/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @constructor * @implements {WebInspector.ProjectDelegate} * @extends {WebInspector.Object} * @param {WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystem} isolatedFileSystem * @param {WebInspector.Workspace} workspace */ WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate = function(isolatedFileSystem, workspace) { this._fileSystem = isolatedFileSystem; this._normalizedFileSystemPath = this._fileSystem.path(); if (WebInspector.isWin()) this._normalizedFileSystemPath = this._normalizedFileSystemPath.replace(/\\/g, "/"); this._fileSystemURL = "file://" + this._normalizedFileSystemPath + "/"; this._workspace = workspace; /** @type {Object.)>} */ this._searchCallbacks = {}; /** @type {Object.} */ this._indexingCallbacks = {}; /** @type {Object.} */ this._indexingProgresses = {}; } WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._scriptExtensions = ["js", "java", "coffee", "ts", "dart"].keySet(); WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._styleSheetExtensions = ["css", "scss", "sass", "less"].keySet(); WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._documentExtensions = ["htm", "html", "asp", "aspx", "phtml", "jsp"].keySet(); WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.projectId = function(fileSystemPath) { return "filesystem:" + fileSystemPath; } WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._lastRequestId = 0; WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.prototype = { /** * @return {string} */ id: function() { return WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.projectId(this._fileSystem.path()); }, /** * @return {string} */ type: function() { return WebInspector.projectTypes.FileSystem; }, /** * @return {string} */ fileSystemPath: function() { return this._fileSystem.path(); }, /** * @return {string} */ displayName: function() { return this._normalizedFileSystemPath.substr(this._normalizedFileSystemPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); }, /** * @param {string} path * @return {string} */ _filePathForPath: function(path) { return "/" + path; }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {function(?string,boolean,string)} callback */ requestFileContent: function(path, callback) { var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.requestFileContent(filePath, innerCallback.bind(this)); /** * @param {?string} content */ function innerCallback(content) { var extension = this._extensionForPath(path); var mimeType = WebInspector.ResourceType.mimeTypesForExtensions[extension]; callback(content, false, mimeType); } }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {function(?Date, ?number)} callback */ requestMetadata: function(path, callback) { var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.requestMetadata(filePath, callback); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ canSetFileContent: function() { return true; }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {string} newContent * @param {function(?string)} callback */ setFileContent: function(path, newContent, callback) { var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.setFileContent(filePath, newContent, callback.bind(this, "")); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ canRename: function() { return true; }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {string} newName * @param {function(boolean, string=)} callback */ rename: function(path, newName, callback) { var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.renameFile(filePath, newName, callback); }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {string} query * @param {boolean} caseSensitive * @param {boolean} isRegex * @param {function(Array.)} callback */ searchInFileContent: function(path, query, caseSensitive, isRegex, callback) { var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.requestFileContent(filePath, contentCallback.bind(this)); /** * @param {?string} content */ function contentCallback(content) { var result = []; if (content !== null) result = WebInspector.ContentProvider.performSearchInContent(content, query, caseSensitive, isRegex); callback(result); } }, /** * @param {string} query * @param {boolean} caseSensitive * @param {boolean} isRegex * @param {WebInspector.Progress} progress * @param {function(StringMap)} callback */ searchInContent: function(query, caseSensitive, isRegex, progress, callback) { var requestId = ++WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._lastRequestId; this._searchCallbacks[requestId] = innerCallback.bind(this); InspectorFrontendHost.searchInPath(requestId, this._fileSystem.path(), isRegex ? "" : query); function innerCallback(files) { function trimAndNormalizeFileSystemPath(fullPath) { var trimmedPath = fullPath.substr(this._fileSystem.path().length + 1); if (WebInspector.isWin()) trimmedPath = trimmedPath.replace(/\\/g, "/"); return trimmedPath; } files = files.map(trimAndNormalizeFileSystemPath.bind(this)); var result = new StringMap(); progress.setTotalWork(files.length); if (files.length === 0) { progress.done(); callback(result); return; } var fileIndex = 0; var maxFileContentRequests = 20; var callbacksLeft = 0; function searchInNextFiles() { for (; callbacksLeft < maxFileContentRequests; ++callbacksLeft) { if (fileIndex >= files.length) break; var path = files[fileIndex++]; var filePath = this._filePathForPath(path); this._fileSystem.requestFileContent(filePath, contentCallback.bind(this, path)); } } searchInNextFiles.call(this); /** * @param {string} path * @param {?string} content */ function contentCallback(path, content) { var matches = []; if (content !== null) matches = WebInspector.ContentProvider.performSearchInContent(content, query, caseSensitive, isRegex); result.put(path, matches); progress.worked(1); --callbacksLeft; if (fileIndex < files.length) { searchInNextFiles.call(this); } else { if (callbacksLeft) return; progress.done(); callback(result); } } } }, /** * @param {number} requestId * @param {Array.} files */ searchCompleted: function(requestId, files) { if (!this._searchCallbacks[requestId]) return; var callback = this._searchCallbacks[requestId]; delete this._searchCallbacks[requestId]; callback(files); }, /** * @param {WebInspector.Progress} progress * @param {function()} callback */ indexContent: function(progress, callback) { var requestId = ++WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._lastRequestId; this._indexingCallbacks[requestId] = callback; this._indexingProgresses[requestId] = progress; progress.setTotalWork(1); progress.addEventListener(WebInspector.Progress.Events.Canceled, this._indexingCanceled.bind(this, requestId)); InspectorFrontendHost.indexPath(requestId, this._fileSystem.path()); }, /** * @param {number} requestId */ _indexingCanceled: function(requestId) { if (!this._indexingProgresses[requestId]) return; InspectorFrontendHost.stopIndexing(requestId); delete this._indexingProgresses[requestId]; delete this._indexingCallbacks[requestId]; }, /** * @param {number} requestId * @param {number} totalWork */ indexingTotalWorkCalculated: function(requestId, totalWork) { if (!this._indexingProgresses[requestId]) return; var progress = this._indexingProgresses[requestId]; progress.setTotalWork(totalWork); }, /** * @param {number} requestId * @param {number} worked */ indexingWorked: function(requestId, worked) { if (!this._indexingProgresses[requestId]) return; var progress = this._indexingProgresses[requestId]; progress.worked(worked); }, /** * @param {number} requestId */ indexingDone: function(requestId) { if (!this._indexingProgresses[requestId]) return; var progress = this._indexingProgresses[requestId]; var callback = this._indexingCallbacks[requestId]; delete this._indexingProgresses[requestId]; delete this._indexingCallbacks[requestId]; progress.done(); callback.call(); }, /** * @param {string} path * @return {string} */ _extensionForPath: function(path) { var extensionIndex = path.lastIndexOf("."); if (extensionIndex === -1) return ""; return path.substring(extensionIndex + 1).toLowerCase(); }, /** * @param {string} extension * @return {WebInspector.ResourceType} */ _contentTypeForExtension: function(extension) { if (WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._scriptExtensions[extension]) return WebInspector.resourceTypes.Script; if (WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._styleSheetExtensions[extension]) return WebInspector.resourceTypes.Stylesheet; if (WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate._documentExtensions[extension]) return WebInspector.resourceTypes.Document; return WebInspector.resourceTypes.Other; }, populate: function() { this._fileSystem.requestFilesRecursive("", this._addFile.bind(this)); }, /** * @param {string} path */ refresh: function(path) { this._fileSystem.requestFilesRecursive(path, this._addFile.bind(this)); }, /** * @param {string} path */ excludeFolder: function(path) { WebInspector.isolatedFileSystemManager.mapping().addExcludedFolder(this._fileSystem.path(), path); }, /** * @param {string} path * @param {?string} name * @param {function(?string)} callback */ createFile: function(path, name, callback) { this._fileSystem.createFile(path, name, innerCallback.bind(this)); function innerCallback(filePath) { this._addFile(filePath); callback(filePath); } }, /** * @param {string} path */ deleteFile: function(path) { this._fileSystem.deleteFile(path); this._removeFile(path); }, remove: function() { WebInspector.isolatedFileSystemManager.removeFileSystem(this._fileSystem.path()); }, /** * @param {string} filePath */ _addFile: function(filePath) { if (!filePath) console.assert(false); var slash = filePath.lastIndexOf("/"); var parentPath = filePath.substring(0, slash); var name = filePath.substring(slash + 1); var url = this._workspace.urlForPath(this._fileSystem.path(), filePath); var extension = this._extensionForPath(name); var contentType = this._contentTypeForExtension(extension); var fileDescriptor = new WebInspector.FileDescriptor(parentPath, name, this._fileSystemURL + filePath, url, contentType, true); this.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.ProjectDelegate.Events.FileAdded, fileDescriptor); }, /** * @param {string} path */ _removeFile: function(path) { this.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.ProjectDelegate.Events.FileRemoved, path); }, reset: function() { this.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.ProjectDelegate.Events.Reset, null); }, __proto__: WebInspector.Object.prototype } /** * @type {?WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate} */ WebInspector.fileSystemProjectDelegate = null; /** * @constructor * @param {WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystemManager} isolatedFileSystemManager * @param {WebInspector.Workspace} workspace */ WebInspector.FileSystemWorkspaceProvider = function(isolatedFileSystemManager, workspace) { this._isolatedFileSystemManager = isolatedFileSystemManager; this._workspace = workspace; this._isolatedFileSystemManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystemManager.Events.FileSystemAdded, this._fileSystemAdded, this); this._isolatedFileSystemManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystemManager.Events.FileSystemRemoved, this._fileSystemRemoved, this); this._projectDelegates = {}; } WebInspector.FileSystemWorkspaceProvider.prototype = { /** * @param {WebInspector.Event} event */ _fileSystemAdded: function(event) { var fileSystem = /** @type {WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystem} */ (event.data); var projectId = WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.projectId(fileSystem.path()); var projectDelegate = new WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate(fileSystem, this._workspace) this._projectDelegates[projectDelegate.id()] = projectDelegate; console.assert(!this._workspace.project(projectDelegate.id())); this._workspace.addProject(projectDelegate); projectDelegate.populate(); }, /** * @param {WebInspector.Event} event */ _fileSystemRemoved: function(event) { var fileSystem = /** @type {WebInspector.IsolatedFileSystem} */ (event.data); var projectId = WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.projectId(fileSystem.path()); this._workspace.removeProject(projectId); delete this._projectDelegates[projectId]; }, /** * @param {WebInspector.UISourceCode} uiSourceCode */ fileSystemPath: function(uiSourceCode) { var projectDelegate = this._projectDelegates[uiSourceCode.project().id()]; return projectDelegate.fileSystemPath(); }, /** * @param {WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate} fileSystemPath */ delegate: function(fileSystemPath) { var projectId = WebInspector.FileSystemProjectDelegate.projectId(fileSystemPath); return this._projectDelegates[projectId]; } } /** * @type {?WebInspector.FileSystemWorkspaceProvider} */ WebInspector.fileSystemWorkspaceProvider = null;