[ { "name" : "Azurite", "description" : "Some gems have hidden qualities beyond their luster, beyond their shine... Azurite is one of those gems.", "shine" : 8, "price" : 110.50, "rarity" : 7, "color" : "#CCC", "faces" : 14, "images" : [ "images/gem-02.gif", "images/gem-05.gif", "images/gem-09.gif" ], "reviews" : [ { "stars" : 5, "body" : "I love this gem!", "author" : "joe@example.org" }, { "stars" : 1, "body" : "This gem sucks.", "author" : "tim@example.org" } ] }, { "name" : "'Bloodstone", "description" : "Origin of the Bloodstone is unknown, hence its low value. It has a very high shine and 12 sides, however.", "shine" : 9, "price" : 22.90, "rarity" : 6, "color" : "#EEE", "faces" : 12, "images" : [ "images/gem-01.gif", "images/gem-03.gif", "images/gem-04.gif" ], "reviews" : [ { "stars" : 3, "body" : "I think this gem was just OK, could honestly use more shine, IMO.", "author" : "JimmyDean@example.org" }, { "stars" : 4, "body" : "Any gem with 12 faces is for me!", "author" : "gemsRock@example.org" } ] }, { "name" : "Zircon", "description" : "Zircon is our most coveted and sought after gem. You will pay much to be the proud owner of this gorgeous and high shine gem.", "shine" : 70, "price" : 1100, "rarity" : 2, "color" : "#000", "faces" : 6, "images" : [ "images/gem-06.gif", "images/gem-07.gif", "images/gem-08.gif" ], "reviews" : [ { "stars" : 1, "body" : "This gem is WAY too expensive for its rarity value.", "author" : "turtleguyy@example.org" }, { "stars" : 1, "body" : "BBW : High Shine != High Quality.", "author" : "LouisW407@example.org" }, { "stars" : 1, "body" : "Don't waste your rubles!", "author" : "nat@example.org" } ] } ]