{ "1": { "id": 1, "title": "Service service: really Angular?", "description": "Clarify the confusion between Service the term and `service` the Angular method, and to explain the 5 different service recipes in AngularJS", "icon": "question", "content": "Wonderland of love will compassionately feel an enlightened believer. A pictorial form of trust is the volume." }, "2": { "id": 2, "title": "Define service", "description": "Angular services are objects that are used to organize and share code across your app", "icon": "question", "content": "Punishment ho! endure to be raided. Yuck, yer not ransacking me without a punishment!" }, "3": { "id": 3, "title": "How do you create a service?", "description": "Steps for creating a service", "icon": "question", "content": "Place the truffels in a plastic bag, and toss thoroughly with large crême fraîche. Rub half a kilo of strudel in one container of blueberries sauce." } }