#!/usr/bin/env node var fork = require('child_process').fork; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var open = require('opener'); var yargs = require('yargs'); var whichSync = require('which').sync; var inspector = require('..'); var WIN_CMD_LINK_MATCHER = /node "%~dp0\\(.*?)"/; var argvOptions = { 'debug-brk': { alias: 'b', default: true, description: 'Break on the first line (`node --debug-brk`)' }, 'web-port': { alias: ['p', 'port'], type: 'number', description: 'Node Inspector port (`node-inspector --web-port={port}`)' }, 'debug-port': { alias: 'd', type: 'number', description: 'Node/V8 debugger port (`node --debug={port}`)' }, nodejs: { type: 'string', description: 'Pass NodeJS options to debugged process (`node --option={value}`)\n' + 'Usage example: node-debug --nodejs --harmony --nodejs --random_seed=2 app' }, cli: { alias: 'c', type: 'boolean', description: 'CLI mode, do not open browser.' }, version: { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', description: 'Print Node Inspector\'s version.' }, help: { alias: 'h', type: 'boolean', description: 'Show this help.' } }; var argvParser = createYargs(); module.exports = main; module.exports.parseArgs = parseArgs; if (require.main == module) main(); //-- Implementation -- var config; /** * By default: * * 1. Runs node-inspector. * 2. Runs the supplied script in debug mode * 3. Opens the user's browser, pointing it at the inspector. * * NOTE: Finishes with a call to process.exit() when running without arguments * or when an error occured. */ function main() { config = parseArgs(process.argv); if (config.options.help) { argvParser.showHelp(console.log); console.log('The [script] argument is resolved relative to the current working\n' + 'directory. If no such file exists, then env.PATH is searched.\n'); console.log('The default mode is to break on the first line of the script, to run\n' + 'immediately on start use `--no-debug-brk` or press the Resume button.\n'); console.log('When there is no script specified, the module in the current working\n' + 'directory is loaded in the REPL session as `m`. This allows you to call\n' + 'and debug arbitrary functions exported by the current module.\n'); process.exit(); } if (config.options.version) { console.log('v' + require('../package.json').version); process.exit(); } startInspector(function(err) { if (err) { console.error(formatNodeInspectorError(err)); process.exit(1); } startDebuggedProcess(function(err) { if (err) { console.error( 'Cannot start %s: %s', config.subproc.script, err.message || err ); process.exit(2); } openBrowserAndPrintInfo(); }); }); } function parseArgs(argv) { argv = argv.slice(2); //Preparse --nodejs options var nodejsArgs = []; var nodejsIndex = argv.indexOf('--nodejs'); while (nodejsIndex !== -1) { var nodejsArg = argv.splice(nodejsIndex, 2)[1]; if (nodejsArg !== undefined) { nodejsArgs.push(nodejsArg); } nodejsIndex = argv.indexOf('--nodejs'); } var options = argvParser.parse(argv); var script = options._[0]; var printScript = true; var subprocArgs; if (script) { // We want to pass along subarguments, but re-parse our arguments. subprocArgs = argv.splice(argv.indexOf(script) + 1); } else { script = require.resolve('./run-repl'); subprocArgs = []; printScript = false; process.env.CMD = process.env.CMD || process.argv[1]; } options = argvParser.parse(argv); var subprocPort = options['debug-port'] || 5858; var subprocExecArgs = ['--debug=' + subprocPort].concat(nodejsArgs); if (options['debug-brk']) { subprocExecArgs.push('--debug-brk'); } var inspectorPort = options['web-port'] || 8080; var inspectorArgs = extractPassThroughArgs(options, argvOptions) .concat(['--web-port=' + inspectorPort]); return { printScript: printScript, options: options, subproc: { script: script, args: subprocArgs, execArgs: subprocExecArgs, debugPort: subprocPort }, inspector: { port: inspectorPort, args: inspectorArgs } }; } function createYargs() { var y = yargs .options(argvOptions) .usage('Usage:\n' + ' $0 [node-inspector-options] [options] script [script-arguments]'); y.$0 = getCmd(); return y; } function getCmd() { return process.env.CMD || path.basename(process.argv[1]); } function extractPassThroughArgs(options, argvOptions) { var result = []; var optionsToSkip = { _: true, $0: true }; // Skip options handled by node-debug Object.keys(argvOptions).forEach(function(key) { optionsToSkip[key] = true; var alias = argvOptions[key].alias; if (Array.isArray(alias)) { alias.forEach(function(opt) { optionsToSkip[opt] = true; }); } else if (alias) { optionsToSkip[alias] = true; } }); // Filter options not handled by node-debug Object.keys(options).forEach(function(key) { //Filter options handled by node-debug if (optionsToSkip[key]) return; //Filter camelKey options created by yargs if (/[A-Z]/.test(key)) return; var value = options[key]; if (value === undefined) return; if (value === true) { result.push('--' + key); } else if (value === false) { result.push('--no-' + key); } else { result.push('--' + key); result.push(value); } }); return result; } function startInspector(callback) { var inspectorProcess = fork( require.resolve('./inspector'), config.inspector.args, { silent: true } ); inspectorProcess.once('message', function(msg) { switch (msg.event) { case 'SERVER.LISTENING': return callback(null, msg.address); case 'SERVER.ERROR': return callback(msg.error); default: console.warn('Unknown Node Inspector event: %s', msg.event); return callback( null, { address: 'localhost', port: config.inspector.port } ); } }); process.on('exit', function() { inspectorProcess.kill(); }); } function formatNodeInspectorError(err) { var reason = err.message || err.code || err; if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { reason += '\nThere is another process already listening at' + config.inspector.port + '.\n' + 'Run `' + getCmd() + ' -p {port}` to use a different port.'; } return util.format('Cannot start Node Inspector:', reason); } function startDebuggedProcess(callback) { var script = path.resolve(process.cwd(), config.subproc.script); if (!fs.existsSync(script)) { try { script = whichSync(config.subproc.script); script = checkWinCmdFiles(script); } catch (err) { return callback(err); } } var debuggedProcess = fork( script, config.subproc.args, { execArgv: config.subproc.execArgs } ); debuggedProcess.on('exit', function() { process.exit(); }); callback(); } function checkWinCmdFiles(script) { if (process.platform == 'win32' && path.extname(script).toLowerCase() == '.cmd') { var cmdContent = '' + fs.readFileSync(script); var link = (WIN_CMD_LINK_MATCHER.exec(cmdContent) || [])[1]; if (link) script = path.resolve(path.dirname(script), link); } return script; } function openBrowserAndPrintInfo() { var url = inspector.buildInspectorUrl( 'localhost', config.inspector.port, config.subproc.debugPort ); if (!config.options.cli) { open(url); } console.log('Node Inspector is now available from %s', url); if (config.printScript) console.log('Debugging `%s`\n', config.subproc.script); }