var expect = require('expect.js'); var object = require('mout').object; var helpers = require('../helpers'); var commands = helpers.require('lib/index').commands; describe('bower install', function () { var tempDir = new helpers.TempDir(); var package = new helpers.TempDir({ 'bower.json': { name: 'package' } }).prepare(); var gitPackage = new helpers.TempDir(); var installLogger = function(packages, options, config) { config = object.merge(config || {}, { cwd: tempDir.path }); return commands.install(packages, options, config); }; var install = function(packages, options, config) { var logger = installLogger(packages, options, config); return helpers.expectEvent(logger, 'end'); }; it('writes to bower.json if --save flag is used', function () { package.prepare(); tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test' } }); return install([package.path], { save: true }).then(function() { expect('bower.json')).to.contain('dependencies'); }); }); it('reads .bowerrc from cwd', function () { package.prepare({ foo: 'bar' }); tempDir.prepare({ '.bowerrc': { directory: 'assets' }, 'bower.json': { name: 'test', dependencies: { package: package.path } } }); return install().then(function() { expect('assets/package/foo'))'bar'); }); }); it('runs preinstall hook', function () { package.prepare(); tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test', dependencies: { package: package.path } }, '.bowerrc': { scripts: { preinstall: 'bash -c "echo -n % > preinstall.txt"' } } }); return install().then(function() { expect('preinstall.txt'))'package'); }); }); it('runs preinstall hook', function () { package.prepare(); tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test', dependencies: { package: package.path } }, '.bowerrc': { scripts: { postinstall: 'bash -c "echo -n % > postinstall.txt"' } } }); return install().then(function() { expect('postinstall.txt'))'package'); }); }); // To be discussed, but that's the implementation now it('does not run hooks if nothing is installed', function () { tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test' }, '.bowerrc': { scripts: { postinstall: 'bash -c "echo -n % > hooks.txt"', preinstall: 'bash -c "echo -n % > hooks.txt"' } } }); return install().then(function() { expect(tempDir.exists('hooks.txt')); }); }); it('runs postinstall after bower.json is written', function () { package.prepare(); tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test' }, '.bowerrc': { scripts: { postinstall: 'bash -c "cat bower.json > hook.txt"', } } }); return install([package.path], { save: true }).then(function() { expect('hook.txt')).to.contain('dependencies'); }); }); it('display the output of hook scripts', function (next) { package.prepare(); tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test', dependencies: { package: package.path } }, '.bowerrc': { scripts: { postinstall: 'bash -c "echo foobar"' } } }); var lastAction = null; installLogger().intercept(function (log) { if (log.level === 'action') { lastAction = log; } }).on('end', function () { expect(lastAction.message)'foobar'); next(); }); }); it('works for git repositories', function () { return gitPackage.prepareGit({ '1.0.0': { 'bower.json': { name: 'package' }, 'version.txt': '1.0.0' }, '1.0.1': { 'bower.json': { name: 'package' }, 'version.txt': '1.0.1' } }).then(function() { tempDir.prepare({ 'bower.json': { name: 'test', dependencies: { package: gitPackage.path + '#1.0.0' } } }); return install().then(function() { expect('bower_components/package/version.txt')).to.contain('1.0.0'); }); }); }); });