var mout = require('mout'); var Q = require('q'); var Project = require('../core/Project'); var cli = require('../util/cli'); var Tracker = require('../util/analytics').Tracker; var defaultConfig = require('../config'); function uninstall(logger, names, options, config) { var project; var tracker; options = options || {}; config = defaultConfig(config); project = new Project(config, logger); tracker = new Tracker(config); tracker.trackNames('uninstall', names); return project.getTree(options) .spread(function (tree, flattened) { // Uninstall nodes return project.uninstall(names, options) // Clean out non-shared uninstalled dependencies .then(function (uninstalled) { var names = Object.keys(uninstalled); var children = []; // Grab the dependencies of packages that were uninstalled mout.object.forOwn(flattened, function (node) { if (names.indexOf( !== -1) { children.push.apply(children, mout.object.keys(node.dependencies)); } }); // Clean them! return clean(project, children, uninstalled); }); }); } function clean(project, names, removed) { removed = removed || {}; return project.getTree() .spread(function (tree, flattened) { var nodes = []; var dependantsCounter = {}; // Grab the nodes of each specified name mout.object.forOwn(flattened, function (node) { if (names.indexOf( !== -1) { nodes.push(node); } }); // Walk the down the tree, gathering dependants of the packages project.walkTree(tree, function (node, nodeName) { if (names.indexOf(nodeName) !== -1) { dependantsCounter[nodeName] = dependantsCounter[nodeName] || 0; dependantsCounter[nodeName] += node.nrDependants; } }, true); // Filter out those that have no dependants nodes = nodes.filter(function (node) { return !dependantsCounter[]; }); // Are we done? if (!nodes.length) { return Q.resolve(removed); } // Grab the nodes after filtering names = (node) { return; }); // Uninstall them return project.uninstall(names) // Clean out non-shared uninstalled dependencies .then(function (uninstalled) { var children; mout.object.mixIn(removed, uninstalled); // Grab the dependencies of packages that were uninstalled children = []; nodes.forEach(function (node) { children.push.apply(children, mout.object.keys(node.dependencies)); }); // Recurse! return clean(project, children, removed); }); }); } // ------------------- uninstall.line = function (logger, argv) { var options = uninstall.options(argv); var names = options.argv.remain.slice(1); if (!names.length) { return new Q(); } else { return uninstall(logger, names, options); } }; uninstall.options = function (argv) { return cli.readOptions({ 'save': { type: Boolean, shorthand: 'S' }, 'save-dev': { type: Boolean, shorthand: 'D' } }, argv); }; uninstall.completion = function () { // TODO: }; module.exports = uninstall;