import { valid } from './luhn' xit = it describe('Luhn', () => { it('single digit strings can not be valid', () => { expect(valid('1')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('a single zero is invalid', () => { expect(valid('0')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('a simple valid SIN that remains valid if reversed', () => { expect(valid('059')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('a simple valid SIN that becomes invalid if reversed', () => { expect(valid('59')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('a valid Canadian SIN', () => { expect(valid('055 444 285')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('invalid Canadian SIN', () => { expect(valid('055 444 286')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('invalid credit card', () => { expect(valid('8273 1232 7352 0569')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('invalid long number with an even remainder', () => { expect(valid('1 2345 6789 1234 5678 9012')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('invalid long number with a remainder divisible by 5', () => { expect(valid('1 2345 6789 1234 5678 9013')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('valid number with an even number of digits', () => { expect(valid('095 245 88')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('valid number with an odd number of spaces', () => { expect(valid('234 567 891 234')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('valid strings with a non-digit added at the end become invalid', () => { expect(valid('059a')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('valid strings with punctuation included become invalid', () => { expect(valid('055-444-285')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('valid strings with symbols included become invalid', () => { expect(valid('055# 444$ 285')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('single zero with space is invalid', () => { expect(valid(' 0')).toBeFalsy() }) xit('more than a single zero is valid', () => { expect(valid('0000 0')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('input digit 9 is correctly converted to output digit 9', () => { expect(valid('091')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('very long input is valid', () => { expect(valid('9999999999 9999999999 9999999999 9999999999')).toBeTruthy() }) xit('valid luhn with an odd number of digits and non zero first digit', () => { expect(valid('109')).toBeTruthy() }) xit("using ascii value for non-doubled non-digit isn't allowed", () => { expect(valid('055b 444 285')).toBeFalsy() }) xit("using ascii value for doubled non-digit isn't allowed", () => { expect(valid(':9')).toBeFalsy() }) xit("non-numeric, non-space char in the middle with a sum that's divisible by 10 isn't allowed", () => { expect(valid('59%59')).toBeFalsy() }) })