# SQS Demo with Localstack ## Configuring the environment - install Docker - install Localstack. - On macOS: `brew install localstack` - install AWS CLI: see [AWS doc](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html) - validate Docker configuration - `localstack config validate` ## Running the demo - on one terminal tab: - start a local SQS instance - `docker compose up` - or `docker-compose up` on older Docker versions - you should be getting something like this: ``` Attaching to localstack_main localstack_main | Waiting for all LocalStack services to be ready localstack_main | 2023-01-04 06:36:28,138 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message. localstack_main | 2023-01-04 06:36:28,139 INFO supervisord started with pid 16 localstack_main | 2023-01-04 06:36:29,144 INFO spawned: 'infra' with pid 21 localstack_main | localstack_main | LocalStack version: 1.3.2.dev localstack_main | LocalStack Docker container id: 7ceddc18cd46 localstack_main | LocalStack build date: 2023-01-04 localstack_main | LocalStack build git hash: 8e5b4b09 localstack_main | localstack_main | 2023-01-04 06:36:30,256 INFO success: infra entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) localstack_main | Ready. localstack_main | 2023-01-04T06:36:30.138 WARN --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error : ASGI Framework Lifespan error, continuing without Lifespan support localstack_main | 2023-01-04T06:36:30.138 WARN --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error : ASGI Framework Lifespan error, continuing without Lifespan support localstack_main | 2023-01-04T06:36:30.140 INFO --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error : Running on (CTRL + C to quit) localstack_main | 2023-01-04T06:36:30.140 INFO --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error : Running on (CTRL + C to quit) ``` - on another terminal tab - create a queue: `make create-queue` - send a message: `make send` - list queues from Go and receive a message: `go run .` ## Cleaning up After use, remove the SQS data space: `make clean`