var events = require('events'), async = require('async'), debug = require('debug')('node-inspector:ScriptManager'), convert = require('./convert.js'); // see Blink inspector > ContentSearchUtils.cpp > findMagicComment() var SOURCE_MAP_URL_REGEX = /\/\/[@#][ \t]sourceMappingURL=[ \t]*([^\s'"]*)[ \t]*$/m; /** * @param {{hidden}} config * @param {FrontendClient} frontendClient * @param {DebuggerClient} debuggerClient * @constructor */ function ScriptManager(config, frontendClient, debuggerClient) { config = config || {}; var self = Object.create(ScriptManager.prototype, { _sources: { value: {}, writable: true }, _hidden: { value: config.hidden || [] }, _frontendClient: { value: frontendClient }, _debuggerClient: { value: debuggerClient } }); self._registerDebuggerEventHandlers(); return self; } ScriptManager.prototype = Object.create(events.EventEmitter.prototype, { mainAppScript: { value: null, writable: true }, _registerDebuggerEventHandlers: { value: function() { this._debuggerClient.on( 'afterCompile', this._onAfterCompile.bind(this) ); } }, _onAfterCompile: { value: function(event) { if (!event.script) { console.log( 'Unexpected error: debugger emitted afterCompile event' + 'with no script data.' ); return; } this.addScript(event.script); } }, _isNodeInternal: { value: function(scriptName) { // node.js internal scripts have no path, just a filename // regular scripts have always a full path // (i.e their name contains at least one path separator) var isFullPath = /[\/\\]/.test(scriptName); return !isFullPath; } }, _listAllSources: { value: function() { var self = this; return Object.keys(this._sources).map(function fnSelectValue(key) { return self._sources[key]; }); } }, isScriptHidden: { /** * @param {string} scriptPath. * @return {boolean} */ value: function(scriptPath) { return this._hidden.some(function fnHiddenScriptMatchesPath(r) { return r.test(scriptPath); }); } }, findScriptByID: { /** * @param {string} id script id. * @return {{hidden: boolean, path: string, url: string}} */ value: function(id) { return this._sources[id]; } }, addScript: { value: function(v8data) { var localPath =; var hidden = this.isScriptHidden(localPath) && localPath != this.mainAppScript; var inspectorScriptData = this._doAddScript(v8data, hidden); debug('addScript id: %s localPath: %s hidden? %s source? %s',, localPath, hidden, !!v8data.source); if (hidden || this._isNodeInternal(localPath)) {; } else { this._getSourceMapUrl(, v8data.source, function onGetSourceMapUrlReturn(err, sourceMapUrl) { if (err) { console.log( 'Warning: cannot parse SourceMap URL for script %s (id %d). %s', localPath,, err); } debug('sourceMapUrl for script %s:%s is %s',, localPath, sourceMapUrl); inspectorScriptData.sourceMapURL = sourceMapUrl;; }.bind(this) ); } function notifyFrontEnd() { if (hidden) return; this._frontendClient.sendEvent( 'Debugger.scriptParsed', inspectorScriptData ); } } }, _doAddScript: { value: function(v8data, hidden) { var inspectorUrl = convert.v8NameToInspectorUrl(; var inspectorScriptData = { scriptId: String(, url: inspectorUrl, startLine: v8data.lineOffset, startColumn: v8data.columnOffset /* Properties not set: endLine: undefined, endColumn: undefined, isContentScript: undefined, hasSourceURL: undefined, */ }; var item = { hidden: hidden, v8name:, url: inspectorUrl }; this._sources[inspectorScriptData.scriptId] = item; return inspectorScriptData; } }, _getSourceMapUrl: { value: function(scriptId, scriptSource, callback) { var getSource; if (scriptSource == null) { debug('_getSourceMapUrl(%s) - fetching source from V8', scriptId); getSource = this._debuggerClient.getScriptSourceById .bind(this._debuggerClient, scriptId); } else { debug('_getSourceMapUrl(%s) - using the suplied source', scriptId); getSource = function(cb) { cb(null, scriptSource); }; } async.waterfall( [ getSource, this._parseSourceMapUrlFromScriptSource.bind(this) ], callback ); } }, _parseSourceMapUrlFromScriptSource: { value: function(source, callback) { var match = SOURCE_MAP_URL_REGEX.exec(source); callback(null, match ? match[1] : undefined); } }, reset: { value: function() { this._sources = {}; } } }); exports.ScriptManager = ScriptManager;