/* Configure routes used with ngRoute. We chose not to use $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); because using HTML5 pushstate requires that server routes are setup to mirror the routes in this file. Since this isn't a node course we're going to skip it. For all intensive purposes, html5 mode and url hash mode perform the same when within an angular app. */ angular.module('NoteWrangler').config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', { // redirect to the notes index redirectTo: '/notes' }) .when('/users', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/users/index.html', controller: 'UsersIndexController' }) .when('/users/:id', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/users/show.html', controller: 'UsersShowController' }) .when('/notes', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/notes/index.html', controller: 'NotesIndexController' }) .when('/notes/new', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/notes/edit.html', controller: 'NotesCreateController' }) .when('/notes/:id', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/notes/show.html', controller: 'NotesShowController' }) .when('/notes/:id/edit', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/notes/edit.html', controller: 'NotesEditController' }) .when('/profile/edit', { templateUrl: 'templates/pages/profile/edit.html', controller: 'ProfileEditController' }) .otherwise({redirectTo: '/'}); }]);