('comment_email').'
'. __('Site').' : '.(($rs->f('comment_site')) ? 'http://'.$rs->f('comment_site') : '').'
'. '@IP : '.$rs->f('comment_ip').'

'. '
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