var Utils = require("../../utils") , DataTypes = require("../../data-types") , SqlString = require("../../sql-string") , Transaction = require("../../transaction") var MySqlQueryGenerator = Utils._.extend( Utils._.clone(require("../abstract/query-generator")), Utils._.clone(require("../mysql/query-generator")) ) var hashToWhereConditions = MySqlQueryGenerator.hashToWhereConditions module.exports = (function() { var QueryGenerator = { options: {}, dialect: 'sqlite', addSchema: function(opts) { var tableName = undefined var schema = (!!opts && !!opts.options && !!opts.options.schema ? opts.options.schema : undefined) var schemaDelimiter = (!!opts && !!opts.options && !!opts.options.schemaDelimiter ? opts.options.schemaDelimiter : undefined) if (!!opts && !!opts.tableName) { tableName = opts.tableName } else if (typeof opts === "string") { tableName = opts } if (!schema || schema.toString().trim() === "") { return tableName } return this.quoteIdentifier(schema + (!schemaDelimiter ? '.' : schemaDelimiter) + tableName) }, createSchema: function() { var query = "SELECT name FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE type='table' and name!='sqlite_sequence';" return Utils._.template(query)({}) }, dropSchema: function(tableName, options) { return this.dropTableQuery(tableName, options) }, showSchemasQuery: function() { return "SELECT name FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE type='table' and name!='sqlite_sequence';" }, createTableQuery: function(tableName, attributes, options) { options = options || {} var query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <%= table %> (<%= attributes%>)" , primaryKeys = [] , needsMultiplePrimaryKeys = (Utils._.values(attributes).filter(function(definition) { return Utils._.includes(definition, 'PRIMARY KEY') }).length > 1) , attrStr = [] , modifierLastIndex = -1 for (var attr in attributes) { if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { var dataType = attributes[attr] if (Utils._.includes(dataType, 'AUTOINCREMENT')) { dataType = dataType.replace(/BIGINT/, 'INTEGER') } // SQLite thinks that certain modifiers should come before the length declaration, // whereas other dialects want them after, see // Start by finding the index of the last of the modifiers ['UNSIGNED', 'BINARY', 'ZEROFILL'].forEach(function (modifier) { var tmpIndex = dataType.indexOf(modifier) if (tmpIndex > modifierLastIndex) { modifierLastIndex = tmpIndex + modifier.length } }) if (modifierLastIndex) { // If a modifier was found, and a lenght declaration is given before the modifier, move the length var length = dataType.match(/\(\s*\d+(\s*,\s*\d)?\s*\)/) if (length && length.index < modifierLastIndex) { dataType = dataType.replace(length[0], '') // Since the legnth was placed before the modifier, removing the legnth has changed the index if (length.index < modifierLastIndex) { modifierLastIndex -= length[0].length } dataType = Utils._.insert(dataType, modifierLastIndex, length[0]).trim() } modifierLastIndex = -1 } if (Utils._.includes(dataType, 'PRIMARY KEY') && needsMultiplePrimaryKeys) { primaryKeys.push(attr) attrStr.push(this.quoteIdentifier(attr) + " " + dataType.replace(/PRIMARY KEY/, 'NOT NULL')) } else { attrStr.push(this.quoteIdentifier(attr) + " " + dataType) } } } var values = { table: this.quoteIdentifier(tableName), attributes: attrStr.join(", "), charset: (options.charset ? "DEFAULT CHARSET=" + options.charset : "") } , pkString = { return this.quoteIdentifier(pk) }.bind(this)).join(", ") if (!!options.uniqueKeys) { Utils._.each(options.uniqueKeys, function(columns) { values.attributes += ", UNIQUE (" + columns.fields.join(', ') + ")" }) } if (pkString.length > 0) { values.attributes += ", PRIMARY KEY (" + pkString + ")" } var sql = Utils._.template(query, values).trim() + ";" return this.replaceBooleanDefaults(sql) }, booleanValue: function(value){ return !!value ? 1 : 0; }, dropTableQuery: function(tableName, options) { options = options || {} var query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS <%= table %>;" return Utils._.template(query)({ table: this.quoteIdentifier(tableName) }) }, uniqueConstraintMapping: { code: 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT', map: function(str) { var match = str.match(/columns (.*?) are/) if (match === null || match.length < 2) { return false } return match[1].split(', ') } }, addLimitAndOffset: function(options, query){ query = query || "" if (options.offset && !options.limit) { query += " LIMIT " + options.offset + ", " + 10000000000000; } else if (options.limit) { if (options.offset) { query += " LIMIT " + options.offset + ", " + options.limit } else { query += " LIMIT " + options.limit } } return query; }, addColumnQuery: function() { var sql = MySqlQueryGenerator.addColumnQuery.apply(this, arguments) return this.replaceBooleanDefaults(sql) }, showTablesQuery: function() { return "SELECT name FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE type='table' and name!='sqlite_sequence';" }, bulkInsertQuery: function(tableName, attrValueHashes, options) { var query = "INSERT<%= ignoreDuplicates %> INTO <%= table %> (<%= attributes %>) VALUES <%= tuples %>;" , tuples = [] , allAttributes = [] Utils._.forEach(attrValueHashes, function(attrValueHash, i) { Utils._.forOwn(attrValueHash, function(value, key, hash) { if (allAttributes.indexOf(key) === -1) allAttributes.push(key) }) }) Utils._.forEach(attrValueHashes, function(attrValueHash, i) { tuples.push("(" + (key) { return this.escape(attrValueHash[key]) }.bind(this)).join(",") + ")") }.bind(this)) var replacements = { ignoreDuplicates: options && options.ignoreDuplicates ? ' OR IGNORE' : '', table: this.quoteIdentifier(tableName), attributes:{ return this.quoteIdentifier(attr) }.bind(this)).join(","), tuples: tuples } return Utils._.template(query)(replacements) }, updateQuery: function(tableName, attrValueHash, where, options) { attrValueHash = Utils.removeNullValuesFromHash(attrValueHash, this.options.omitNull, options) var query = "UPDATE <%= table %> SET <%= values %> WHERE <%= where %>" , values = [] for (var key in attrValueHash) { var value = attrValueHash[key] values.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key) + "=" + this.escape(value)) } var replacements = { table: this.quoteIdentifier(tableName), values: values.join(","), where: this.getWhereConditions(where) } return Utils._.template(query)(replacements) }, deleteQuery: function(tableName, where, options) { options = options || {} var query = "DELETE FROM <%= table %> WHERE <%= where %>" var replacements = { table: this.quoteIdentifier(tableName), where: this.getWhereConditions(where) } return Utils._.template(query)(replacements) }, attributesToSQL: function(attributes) { var result = {} for (var name in attributes) { var dataType = attributes[name] if (Utils.isHash(dataType)) { var template = "<%= type %>" , replacements = { type: dataType.type } if (dataType.type.toString() === DataTypes.ENUM.toString()) { replacements.type = "TEXT" if (!(Array.isArray(dataType.values) && (dataType.values.length > 0))) { throw new Error('Values for ENUM haven\'t been defined.') } } if (dataType.hasOwnProperty('allowNull') && !dataType.allowNull && !dataType.primaryKey) { template += " NOT NULL" } if (Utils.defaultValueSchemable(dataType.defaultValue)) { // TODO thoroughly check that DataTypes.NOW will properly // get populated on all databases as DEFAULT value // i.e. mysql requires: DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP template += " DEFAULT <%= defaultValue %>" replacements.defaultValue = this.escape(dataType.defaultValue) } if (dataType.unique === true) { template += " UNIQUE" } if (dataType.primaryKey) { template += " PRIMARY KEY" if (dataType.autoIncrement) { template += ' AUTOINCREMENT' } } if(dataType.references) { template += " REFERENCES <%= referencesTable %> (<%= referencesKey %>)" replacements.referencesTable = this.quoteIdentifier(dataType.references) if(dataType.referencesKey) { replacements.referencesKey = this.quoteIdentifier(dataType.referencesKey) } else { replacements.referencesKey = this.quoteIdentifier('id') } if(dataType.onDelete) { template += " ON DELETE <%= onDeleteAction %>" replacements.onDeleteAction = dataType.onDelete.toUpperCase() } if(dataType.onUpdate) { template += " ON UPDATE <%= onUpdateAction %>" replacements.onUpdateAction = dataType.onUpdate.toUpperCase() } } result[name] = Utils._.template(template)(replacements) } else { result[name] = dataType } } return result }, findAutoIncrementField: function(factory) { var fields = [] for (var name in factory.attributes) { if (factory.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var definition = factory.attributes[name] if (definition && (definition.indexOf('INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT') === 0)) { fields.push(name) } } } return fields }, showIndexQuery: function(tableName) { var sql = "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST(<%= tableName %>)" return Utils._.template(sql, { tableName: tableName }) }, removeIndexQuery: function(tableName, indexNameOrAttributes) { var sql = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS <%= indexName %>" , indexName = indexNameOrAttributes if (typeof indexName !== 'string') { indexName = Utils._.underscored(tableName + '_' + indexNameOrAttributes.join('_')) } return Utils._.template(sql, { tableName: tableName, indexName: indexName }) }, describeTableQuery: function(tableName, schema, schemaDelimiter) { var options = {} options.schema = schema || null options.schemaDelimiter = schemaDelimiter || null var sql = "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(<%= tableName %>);" return Utils._.template(sql, { tableName: this.addSchema({tableName: tableName, options: options})}) }, removeColumnQuery: function(tableName, attributes) { attributes = this.attributesToSQL(attributes) var backupTableName = tableName + "_backup" var query = [ this.createTableQuery(backupTableName, attributes).replace('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE'), "INSERT INTO <%= tableName %>_backup SELECT <%= attributeNames %> FROM <%= tableName %>;", "DROP TABLE <%= tableName %>;", this.createTableQuery(tableName, attributes), "INSERT INTO <%= tableName %> SELECT <%= attributeNames %> FROM <%= tableName %>_backup;", "DROP TABLE <%= tableName %>_backup;" ].join("") return Utils._.template(query, { tableName: tableName, attributeNames: Utils._.keys(attributes).join(', ') }) }, renameColumnQuery: function(tableName, attrNameBefore, attrNameAfter, attributes) { attributes = this.attributesToSQL(attributes) var backupTableName = tableName + "_backup" var query = [ this.createTableQuery(backupTableName, attributes).replace('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE'), "INSERT INTO <%= tableName %>_backup SELECT <%= attributeNamesImport %> FROM <%= tableName %>;", "DROP TABLE <%= tableName %>;", this.createTableQuery(tableName, attributes), "INSERT INTO <%= tableName %> SELECT <%= attributeNamesExport %> FROM <%= tableName %>_backup;", "DROP TABLE <%= tableName %>_backup;" ].join("") return Utils._.template(query, { tableName: tableName, attributeNamesImport: Utils._.keys(attributes).map(function(attr) { return (attrNameAfter === attr) ? attrNameBefore + ' AS ' + attr : attr }.bind(this)).join(', '), attributeNamesExport: Utils._.keys(attributes).map(function(attr) { return attr }.bind(this)).join(', ') }) }, startTransactionQuery: function(options) { return "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" }, setAutocommitQuery: function(value) { return "-- SQLite does not support SET autocommit." }, setIsolationLevelQuery: function(value) { switch (value) { case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.REPEATABLE_READ: return "-- SQLite is not able to choose the isolation level REPEATABLE READ." case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.READ_UNCOMMITTED: return "PRAGMA read_uncommitted = ON;" case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.READ_COMMITTED: return "PRAGMA read_uncommitted = OFF;" case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.SERIALIZABLE: return "-- SQLite's default isolation level is SERIALIZABLE. Nothing to do." default: throw new Error('Unknown isolation level: ' + value) } }, replaceBooleanDefaults: function(sql) { return sql.replace(/DEFAULT '?false'?/g, "DEFAULT 0").replace(/DEFAULT '?true'?/g, "DEFAULT 1") }, quoteIdentifier: function(identifier, force) { if (identifier === '*') return identifier return Utils.addTicks(identifier, "`") }, quoteIdentifiers: function(identifiers, force) { return identifiers.split('.').map(function(v) { return this.quoteIdentifier(v, force) }.bind(this)).join('.') }, quoteTable: function(table) { return this.quoteIdentifier(table) }, /** * Generates an SQL query that returns all foreign keys of a table. * * @param {String} tableName The name of the table. * @param {String} schemaName The name of the schema. * @return {String} The generated sql query. */ getForeignKeysQuery: function(tableName, schemaName) { var sql = "PRAGMA foreign_key_list(<%= tableName %>)" return Utils._.template(sql, { tableName: tableName }) } } return Utils._.extend({}, MySqlQueryGenerator, QueryGenerator) })()