var path = require('path'); var bower = require('../../lib/index.js'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var fs = require('fs'); var expect = require('expect.js'); var scripts = require('../../lib/core/scripts.js'); describe('scripts', function () { var tempDir = path.join(__dirname, '../tmp/temp-scripts'); var packageName = 'package-zip'; var packageDir = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/' + packageName + '.zip'); var config = { cwd: tempDir, scripts: { preinstall: 'touch preinstall_%', postinstall: 'touch postinstall_%', preuninstall: 'touch preuninstall_%' } }; before(function (next) { mkdirp(tempDir, next); }); after(function (next) { rimraf(tempDir, next); }); it('should run preinstall and postinstall hooks.', function (next) { bower.commands .install([packageDir], undefined, config) .on('end', function (installed) { expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(tempDir, 'preinstall_' + packageName))); expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(tempDir, 'postinstall_' + packageName))); next(); }); }); it('should run preuninstall hook.', function (next) { bower.commands .uninstall([packageName], undefined, config) .on('end', function (installed) { expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(tempDir, 'preuninstall_' + packageName))); next(); }); }); it('should not break anything when no hooks configured.', function (next) { bower.commands .uninstall([packageName], undefined, { cwd: tempDir }) .on('end', function (installed) { //no exception then we're good next(); }); }); it('should reorder packages by dependencies, while trying to maintain order from bower.json, correctly.', function () { var mockAngularUI = { dependencies: { 'angular': '*' }}; var mockJQuery = { dependencies: { }}; var mockAngular = { dependencies: { 'jquery': '*' }}; var mockMoment = { dependencies: { }}; var mockSelect2 = { dependencies: { 'jquery': '*' }}; var mockBadPackage = { dependencies: { 'something-not-installed': '*' }}; var packages = { 'select2': mockSelect2, 'angular-ui': mockAngularUI, 'jquery': mockJQuery, 'bad-package': mockBadPackage, 'angular': mockAngular, 'moment': mockMoment }; var installed = []; var mockBowerJson = { dependencies: { 'jquery': '*', 'select2': '*', 'angular-ui': '*', 'angular': '*', 'moment': '*' } }; var ordered = scripts._orderByDependencies(packages, installed, mockBowerJson); expect(ordered).to.eql(['jquery', 'select2', 'angular', 'angular-ui', 'moment', 'bad-package']); }); it('should process scripts with quotes and vars in the cmd properly.', function (next) { config.scripts.preinstall = 'touch "$BOWER_PID %"'; bower.commands .install([packageDir], undefined, config) .on('end', function (installed) { expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(tempDir, + ' ' + packageName))); next(); }); }); });