/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @constructor * @extends {WebInspector.View} * @implements {WebInspector.DOMNodeHighlighter} */ WebInspector.ScreencastView = function() { WebInspector.View.call(this); this.registerRequiredCSS("screencastView.css"); this.element.addStyleClass("fill"); this.element.addStyleClass("screencast"); this._viewportElement = this.element.createChild("div", "screencast-viewport hidden"); this._canvasElement = this._viewportElement.createChild("canvas"); this._canvasElement.tabIndex = 1; this._canvasElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._handleMouseEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMouseEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("mousewheel", this._handleMouseEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("click", this._handleMouseEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._handleContextMenuEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeyEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("keyup", this._handleKeyEvent.bind(this), false); this._canvasElement.addEventListener("keypress", this._handleKeyEvent.bind(this), false); this._titleElement = this._viewportElement.createChild("div", "screencast-element-title monospace hidden"); this._tagNameElement = this._titleElement.createChild("span", "screencast-tag-name"); this._nodeIdElement = this._titleElement.createChild("span", "screencast-node-id"); this._classNameElement = this._titleElement.createChild("span", "screencast-class-name"); this._titleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this._nodeWidthElement = this._titleElement.createChild("span"); this._titleElement.createChild("span", "screencast-px").textContent = "px"; this._titleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" \u00D7 ")); this._nodeHeightElement = this._titleElement.createChild("span"); this._titleElement.createChild("span", "screencast-px").textContent = "px"; this._imageElement = new Image(); this._isCasting = false; this._context = this._canvasElement.getContext("2d"); this._checkerboardPattern = this._createCheckerboardPattern(this._context); WebInspector.resourceTreeModel.addEventListener(WebInspector.ResourceTreeModel.EventTypes.ScreencastFrame, this._screencastFrame, this); } WebInspector.ScreencastView._bordersSize = 40; WebInspector.ScreencastView.prototype = { wasShown: function() { this._startCasting(); }, willHide: function() { this._stopCasting(); }, _startCasting: function() { if (this._isCasting) return; this._isCasting = true; const maxImageDimension = 800; var dimensions = this._viewportDimensions(); if (dimensions.width < 0 || dimensions.height < 0) { this._isCasting = false; return; } PageAgent.startScreencast("jpeg", 80, Math.min(maxImageDimension, dimensions.width), Math.min(maxImageDimension, dimensions.height)); WebInspector.domAgent.setHighlighter(this); }, _stopCasting: function() { if (!this._isCasting) return; this._isCasting = false; PageAgent.stopScreencast(); WebInspector.domAgent.setHighlighter(null); }, /** * @param {WebInspector.Event} event */ _screencastFrame: function(event) { var base64Data = /** type {string} */(event.data.data); this._imageElement.src = "data:image/jpg;base64," + base64Data; this._deviceScaleFactor = /** type {number} */(event.data.deviceScaleFactor); this._pageScaleFactor = /** type {number} */(event.data.pageScaleFactor); this._viewport = /** type {DOMAgent.Rect} */(event.data.viewport); if (!this._viewport) return; var offsetTop = /** type {number} */(event.data.offsetTop) || 0; var offsetBottom = /** type {number} */(event.data.offsetBottom) || 0; var screenWidthDIP = this._viewport.width * this._pageScaleFactor; var screenHeightDIP = this._viewport.height * this._pageScaleFactor + offsetTop + offsetBottom; this._screenOffsetTop = offsetTop; this._resizeViewport(screenWidthDIP, screenHeightDIP); this._imageZoom = this._imageElement.naturalWidth ? this._canvasElement.offsetWidth / this._imageElement.naturalWidth : 1; this.highlightDOMNode(this._highlightNodeId, this._highlightConfig); }, /** * @param {number} screenWidthDIP * @param {number} screenHeightDIP */ _resizeViewport: function(screenWidthDIP, screenHeightDIP) { var dimensions = this._viewportDimensions(); this._screenZoom = Math.min(dimensions.width / screenWidthDIP, dimensions.height / screenHeightDIP); var bordersSize = WebInspector.ScreencastView._bordersSize; this._viewportElement.removeStyleClass("hidden"); this._viewportElement.style.width = screenWidthDIP * this._screenZoom + bordersSize + "px"; this._viewportElement.style.height = screenHeightDIP * this._screenZoom + bordersSize + "px"; }, /** * @param {Event} event */ _handleMouseEvent: function(event) { if (!this._viewport) return; if (!this._inspectModeConfig || event.type === "mousewheel") { this._simulateTouchGestureForMouseEvent(event); return; } var position = this._convertIntoScreenSpace(event); DOMAgent.getNodeForLocation(position.x / this._pageScaleFactor, position.y / this._pageScaleFactor, callback.bind(this)); /** * @param {?Protocol.Error} error * @param {number} nodeId */ function callback(error, nodeId) { if (error) return; if (event.type === "mousemove") this.highlightDOMNode(nodeId, this._inspectModeConfig); else if (event.type === "click") WebInspector.domAgent.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.DOMAgent.Events.InspectNodeRequested, nodeId); } }, /** * @param {Event} event */ _handleKeyEvent: function(event) { var type; switch (event.type) { case "keydown": type = "keyDown"; break; case "keyup": type = "keyUp"; break; case "keypress": type = "char"; break; default: return; } var text = event.type === "keypress" ? String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) : undefined; InputAgent.dispatchKeyEvent(type, this._modifiersForEvent(event), event.timeStamp / 1000, text, text ? text.toLowerCase() : undefined, event.keyIdentifier, event.keyCode /* windowsVirtualKeyCode */, event.keyCode /* nativeVirtualKeyCode */, undefined /* macCharCode */, false, false, false); event.consume(); this._canvasElement.focus(); }, /** * @param {Event} event */ _handleContextMenuEvent: function(event) { event.consume(true); }, /** * @param {Event} event */ _simulateTouchGestureForMouseEvent: function(event) { var position = this._convertIntoScreenSpace(event); var timeStamp = event.timeStamp / 1000; var x = position.x; var y = position.y; switch (event.which) { case 1: // Left if (event.type === "mousedown") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollBegin", x, y, timeStamp); } else if (event.type === "mousemove") { var dx = this._lastScrollPosition ? position.x - this._lastScrollPosition.x : 0; var dy = this._lastScrollPosition ? position.y - this._lastScrollPosition.y : 0; if (dx || dy) InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollUpdate", x, y, timeStamp, dx, dy); } else if (event.type === "mouseup") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollEnd", x, y, timeStamp); } else if (event.type === "mousewheel") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollBegin", x, y, timeStamp); InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollUpdate", x, y, timeStamp, event.wheelDeltaX, event.wheelDeltaY); InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("scrollEnd", x, y, timeStamp); } else if (event.type === "click") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("tapDown", x, y, timeStamp); InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("tap", x, y, timeStamp); } this._lastScrollPosition = position; break; case 2: // Middle if (event.type === "mousedown") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("tapDown", x, y, timeStamp); } else if (event.type === "mouseup") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("tap", x, y, timeStamp); } break; case 3: // Right if (event.type === "mousedown") { this._pinchStart = position; InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("pinchBegin", x, y, timeStamp); } else if (event.type === "mousemove") { var dx = this._pinchStart ? position.x - this._pinchStart.x : 0; var dy = this._pinchStart ? position.y - this._pinchStart.y : 0; if (dx || dy) { var scale = Math.pow(dy < 0 ? 0.999 : 1.001, Math.abs(dy)); InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("pinchUpdate", this._pinchStart.x, this._pinchStart.y, timeStamp, 0, 0, scale); } } else if (event.type === "mouseup") { InputAgent.dispatchGestureEvent("pinchEnd", x, y, timeStamp); } break; case 0: // None default: } }, /** * @param {Event} event * @return {{x: number, y: number}} */ _convertIntoScreenSpace: function(event) { var zoom = this._canvasElement.offsetWidth / this._viewport.width / this._pageScaleFactor; var position = {}; position.x = Math.round(event.offsetX / zoom); position.y = Math.round(event.offsetY / zoom - this._screenOffsetTop); return position; }, /** * @param {Event} event * @return number */ _modifiersForEvent: function(event) { var modifiers = 0; if (event.altKey) modifiers = 1; if (event.ctrlKey) modifiers += 2; if (event.metaKey) modifiers += 4; if (event.shiftKey) modifiers += 8; return modifiers; }, onResize: function() { if (this._deferredCasting) { clearTimeout(this._deferredCasting); delete this._deferredCasting; } this._stopCasting(); this._deferredCasting = setTimeout(this._startCasting.bind(this), 100); }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.NodeId} nodeId * @param {?DOMAgent.HighlightConfig} config * @param {RuntimeAgent.RemoteObjectId=} objectId */ highlightDOMNode: function(nodeId, config, objectId) { this._highlightNodeId = nodeId; this._highlightConfig = config; if (!nodeId) { this._model = null; this._config = null; this._node = null; this._titleElement.addStyleClass("hidden"); this._repaint(); return; } this._node = WebInspector.domAgent.nodeForId(nodeId); DOMAgent.getBoxModel(nodeId, callback.bind(this)); /** * @param {?Protocol.Error} error * @param {DOMAgent.BoxModel} model */ function callback(error, model) { if (error) { this._repaint(); return; } this._model = this._scaleModel(model); this._config = config; this._repaint(); } }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.BoxModel} model * @return {DOMAgent.BoxModel} */ _scaleModel: function(model) { var scale = this._canvasElement.offsetWidth / this._viewport.width; /** * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad */ function scaleQuad(quad) { for (var i = 0; i < quad.length; i += 2) { quad[i] = (quad[i] - this._viewport.x) * scale; quad[i + 1] = (quad[i + 1] - this._viewport.y) * scale + this._screenOffsetTop * this._screenZoom; } } scaleQuad.call(this, model.content); scaleQuad.call(this, model.padding); scaleQuad.call(this, model.border); scaleQuad.call(this, model.margin); return model; }, _repaint: function() { var model = this._model; var config = this._config; this._canvasElement.width = window.devicePixelRatio * this._canvasElement.offsetWidth; this._canvasElement.height = window.devicePixelRatio * this._canvasElement.offsetHeight; this._context.save(); this._context.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio); // Paint top and bottom gutter. this._context.save(); this._context.fillStyle = this._checkerboardPattern; this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvasElement.offsetWidth, this._screenOffsetTop * this._screenZoom); this._context.fillRect(0, this._screenOffsetTop * this._screenZoom + this._imageElement.naturalHeight * this._imageZoom, this._canvasElement.offsetWidth, this._canvasElement.offsetHeight); this._context.restore(); if (model && config) { this._context.save(); const transparentColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; var hasContent = model.content && config.contentColor !== transparentColor; var hasPadding = model.padding && config.paddingColor !== transparentColor; var hasBorder = model.border && config.borderColor !== transparentColor; var hasMargin = model.margin && config.marginColor !== transparentColor; var clipQuad; if (hasMargin && (!hasBorder || !this._quadsAreEqual(model.margin, model.border))) { this._drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(model.margin, model.border, config.marginColor); clipQuad = model.border; } if (hasBorder && (!hasPadding || !this._quadsAreEqual(model.border, model.padding))) { this._drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(model.border, model.padding, config.borderColor); clipQuad = model.padding; } if (hasPadding && (!hasContent || !this._quadsAreEqual(model.padding, model.content))) { this._drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(model.padding, model.content, config.paddingColor); clipQuad = model.content; } if (hasContent) this._drawOutlinedQuad(model.content, config.contentColor); this._context.restore(); this._drawElementTitle(); this._context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"; } this._context.drawImage(this._imageElement, 0, this._screenOffsetTop * this._screenZoom, this._imageElement.naturalWidth * this._imageZoom, this._imageElement.naturalHeight * this._imageZoom); this._context.restore(); }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad1 * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad2 * @return {boolean} */ _quadsAreEqual: function(quad1, quad2) { for (var i = 0; i < quad1.length; ++i) { if (quad1[i] !== quad2[i]) return false; } return true; }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.RGBA} color * @return {string} */ _cssColor: function(color) { if (!color) return "transparent"; return WebInspector.Color.fromRGBA([color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a]).toString(WebInspector.Color.Format.RGBA) || ""; }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad * @return {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ _quadToPath: function(quad) { this._context.beginPath(); this._context.moveTo(quad[0], quad[1]); this._context.lineTo(quad[2], quad[3]); this._context.lineTo(quad[4], quad[5]); this._context.lineTo(quad[6], quad[7]); this._context.closePath(); return this._context; }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad * @param {DOMAgent.RGBA} fillColor */ _drawOutlinedQuad: function(quad, fillColor) { this._context.save(); this._context.lineWidth = 2; this._quadToPath(quad).clip(); this._context.fillStyle = this._cssColor(fillColor); this._context.fill(); this._context.restore(); }, /** * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} quad * @param {DOMAgent.Quad} clipQuad * @param {DOMAgent.RGBA} fillColor */ _drawOutlinedQuadWithClip: function (quad, clipQuad, fillColor) { this._context.fillStyle = this._cssColor(fillColor); this._context.save(); this._context.lineWidth = 0; this._quadToPath(quad).fill(); this._context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; this._context.fillStyle = "red"; this._quadToPath(clipQuad).fill(); this._context.restore(); }, _drawElementTitle: function() { if (!this._node) return; var canvasWidth = this._canvasElement.offsetWidth; var canvasHeight = this._canvasElement.offsetHeight; var lowerCaseName = this._node.localName() || this._node.nodeName().toLowerCase(); this._tagNameElement.textContent = lowerCaseName; this._nodeIdElement.textContent = this._node.getAttribute("id") ? "#" + this._node.getAttribute("id") : ""; this._nodeIdElement.textContent = this._node.getAttribute("id") ? "#" + this._node.getAttribute("id") : ""; var className = this._node.getAttribute("class"); if (className && className.length > 50) className = className.substring(0, 50) + "\u2026"; this._classNameElement.textContent = className || ""; this._nodeWidthElement.textContent = this._model.width; this._nodeHeightElement.textContent = this._model.height; var marginQuad = this._model.margin; var titleWidth = this._titleElement.offsetWidth + 6; var titleHeight = this._titleElement.offsetHeight + 4; var anchorTop = this._model.margin[1]; var anchorBottom = this._model.margin[7]; const arrowHeight = 7; var renderArrowUp = false; var renderArrowDown = false; var boxX = Math.max(2, this._model.margin[0]); if (boxX + titleWidth > canvasWidth) boxX = canvasWidth - titleWidth - 2; var boxY; if (anchorTop > canvasHeight) { boxY = canvasHeight - titleHeight - arrowHeight; renderArrowDown = true; } else if (anchorBottom < 0) { boxY = arrowHeight; renderArrowUp = true; } else if (anchorBottom + titleHeight + arrowHeight < canvasHeight) { boxY = anchorBottom + arrowHeight - 4; renderArrowUp = true; } else if (anchorTop - titleHeight - arrowHeight > 0) { boxY = anchorTop - titleHeight - arrowHeight + 3; renderArrowDown = true; } else boxY = arrowHeight; this._context.save(); this._context.translate(0.5, 0.5); this._context.beginPath(); this._context.moveTo(boxX, boxY); if (renderArrowUp) { this._context.lineTo(boxX + 2 * arrowHeight, boxY); this._context.lineTo(boxX + 3 * arrowHeight, boxY - arrowHeight); this._context.lineTo(boxX + 4 * arrowHeight, boxY); } this._context.lineTo(boxX + titleWidth, boxY); this._context.lineTo(boxX + titleWidth, boxY + titleHeight); if (renderArrowDown) { this._context.lineTo(boxX + 4 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight); this._context.lineTo(boxX + 3 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight + arrowHeight); this._context.lineTo(boxX + 2 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight); } this._context.lineTo(boxX, boxY + titleHeight); this._context.closePath(); this._context.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 194)"; this._context.fill(); this._context.strokeStyle = "rgb(128, 128, 128)"; this._context.stroke(); this._context.restore(); this._titleElement.removeStyleClass("hidden"); this._titleElement.style.top = (boxY + 3) + "px"; this._titleElement.style.left = (boxX + 3) + "px"; }, /** * @return {{width: number, height: number}} */ _viewportDimensions: function() { const gutterSize = 30; const bordersSize = WebInspector.ScreencastView._bordersSize; return { width: this.element.offsetWidth - bordersSize - gutterSize, height: this.element.offsetHeight - bordersSize - gutterSize }; }, /** * @param {boolean} enabled * @param {boolean} inspectShadowDOM * @param {DOMAgent.HighlightConfig} config * @param {function(?Protocol.Error)} callback */ setInspectModeEnabled: function(enabled, inspectShadowDOM, config, callback) { this._inspectModeConfig = enabled ? config : null; callback(null); }, /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context */ _createCheckerboardPattern: function(context) { var pattern = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */(document.createElement("canvas")); const size = 32; pattern.width = size * 2; pattern.height = size * 2; var pctx = pattern.getContext("2d"); pctx.fillStyle = "rgb(195, 195, 195)"; pctx.fillRect(0, 0, size * 2, size * 2); pctx.fillStyle = "rgb(225, 225, 225)"; pctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); pctx.fillRect(size, size, size, size); return context.createPattern(pattern, "repeat"); }, __proto__: WebInspector.View.prototype }