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3 Creating Elaborate DynamoDB tables

3.1 Storage consistency

DDB manages capacity

  • 1 WCU (Write Capacity Unit) = 1 write of <=1 kB op per second
    • write sizes are rounded up to 1kB: 1 w/sec of 500B counts as 1 WCU
  • 1 RCU (Read Capacity Unit) = 1 or 2 read of <=4 kB ops per second
    • read sizes are rounded up to 4kB: 1 r/sec of 500B counts as 1 RCU
    • 2 types of reads for 1 RCU:
    • eventually consistent: 2 read/sec
    • strongly consistent: 1 read/sec

DDB replicates all writes, and uses eventual consistency:

  • eventual consistency uses the most available replicate, and is good for
    • data that may be stale
    • apps that do not query soon after writing
  • strong consistency checks all replicas for the most recent update, and is food for
    • data that must be up-to-date
    • applications that have a pattern of reading after writing

eventual consistency

3.2 Calculating throughput capacity

  • DDB provides adjustement of WCU/RCU capacity with no downtime, by setting minimum and maximum RCU/WCU expected for a table
  • To calculate these, we need:
    • size of items in kB
    • quantity of items read/written per second to the table
    • required read consistency
  • Example: app reads 10 eventually consistent items/sec around 1kB each
    • Round up item size to next 4kB -> 4kB = 1 Read Unit (RU)
    • RU * rps: 1 * 10 = 10 RCU
    • eventual consistency: divide RCU by 2 -> 5 RCU
  • Example: app reads 10 strongly consistent items/sec around 14kB each
    • Round: 14kB -> 16kB = 4 RU
    • RU * rps: 4 * 10 = 40 RCU
    • strong consistency: don't divide -> 40 RCU
  • Example: app writes 10 items around (below) 7kB/second
    • Round up : 7 -> 7 WU
    • WU * rps: 7 * 10 = 70 WCU

3.3 Table autoscaling

  • Apps which exceed capacity will have additional request throttled as fails
  • We don't want to over-provision constantly because of the cost
  • In that case use on-demand autoscaling instead of provisioned autoscaling
Provisioned Autoscaling On-demande Autoscaling
Predictable traffic patterns Unpredictable traffic patterns
Pay for provisioned capacity Pay for amount of request
Cap performand and price Unlimited performance and price