= 7) { $month = substr($_GET['d'],5,2); if (strlen($_GET['d']) == 10) { $day = substr($_GET['d'],8,2); } } } $err_msg = $form_err = $form_msg = ''; # Tableau des dates de modif $arry_last_mod = array(); # Variables pour le formulaire $c_nom = $c_mail = $c_content = ''; $c_site = 'http://'; $preview = false; if (!empty($_COOKIE['comment_info'])) { $c_cookie = unserialize($_COOKIE['comment_info']); $c_nom = $c_cookie['c_nom']; $c_mail = $c_cookie['c_mail']; $c_site = $c_cookie['c_site']; } # Variable de conf $theme_path = $blog_dc_path.'/themes/'; $theme_uri = dc_app_url.'/themes/'; $img_path = dc_img_url; # Définition du thème et de la langue $__theme = dc_theme; $__lang = dc_default_lang; # Ajout des functions.php des plugins $objPlugins = new plugins(dirname(__FILE__).'/../'.DC_ECRIRE.'/tools/'); foreach ($objPlugins->getFunctions() as $pfunc) { require_once $pfunc; } # Définition du template if (!is_dir($theme_path.$__theme)) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo 'Le thème '.$__theme.' n\'existe pas'; exit; } if (file_exists($theme_path.$__theme.'/template.php')) { $dc_template_file = $theme_path.$__theme.'/template.php'; } else { $dc_template_file = $theme_path.'default/template.php'; } # Prepend du template s'il existe if (file_exists(dirname($dc_template_file).'/prepend.php')) { require dirname($dc_template_file).'/prepend.php'; } # Chargement des langues if (dc_encoding == 'UTF-8') { l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__).'/../l10n/'.$__lang.'-utf8/date'); l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__).'/../l10n/'.$__lang.'-utf8/messages'); } else { l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__).'/../l10n/'.$__lang.'/date'); l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__).'/../l10n/'.$__lang.'/messages'); } # Fichier de langue du template s'il existe if (dc_encoding == 'UTF-8') { l10n::set(dirname($dc_template_file).'/l10n/'.$__lang.'-utf8/main'); } else { l10n::set(dirname($dc_template_file).'/l10n/'.$__lang.'/main'); } /* Création du tableau des dates de modification de tous les fichiers inclus. On ajoute aussi le fichier UPDATE, append.php, le template, dotclear.ini et tous les fichiers de langue */ $mod_files = array_merge($mod_files,get_included_files(),$GLOBALS['__l10n_files']); $mod_files[] = DC_UPDATE_FILE; $mod_files[] = $dc_template_file; $mod_files[] = $blog_dc_path.'/layout/append.php'; $mod_files[] = $blog_dc_path.'/conf/dotclear.ini'; # Cache HTTP if (dc_http_cache && $mode != 'search' && empty($_POST) && defined('DC_UPDATE_FILE_W') && DC_UPDATE_FILE_W) { cache::http($mod_files,$mod_ts); } # Connexion et création du blog $con = new connection(DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_HOST,DB_DBASE); if($con->error()) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo 'MySQL Error : '.$con->error(); exit; } $blog = new xblog($con,DB_PREFIX,1,dc_encoding); $blog->rs_blogpost = 'xblogpost'; $blog->rs_blogcomment = 'xblogcomment'; $blog->setLang($lang); $blog->setURL('post',dc_blog_url.dc_format_post_url); $blog->setURL('cat',dc_blog_url.dc_format_cat_url); $blog->setURL('archive',dc_blog_url.dc_format_archive_url); $blog->setURL('day',dc_blog_url.dc_format_day_url); $blog->setDateFormat(dc_date_format,dc_time_format); $blog->setUseSmilies(dc_use_smilies); if (is_dir($theme_path.$__theme.'/smilies/')) { $blog->setSmiliesPath($theme_path.$__theme.'/smilies/',$theme_uri.$__theme.'/smilies/'); } else { $blog->setSmiliesPath($theme_path.'default/smilies/',$theme_uri.'default/smilies/'); } # postcon.php du template s'il existe if (file_exists(dirname($dc_template_file).'/postcon.php')) { require dirname($dc_template_file).'/postcon.php'; } # postcon.php des plugins foreach ($objPlugins->getFunctions('postcon.php') as $pfunc) { require_once $pfunc; } # Catégories $rs_cat = $blog->getCat(); # Mois pour les archives $arry_months = $blog->getAllDates('m','','','',$cat_id); # Les langues du blog $rs_lang = $blog->getPostLanguages(); if($mode == 'home' || ($mode == 'cat' && $cat_id) || $mode == 'year') { # Dernières nouvelles $news = $blog->getLastNews(dc_nb_post_per_page,$cat_id,'post_dt DESC'); if ($news->isEmpty()) { $err_msg = '

'.__('No entry.').'

'; } } elseif($mode == 'day') { $news = $blog->getPostByDate($year,$month,$day,$cat_id,'post_dt DESC'); if ($news->isEmpty()) { $err_msg = '

'.__('No entry.').'

'; } } elseif($mode == 'month') { $news = $blog->getPostByDate($year,$month,'',$cat_id,'post_dt DESC'); if ($news->isEmpty()) { $err_msg = '

'.__('No entry.').'

'; } } elseif($mode == 'post' && $post_id) { $news = $blog->getPostByID($post_id); if ($news->isEmpty()) { $err_msg = '

'.__('No entry.').'

'; } else { # Ajout d'un commentaire if (!empty($_POST['redir']) && $news->openComment()) { $c_nom = trim($_POST['c_nom']); $c_mail = trim($_POST['c_mail']); $c_site = trim($_POST['c_site']); if (trim($_POST['c_content']) == '') { $in_content = $c_content = ''; } else { $c_content = $_POST['c_content']; if (dc_wiki_comments) { $objWiki = new wiki2xhtmlComment(); # Options wiki $objWiki->setOpt('active_fix_word_entities',(dc_encoding != 'UTF-8')); $objWiki->setOpt('active_fr_syntax',(dc_default_lang == 'fr')); $in_content = $objWiki->transform($c_content); } else { $in_content = '

'. nl2br($blog->parseContent(htmlspecialchars($c_content))).'

'; } } if (!empty($_POST['preview'])) { $preview = true; } else { if ($blog->addComment($post_id,$c_nom,$c_mail,$c_site, $in_content,0,dc_time_delta,dc_comments_pub) === false) { $form_err = $blog->error(1,0); } else { if (!empty($_POST['c_remember']) || !empty($_COOKIE['comment_info'])) { $c_cookie = array( 'c_nom' => $c_nom, 'c_mail' => $c_mail, 'c_site' => $c_site ); $c_cookie = serialize($c_cookie); setcookie('comment_info',$c_cookie, strtotime('+3 month'),'/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } if (dc_comment_notification && $news->f('user_email') != '' && $news->f('user_email') != $c_mail) { $n_titre = $blog->removeEntities($news->f('post_titre')); $n_mail = $news->f('user_email'); $n_subject = util::mimeEncode('['.dc_blog_name.'] '.$n_titre,dc_encoding); $n_content = sprintf(__('Comment for entry %s'),$n_titre)."\n\n". sprintf(__('By: %s'),$c_nom.(($c_mail!='') ? ' <'.$c_mail.'>' : ''))."\n". sprintf(__('Website: %s'),$c_site)."\n". "\n".str_replace("\r",'',$c_content)."\n\n". "--\n". 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$news->getPermURL(); if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { $client_ip = "unknown"; } $n_headers = 'From: '.$n_mail."\r\n". (($c_mail!='') ? 'Reply-To: '.$c_mail."\r\n" : ''). 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset='.dc_encoding.";\r\n". "X-Mailer: DotClear\r\n". 'X-Blog: http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dc_blog_url."\r\n". 'X-Client: '.$client_ip."\r\n"; @mail($n_mail,$n_subject,$n_content,$n_headers); } $redir = $_POST['redir'].(strpos($_POST['redir'],'?') ? '&' : '?').'cos=1'; header('Location: '.$redir); exit; } } } # Message si modération if (!empty($_GET['cos']) && dc_comments_pub == 0) { $form_msg = __('Your comment has been sent '. 'successfully. It will be online soon.'); } $comments = $blog->getComments($post_id); $trackbacks = $comments->extractTrackbacks(); $rs_prev = $blog->getNextID($news->getTS(),-1); $rs_next = $blog->getNextID($news->getTS(),1); } } elseif($mode == 'search') { # Résultat de recherche $news = $blog->searchPost($_GET['q']); if ($news->isEmpty()) { $err_msg = '

'. sprintf(__('Search of %s doesn\'t give any result.'), ''.htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']).''). '

'; } } ?>