var Q = require('q'); var mout = require('mout'); var path = require('path'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var fs = require('graceful-fs'); var endpointParser = require('bower-endpoint-parser'); var PackageRepository = require('./PackageRepository'); var semver = require('../util/semver'); var copy = require('../util/copy'); var createError = require('../util/createError'); var scripts = require('./scripts'); function Manager(config, logger) { this._config = config; this._logger = logger; this._repository = new PackageRepository(this._config, this._logger); this.configure({}); } // ----------------- Manager.prototype.configure = function (setup) { var targetsHash = {}; this._conflicted = {}; // Targets this._targets = setup.targets || []; this._targets.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { decEndpoint.initialName =; decEndpoint.dependants = mout.object.values(decEndpoint.dependants); targetsHash[] = true; // If the endpoint is marked as newly, make it unresolvable decEndpoint.unresolvable = !!decEndpoint.newly; }); // Resolved & installed this._resolved = {}; this._installed = {}; mout.object.forOwn(setup.resolved, function (decEndpoint, name) { decEndpoint.dependants = mout.object.values(decEndpoint.dependants); this._resolved[name] = [decEndpoint]; this._installed[name] = decEndpoint.pkgMeta; }, this); // Installed mout.object.mixIn(this._installed, setup.installed); // Incompatibles this._incompatibles = {}; setup.incompatibles = this._uniquify(setup.incompatibles || []); setup.incompatibles.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { var name =; this._incompatibles[name] = this._incompatibles[name] || []; this._incompatibles[name].push(decEndpoint); decEndpoint.dependants = mout.object.values(decEndpoint.dependants); // Mark as conflicted so that the resolution is not removed this._conflicted[name] = true; // If not a target/resolved, add as target if (!targetsHash[name] && !this._resolved[name]) { this._targets.push(decEndpoint); } }, this); // Resolutions this._resolutions = setup.resolutions || {}; // Uniquify targets this._targets = this._uniquify(this._targets); // Force-latest this._forceLatest = !!setup.forceLatest; return this; }; Manager.prototype.resolve = function () { // If already resolving, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } // Reset stuff this._fetching = {}; this._nrFetching = 0; this._failed = {}; this._hasFailed = false; this._deferred = Q.defer(); // If there's nothing to resolve, simply dissect if (!this._targets.length) { process.nextTick(this._dissect.bind(this)); // Otherwise, fetch each target from the repository // and let the process roll out } else { this._targets.forEach(this._fetch.bind(this)); } // Unset working flag when done return this._deferred.promise .fin(function () { this._working = false; }.bind(this)); }; Manager.prototype.preinstall = function (json) { var that = this; var componentsDir = path.join(this._config.cwd,; // If nothing to install, skip the code bellow if (mout.lang.isEmpty(that._dissected)) { return Q.resolve({}); } return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, componentsDir) .then(function () { return scripts.preinstall( that._config, that._logger, that._dissected, that._installed, json ); }); }; Manager.prototype.postinstall = function (json) { var that = this; var componentsDir = path.join(this._config.cwd,; // If nothing to install, skip the code bellow if (mout.lang.isEmpty(that._dissected)) { return Q.resolve({}); } return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, componentsDir) .then(function () { return scripts.postinstall( that._config, that._logger, that._dissected, that._installed, json ); }); }; Manager.prototype.install = function (json) { var componentsDir; var that = this; // If already resolving, error out if (this._working) { return Q.reject(createError('Already working', 'EWORKING')); } // If nothing to install, skip the code bellow if (mout.lang.isEmpty(that._dissected)) { return Q.resolve({}); } componentsDir = path.join(this._config.cwd,; return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, componentsDir) .then(function () { var promises = []; mout.object.forOwn(that._dissected, function (decEndpoint, name) { var promise; var dst; var release = decEndpoint.pkgMeta._release; that._logger.action('install', name + (release ? '#' + release : ''), that.toData(decEndpoint)); dst = path.join(componentsDir, name); // Remove existent and copy canonical dir promise = Q.nfcall(rimraf, dst) .then(copy.copyDir.bind(copy, decEndpoint.canonicalDir, dst)) .then(function () { var metaFile = path.join(dst, '.bower.json'); decEndpoint.canonicalDir = dst; // Store additional metadata in bower.json return Q.nfcall(fs.readFile, metaFile) .then(function (contents) { var json = JSON.parse(contents.toString()); json._target =; json._originalSource = decEndpoint.source; if (decEndpoint.newly) { json._direct = true; } json = JSON.stringify(json, null, ' '); return Q.nfcall(fs.writeFile, metaFile, json); }); }); promises.push(promise); }); return Q.all(promises); }) .then(function () { // Sync up dissected dependencies and dependants // See: mout.object.forOwn(that._dissected, function (pkg) { // Sync dependencies mout.object.forOwn(pkg.dependencies, function (dependency, name) { var dissected = this._dissected[name] || (this._resolved[name] ? this._resolved[name][0] : dependency); pkg.dependencies[name] = dissected; }, this); // Sync dependants pkg.dependants = (dependant) { var name =; var dissected = this._dissected[name] || (this._resolved[name] ? this._resolved[name][0] : dependant); return dissected; }, this); }, that); // Resolve with meaningful data return, function (decEndpoint) { return this.toData(decEndpoint); }, that); }) .fin(function () { this._working = false; }.bind(this)); }; Manager.prototype.toData = function (decEndpoint, extraKeys, upperDeps) { var names; var extra; var data = {}; upperDeps = upperDeps || []; data.endpoint = mout.object.pick(decEndpoint, ['name', 'source', 'target']); if (decEndpoint.canonicalDir) { data.canonicalDir = decEndpoint.canonicalDir; data.pkgMeta = decEndpoint.pkgMeta; } if (extraKeys) { extra = mout.object.pick(decEndpoint, extraKeys); extra = mout.object.filter(extra, function (value) { return !!value; }); mout.object.mixIn(data, extra); } if (decEndpoint.dependencies) { data.dependencies = {}; // Call recursively for each dependency but ordered // by dependency names names = Object.keys(decEndpoint.dependencies).sort(); names.forEach(function (name) { // Prevent from infinite recursion when installing cyclic // dependencies if (!mout.array.contains(upperDeps, name)) { data.dependencies[name] = this.toData(decEndpoint.dependencies[name], extraKeys, upperDeps.concat(; } }, this); } data.nrDependants = mout.object.size(decEndpoint.dependants); return data; }; Manager.prototype.getPackageRepository = function () { return this._repository; }; // ----------------- Manager.prototype._fetch = function (decEndpoint) { var name =; // Check if the whole process started to fail fast if (this._hasFailed) { return; } // Mark as being fetched this._fetching[name] = this._fetching[name] || []; this._fetching[name].push(decEndpoint); this._nrFetching++; // Fetch it from the repository // Note that the promise is stored in the decomposed endpoint // because it might be reused if a similar endpoint needs to be resolved return decEndpoint.promise = this._repository.fetch(decEndpoint) // When done, call onFetchSuccess .spread(this._onFetchSuccess.bind(this, decEndpoint)) // If it fails, call onFetchFailure .fail(this._onFetchError.bind(this, decEndpoint)); }; Manager.prototype._onFetchSuccess = function (decEndpoint, canonicalDir, pkgMeta, isTargetable) { var name; var resolved; var index; var incompatibles; var initialName = decEndpoint.initialName != null ? decEndpoint.initialName :; var fetching = this._fetching[initialName]; // Remove from being fetched list mout.array.remove(fetching, decEndpoint); this._nrFetching--; // Store some needed stuff = name = ||; decEndpoint.canonicalDir = canonicalDir; decEndpoint.pkgMeta = pkgMeta; delete decEndpoint.promise; // Add to the resolved list // If there's an exact equal endpoint, replace instead of adding // This can happen because the name might not be known from the start resolved = this._resolved[name] = this._resolved[name] || []; index = mout.array.findIndex(resolved, function (resolved) { return ===; }); if (index !== -1) { // Merge dependants decEndpoint.dependants.push.apply(decEndpoint.dependants, resolved[index.dependants]); decEndpoint.dependants = this._uniquify(decEndpoint.dependants); resolved.splice(index, 1); } resolved.push(decEndpoint); // Parse dependencies this._parseDependencies(decEndpoint, pkgMeta, 'dependencies'); // Check if there are incompatibilities for this package name // If there are, we need to fetch them incompatibles = this._incompatibles[name]; if (incompatibles) { // Filter already resolved incompatibles = incompatibles.filter(function (incompatible) { return !resolved.some(function (decEndpoint) { return ===; }); }, this); // Filter being resolved incompatibles = incompatibles.filter(function (incompatible) { return !fetching.some(function (decEndpoint) { return ===; }); }, this); incompatibles.forEach(this._fetch.bind(this)); delete this._incompatibles[name]; } // If the package is not targetable, flag it // It will be needed later so that untargetable endpoints // will not get * converted to ~version if (!isTargetable) { decEndpoint.untargetable = true; } // If there are no more packages being fetched, // finish the resolve process by dissecting all resolved packages if (this._nrFetching <= 0) { process.nextTick(this._dissect.bind(this)); } }; Manager.prototype._onFetchError = function (decEndpoint, err) { var name =; = || {}; = mout.object.pick(decEndpoint, ['name', 'source', 'target']); // Remove from being fetched list mout.array.remove(this._fetching[name], decEndpoint); this._nrFetching--; // Add to the failed list this._failed[name] = this._failed[name] || []; this._failed[name].push(err); delete decEndpoint.promise; // Make the whole process to fail fast this._failFast(); // If there are no more packages being fetched, // finish the resolve process (with an error) if (this._nrFetching <= 0) { process.nextTick(this._dissect.bind(this)); } }; Manager.prototype._failFast = function () { if (this._hasFailed) { return; } this._hasFailed = true; // If after some amount of time all pending tasks haven't finished, // we force the process to end this._failFastTimeout = setTimeout(function () { this._nrFetching = Infinity; this._dissect(); }.bind(this), 20000); }; Manager.prototype._parseDependencies = function (decEndpoint, pkgMeta, jsonKey) { var pending = []; decEndpoint.dependencies = decEndpoint.dependencies || {}; // Parse package dependencies mout.object.forOwn(pkgMeta[jsonKey], function (value, key) { var resolved; var fetching; var compatible; var childDecEndpoint = endpointParser.json2decomposed(key, value); // Check if a compatible one is already resolved // If there's one, we don't need to resolve it twice resolved = this._resolved[key]; if (resolved) { // Find if there's one with the exact same target compatible = mout.array.find(resolved, function (resolved) { return ===; }, this); // If we found one, merge stuff instead of adding as resolved if (compatible) { decEndpoint.dependencies[key] = compatible; compatible.dependants.push(decEndpoint); compatible.dependants = this._uniquify(compatible.dependants); return; } // Find one that is compatible compatible = mout.array.find(resolved, function (resolved) { return this._areCompatible(childDecEndpoint, resolved); }, this); // If we found one, add as resolved // and copy resolved properties from the compatible one if (compatible) { decEndpoint.dependencies[key] = compatible; childDecEndpoint.canonicalDir = compatible.canonicalDir; childDecEndpoint.pkgMeta = compatible.pkgMeta; childDecEndpoint.dependencies = compatible.dependencies; childDecEndpoint.dependants = [decEndpoint]; this._resolved[key].push(childDecEndpoint); return; } } // Check if a compatible one is being fetched // If there's one, we wait and reuse it to avoid resolving it twice fetching = this._fetching[key]; if (fetching) { compatible = mout.array.find(fetching, function (fetching) { return this._areCompatible(childDecEndpoint, fetching); }, this); if (compatible) { pending.push(compatible.promise); return; } } // Mark endpoint as unresolvable if the parent is also unresolvable childDecEndpoint.unresolvable = !!decEndpoint.unresolvable; // Otherwise, just fetch it from the repository decEndpoint.dependencies[key] = childDecEndpoint; childDecEndpoint.dependants = [decEndpoint]; this._fetch(childDecEndpoint); }, this); if (pending.length > 0) { Q.all(pending) .then(function () { this._parseDependencies(decEndpoint, pkgMeta, jsonKey); }.bind(this)); } }; Manager.prototype._dissect = function () { var err; var componentsDir; var promise = Q.resolve(); var suitables = {}; var that = this; // If something failed, reject the whole resolve promise // with the first error if (this._hasFailed) { clearTimeout(this._failFastTimeout); // Cancel fail fast timeout err = mout.object.values(this._failed)[0][0]; this._deferred.reject(err); return; } // Find a suitable version for each package name mout.object.forOwn(this._resolved, function (decEndpoints, name) { var semvers; var nonSemvers; // Filter out non-semver ones semvers = decEndpoints.filter(function (decEndpoint) { return !!decEndpoint.pkgMeta.version; }); // Sort semver ones DESC semvers.sort(function (first, second) { var result = semver.rcompare(first.pkgMeta.version, second.pkgMeta.version); // If they are equal and one of them is a wildcard target, // give lower priority if (!result) { if ( === '*') { return 1; } if ( === '*') { return -1; } } return result; }); // Convert wildcard targets to semver range targets if they are newly // Note that this can only be made if they can be targetable // If they are not, the resolver is incapable of handling targets semvers.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { if (decEndpoint.newly && === '*' && !decEndpoint.untargetable) { = '~' + decEndpoint.pkgMeta.version; decEndpoint.originalTarget = '*'; } }); // Filter non-semver ones nonSemvers = decEndpoints.filter(function (decEndpoint) { return !decEndpoint.pkgMeta.version; }); promise = promise.then(function () { return that._electSuitable(name, semvers, nonSemvers) .then(function (suitable) { suitables[name] = suitable; }); }); }, this); // After a suitable version has been elected for every package promise .then(function () { // Look for extraneous resolutions mout.object.forOwn(this._resolutions, function (resolution, name) { if (this._conflicted[name]) { return; } this._logger.warn('extra-resolution', 'Unnecessary resolution: ' + name + '#' + resolution, { name: name, resolution: resolution, action: 'delete' }); }, this); // Filter only packages that need to be installed componentsDir = path.resolve(that._config.cwd,; this._dissected = mout.object.filter(suitables, function (decEndpoint, name) { var installedMeta = this._installed[name]; var dst; // Skip linked dependencies if (decEndpoint.linked) { return false; } // Skip if source is the same as dest dst = path.join(componentsDir, name); if (dst === decEndpoint.canonicalDir) { return false; } // Analyse a few props if (installedMeta && installedMeta._target === && installedMeta._originalSource === decEndpoint.source && installedMeta._release === decEndpoint.pkgMeta._release ) { return this._config.force; } return true; }, this); }.bind(this)) .then(this._deferred.resolve, this._deferred.reject); }; Manager.prototype._electSuitable = function (name, semvers, nonSemvers) { var suitable; var resolution; var unresolvable; var dataPicks; var save; var choices; var picks = []; // If there are both semver and non-semver, there's no way // to figure out the suitable one if (semvers.length && nonSemvers.length) { picks.push.apply(picks, semvers); picks.push.apply(picks, nonSemvers); // If there are only non-semver ones, the suitable is elected // only if there's one } else if (nonSemvers.length) { if (nonSemvers.length === 1) { return Q.resolve(nonSemvers[0]); } picks.push.apply(picks, nonSemvers); // If there are only semver ones, figure out which one is // compatible with every requirement } else { suitable = mout.array.find(semvers, function (subject) { return semvers.every(function (decEndpoint) { return subject === decEndpoint || semver.satisfies(subject.pkgMeta.version,; }); }); if (suitable) { return Q.resolve(suitable); } picks.push.apply(picks, semvers); } // At this point, there's a conflict this._conflicted[name] = true; // Prepare data to be sent bellow // 1 - Sort picks by version/release picks.sort(function (pick1, pick2) { var version1 = pick1.pkgMeta.version; var version2 = pick2.pkgMeta.version; var comp; // If both have versions, compare their versions using semver if (version1 && version2) { comp =, version2); if (comp) { return comp; } } else { // If one of them has a version, it's considered higher if (version1) { return 1; } if (version2) { return -1; } } // Give priority to the one with most dependants if (pick1.dependants.length > pick2.dependants.length) { return -1; } if (pick1.dependants.length < pick2.dependants.length) { return 1; } return 0; }); // 2 - Transform data dataPicks = (pick) { var dataPick = this.toData(pick); dataPick.dependants =, this); dataPick.dependants.sort(function (dependant1, dependant2) { return; }); return dataPick; }, this); // Check if there's a resolution that resolves the conflict // Note that if one of them is marked as unresolvable, // the resolution has no effect resolution = this._resolutions[name]; unresolvable = mout.object.find(picks, function (pick) { return pick.unresolvable; }); if (resolution && !unresolvable) { suitable = -1; // Range resolution if (semver.validRange(resolution)) { suitable = mout.array.findIndex(picks, function (pick) { return pick.pkgMeta.version && semver.satisfies(pick.pkgMeta.version, resolution); }); } // Exact match resolution (e.g. branches/tags) if (suitable === -1) { suitable = mout.array.findIndex(picks, function (pick) { return === resolution || pick.pkgMeta._release === resolution; }); } if (suitable === -1) { this._logger.warn('resolution', 'Unsuitable resolution declared for ' + name + ': ' + resolution, { name: name, picks: dataPicks, resolution: resolution }); } else { this._logger.conflict('solved', 'Unable to find suitable version for ' + name, { name: name, picks: dataPicks, resolution: resolution, suitable: dataPicks[suitable] }); return Q.resolve(picks[suitable]); } } // If force latest is enabled, resolve to the highest semver version // or whatever non-semver if none available if (this._forceLatest) { suitable = picks.length - 1; this._logger.conflict('solved', 'Unable to find suitable version for ' + name, { name: name, picks: dataPicks, suitable: dataPicks[suitable], forced: true }); // Save resolution this._storeResolution(picks[suitable]); return Q.resolve(picks[suitable]); } // If interactive is disabled, error out if (!this._config.interactive) { throw createError('Unable to find suitable version for ' + name, 'ECONFLICT', { name: name, picks: dataPicks }); } // At this point the user needs to make a decision this._logger.conflict('incompatible', 'Unable to find suitable version for ' + name, { name: name, picks: dataPicks }); choices = (pick, index) { return index + 1; }); return Q.nfcall(this._logger.prompt.bind(this._logger), { type: 'input', message: 'Answer:', validate: function (choice) { choice = Number(mout.string.trim(choice.trim(), '!')); if (!choice || choice < 1 || choice > picks.length) { return 'Invalid choice'; } return true; } }) .then(function (choice) { var pick; // Sanitize choice choice = choice.trim(); save = /^!/.test(choice) || /!$/.test(choice); // Save if prefixed or suffixed with ! choice = Number(mout.string.trim(choice, '!')); pick = picks[choice - 1]; // Save resolution if (save) { this._storeResolution(pick); } return pick; }.bind(this)); }; Manager.prototype._storeResolution = function (pick) { var resolution; var name =; if ( === '*') { resolution = pick.pkgMeta._release || '*'; } else { resolution =; }'resolution', 'Saved ' + name + '#' + resolution + ' as resolution', { name: name, resolution: resolution, action: this._resolutions[name] ? 'edit' : 'add' }); this._resolutions[name] = resolution; }; /** * Checks if some endpoint is compatible with already resolved target. * * It is used in two situations: * * checks if resolved component matches dependency constraint * * checks if not resolved component matches alredy fetched component * * If candidate matches already resolved component, it won't be downloaded. * * @param {Endpoint} candidate endpoint * @param {Endpoint} resolved endpoint * * @return {Boolean} */ Manager.prototype._areCompatible = function (candidate, resolved) { var resolvedVersion; var highestCandidate; var highestResolved; var candidateIsRange = semver.validRange(; var resolvedIsRange = semver.validRange(; var candidateIsVersion = semver.valid(; var resolvedIsVersion = semver.valid(; // Check if targets are equal if ( === { return true; } resolvedVersion = resolved.pkgMeta && resolved.pkgMeta.version; // If there is no pkgMeta, resolvedVersion is downloading now // Check based on target requirements if (!resolvedVersion) { // If one of the targets is range and other is version, // check version against the range if (candidateIsVersion && resolvedIsRange) { return semver.satisfies(,; } if (resolvedIsVersion && candidateIsRange) { return semver.satisfies(,; } if (resolvedIsVersion && candidateIsVersion) { return semver.eq(,; } // If both targets are range, check that both have same // higher cap if (resolvedIsRange && candidateIsRange) { highestCandidate = this._getCap(semver.toComparators(, 'highest'); highestResolved = this._getCap(semver.toComparators(, 'highest'); // This never happens, but you can't be sure without tests if (!highestResolved.version || !highestCandidate.version) { return false; } return semver.eq(highestCandidate.version, highestResolved.version) && highestCandidate.comparator === highestResolved.comparator; } return false; } // If target is a version, compare against the resolved version if (candidateIsVersion) { return semver.eq(, resolvedVersion); } // If target is a range, check if resolved version satisfies it if (candidateIsRange) { return semver.satisfies(resolvedVersion,; } return false; }; /** * Gets highest/lowest version from set of comparators. * * The only thing that matters for this function is version number. * Returned comparator is splitted to comparator and version parts. * * It is used to receive lowest / highest bound of toComparators result: * semver.toComparators('~0.1.1') // => [ [ '>=0.1.1-0', '<0.2.0-0' ] ] * * Examples: * * _getCap([['>=2.1.1-0', '<2.2.0-0'], '<3.2.0'], 'highest') * // => { comparator: '<', version: '3.2.0' } * * _getCap([['>=2.1.1-0', '<2.2.0-0'], '<3.2.0'], 'lowest') * // => { comparator: '>=', version: '2.1.1-0' } * * @param {Array.} comparators * @param {string} side, 'highest' (default) or 'lowest' * * @return {{ comparator: string, version: string }} */ Manager.prototype._getCap = function (comparators, side) { var matches; var candidate; var cap = {}; var compare = side === 'lowest' ? :; comparators.forEach(function (comparator) { // Get version of this comparator // If it's an array, call recursively if (Array.isArray(comparator)) { candidate = this._getCap(comparator, side); // Compare with the current highest version if (!cap.version || compare(candidate.version, cap.version)) { cap = candidate; } // Otherwise extract the version from the comparator // using a simple regexp } else { matches = comparator.match(/(.*?)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*)$/); if (!matches) { return; } // Compare with the current highest version if (!cap.version || compare(matches[2], cap.version)) { cap.version = matches[2]; cap.comparator = matches[1]; } } }, this); return cap; }; /** * Filters out unique endpoints, comparing by name and then source. * * It leaves last matching endpoint. * * Examples: * * manager._uniquify([ * { name: 'foo', source: '' }, * { name: 'foo', source: '' } * ]); * // => { name: 'foo', source: '' } * * @param {Array.} decEndpoints * @return {Array.} Filtered elements of decEndpoints * */ Manager.prototype._uniquify = function (decEndpoints) { var length = decEndpoints.length; return decEndpoints.filter(function (decEndpoint, index) { var x; var current; for (x = index + 1; x < length; ++x) { current = decEndpoints[x]; if (current === decEndpoint) { return false; } // Compare name if both set // Fallback to compare sources if (! && ! { if (current.source !== decEndpoint.source) { continue; } } else if ( !== { continue; } // Compare targets if name/sources are equal if ( === { return false; } } return true; }); }; module.exports = Manager;