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+# Resistor Color Trio
+Welcome to Resistor Color Trio on Exercism's TypeScript Track.
+If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`.
+## Instructions
+If you want to build something using a Raspberry Pi, you'll probably use _resistors_.
+For this exercise, you need to know only three things about them:
+- Each resistor has a resistance value.
+- Resistors are small - so small in fact that if you printed the resistance value on them, it would be hard to read.
+ To get around this problem, manufacturers print color-coded bands onto the resistors to denote their resistance values.
+- Each band acts as a digit of a number.
+ For example, if they printed a brown band (value 1) followed by a green band (value 5), it would translate to the number 15.
+ In this exercise, you are going to create a helpful program so that you don't have to remember the values of the bands.
+ The program will take 3 colors as input, and outputs the correct value, in ohms.
+ The color bands are encoded as follows:
+- Black: 0
+- Brown: 1
+- Red: 2
+- Orange: 3
+- Yellow: 4
+- Green: 5
+- Blue: 6
+- Violet: 7
+- Grey: 8
+- White: 9
+In Resistor Color Duo you decoded the first two colors.
+For instance: orange-orange got the main value `33`.
+The third color stands for how many zeros need to be added to the main value.
+The main value plus the zeros gives us a value in ohms.
+For the exercise it doesn't matter what ohms really are.
+For example:
+- orange-orange-black would be 33 and no zeros, which becomes 33 ohms.
+- orange-orange-red would be 33 and 2 zeros, which becomes 3300 ohms.
+- orange-orange-orange would be 33 and 3 zeros, which becomes 33000 ohms.
+(If Math is your thing, you may want to think of the zeros as exponents of 10.
+If Math is not your thing, go with the zeros.
+It really is the same thing, just in plain English instead of Math lingo.)
+This exercise is about translating the colors into a label:
+> "... ohms"
+So an input of `"orange", "orange", "black"` should return:
+> "33 ohms"
+When we get to larger resistors, a [metric prefix][metric-prefix] is used to indicate a larger magnitude of ohms, such as "kiloohms".
+That is similar to saying "2 kilometers" instead of "2000 meters", or "2 kilograms" for "2000 grams".
+For example, an input of `"orange", "orange", "orange"` should return:
+> "33 kiloohms"
+[metric-prefix]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix
+## Source
+### Created by
+- @rodmagaldi
+### Contributed to by
+- @SleeplessByte
+### Based on
+Maud de Vries, Erik Schierboom - https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/issues/1549