angular.module('NoteWrangler') .directive('nwCategorySelect', function(Category) { return { replace: true, restrict: "E", scope: { activeCategory: "=", notes: "=" }, controller: function($scope) { this.getActiveCategory = function(){ return $scope.activeCategory } this.setActiveCategory = function(category) { $scope.activeCategory = category &&; } this.getNotesCountForCategory = function(category) { if(!$scope.notes) { return 0; } var count = 0; for(var i=0, l = $scope.notes.length; i < l; i++ ) { if($scope.notes[i] === { count++; } } return count; } }, templateUrl: '/templates/directives/nw-category-select.html', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { // Initially fetch the categories to use within the sorting menu Category.all().then(function(categoryData) { scope.categories = categoryData; }); } }; }); //simple version // angular.module('NoteWrangler') // .directive('nwCategorySelect', function(Category) { // return { // replace: true, // restrict: "E", // scope:{activeCategory: '='}, // controller: function($scope) { // this.getActiveCategory = function(){ // // return $scope.activeCategory // return $scope.activeCategory // // } // // this.setActiveCategory = function(category) { // // $scope.activeCategory =; // $scope.activeCategory = category &&; // } // // return this; // }, // templateUrl: '/templates/directives/nw-category-select.html', // link: function(scope, element, attrs) { // // // Initially fetch the categories to use within the sorting menu // Category.all().then(function(categoryData) { // scope.categories = categoryData; // }); // } // }; // });