messages.lang 1.6 KB

  1. ;No such user ID or invalid user ID
  2. No such user ID or invalid user ID
  3. ;Invalid user level
  4. Invalid user level
  5. ;User password missing
  6. User password missing
  7. ;User name missing
  8. User name missing
  9. ;Invalid email address
  10. Invalid email address
  11. ;Invalid publication format
  12. Invalid publication format
  13. ;Invalid edit size
  14. Invalid edit size
  15. ;Category does not exist
  16. Category does not exist
  17. ;This user has entries
  18. This user has entries
  19. ;Empty category title
  20. Empty category title
  21. ;No category ID
  22. No category ID
  23. ;This category is not empty
  24. This category is not empty
  25. ;Empty or invalid URLed title
  26. Empty or invalid URLed title
  27. ;Empty entry title
  28. Empty entry title
  29. ;Empty entry content
  30. Empty entry content
  31. ;No entry ID
  32. No entry ID
  33. ;Empty comment author
  34. Empty comment author
  35. ;Empty comment content
  36. Empty comment content
  37. ;Entry does not exists
  38. Entry does not exists
  39. ;Source is not a ping URL
  40. Source is not a ping URL
  41. ;Trackback error
  42. Trackback error
  43. ;No entry.
  44. No entry.
  45. ;Comment for entry %s
  46. Comment for entry %s
  47. ;By: %s
  48. By: %s
  49. ;Website: %s
  50. Website: %s
  51. ;Search of %s doesn't give any result.
  52. Search of %s doesn't give any result.
  53. ;Your comment has been sent successfully. It will be online soon.
  54. Your comment has been sent successfully. It will be online soon.
  55. ;Strong emphasis
  56. Strong emphasis
  57. ;Emphasis
  58. Emphasis
  59. ;Inserted
  60. Inserted
  61. ;Deleted
  62. Deleted
  63. ;Inline quote
  64. Inline quote
  65. ;Code
  66. Code
  67. ;Line break
  68. Line break
  69. ;Blockquote
  70. Blockquote
  71. ;Preformated text
  72. Preformated text
  73. ;Unordered list
  74. Unordered list
  75. ;Ordered list
  76. Ordered list
  77. ;URL?
  78. URL ?
  79. ;Language?
  80. Language ?
  81. ;Link
  82. Link
  83. ;External image
  84. External image
  85. ;Internal image
  86. Internal image